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Sunday 15 May 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Finale

* * Spoilers Alert * *

The spoilers alert is primarily for the UK viewers and not necessarily the USA...

Good grief! What a way to conclude the second series.

What I love most is that nothing is concluded at all...

What the frickerdoodle is going on with Jeremy?? May I add that I created a devilishly dramatic gasp when he was shot dead by Caroline's mother. To some that was possibly quite predictable, but to me it was a huge shock.

I could handle Jenna kicking the bucket last week, but Jeremy dying would have been too much. However, I was pleased to see Anna back. I did quite like her character, but why the frick did they bring Vicky back?? She was hideously annoying the first time round. I can't imagine she has changed much since!

Of course Klaus was lying to Elijah about the whereabouts of his family. That was definitely a predictable one. I did manage to muster up an ounce of sympathy for the backstabber though - he trusted Klaus's word, something that he seemed to accept quite easily. Elena's honesty probably didn't help - her "word" was continuously abided to so no wonder poor Elijah trusted his brother. This time, we shall let his stupidity slide. The fact that that silver dagger has remained in his chest for a period of time previously, before being pulled out to see him brought back to life(?), convinces me that we have not seen the last of him yet...

Stefan? Back on the blood? Back to his bad side? Thank the Lordy for that! That wet lettuce needs to show us something interesting before I take a personal trip to Mystic Falls myself to sort him out. Let's just say I won't be leaving home without a few stakes in the boot/trunk of the car. (I may even pack some steaks too - hey, a girl's got to eat!). So, what will Elena say/do about her beloved bore? Apparently, according to Klausy, he had quite the rep for being a 'Ripper'. Worse than Damon too. Somehow, I still can't see that it makes him any less boring. I shall keep an open-mind, however...

Hurrah! Damon lives!! The chemistry between him and Elena never fails to draw a thick lump to the depths of my throat. She clearly loves him as much as she loves Stefan, but she just can't trust herself with that bad boy. (Who could?) It's just so electrifying. Thank Lordy for Klaus's blood, eh? It's a good job he wasn't eliminated in last week's episode like initially intended - does that mean Elijah is off the hook?

And, finally, Katherine was not trusted by Stefan at all when it came to taking the blood to Damon, was she? But she did. I'm slightly concerned that Katherine does not have a purpose anymore. What could they possibly do with her? Maybe they will focus more on the love triangle and she will get together with "bad" Stefan!?

After such an exciting season, I can only wait patiently and eagerly for Season 3. It can't come quick enough...

P.s. Is it just me or is Alaric getting hotter by the episode? **SIZZLE**

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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