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Saturday 7 May 2011

Adele This, Adele That

Seriously, stop throwing Adele down my flippin' neck! There is such a thing as 'overplayed, overkilled', you know!!?

She is only what I can describe as...wait for it...mediocre. I can see this all going in the same direction as many 'pop' artists before her. People are amazed at the fact that there is a new singer in town who hasn't gone all electro on us (I'm talking to you here, BEP!) and has not got that generic voice that most other singers do - as well as not being a size 0. However, like many singers before her, one short break from 'work' and it could be all over. Duffy, anyone? ...Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Still, I should allow her that special 15 minutes of fame that everybody is entitled to. To support that, I will admit that I do like her song "Someone Like You" (not to be confused with the POP hit from Kings of Leon [sell outs]) as it does invoke an emotion from me. Even if it is one of sadness!

I fail to name any other song of hers. Has she done any? Concrete Pavements? That was one, wasn't it?

I heard somewhere recently that Beyoncé told Adele that "listening to you is like being spoken to by God". Are you sure you're not getting confused with Cliff Richard there, B?


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