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Wednesday 1 June 2011

What NOT to do in an Interview

Now, you can search high and low across the internet for tips on what to do in an interview. The usual being "always maintain eye contact", "keep your hands on your lap", "dress smartly" etc. These are all very good tips, but sometimes they are just too obvious.

What people need to know are the things that can happen in such intimidating situations but shouldn't.

Here, I am going to offer a few examples of my own experiences that should not have occurred, but did. Looking back, I know that I buckled under the pressure. However, I have learnt from my mistakes and I hope you do too.

Tip #1: Do not walk into a reception/agency/office that you are unfamiliar with and respond to the question "Can I help you?" with "I need some help from [company name]" - You will be greeted with nothing less than a mocking smirk, indicating that this stranger perceives you as a moron. This perception will not grant you a job at this company.

Tip #2: If you are lucky enough to receive a call from the company you have applied to for a job, when they ask "May I speak with [your name]?" do not respond with "This is She!" - You are not the Queen. Apparently referring to yourself as He/She is not acceptable for us mere commoners.

Tip #3: After detailing various points about yourself, such as employment history/hobbies/strengths etc, do not complete your sentence with "And that...is that!". Again, you may be perceived as a moron.

Tip #4: If you are applying for something slightly obscure, such as a position in a shop specialising in an uncommon hobby, do not refer to it, in a relatively sarcastic tone, as a "lost art". It will not be appreciated. No matter how comical it may seem in your head.

Tip #5: I would highly advise you not to suggest that one of your hobbies is singing. Unless you are auditioning for a role as a singing waitress, performing something a cappella during your interview may jeopardise any chance you have of getting the job. I don't think you need me to tell you that, once again, this could portray you as a moron.

So, there you have it. Five tips that should hold you in good stead for any future interviews.

Good Luck!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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