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Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie

Roll on 19th August when Will, Jay, Simon and Neil hit the silver screen.

It's going to be epic! I'm not entirely sure what the plot is - as far as I know the boys go to Crete for a lads' holiday. Oh dear...

As much as I want to know what happens with Simon and Carli, I think I would prefer not to see that miserable mug of hers...especially on the movie screen where it's 10 x the size. I saw her last year, sat outside a pub - she's just as miserable in real life. Lordy only knows why as 1. Her Dad is Anthony Head, and 2. She gets to kiss Simon in the show. Two points why she should be happy. Ah well, I guess life has no rhyme or reason really.

Anyway, like I said...I'm looking forward to it turning up on the big screen in a few months' time as the show is a classic, and after the success of series 3 I have high expectations!

I heard that Simon Bird (Will) threatened to quit as he thought he deserved more money than the other three. If this is true I am appalled. Not at his audacity but because he thinks he is more important than the other three. Newsflash Birdy ... You're not! Everyone knows that Jay is the glue holding that show together.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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