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Saturday 9 July 2011

If Facebook had rules...

As many of you know, Facebook does not have a rule book. However, if it did, here are the top ten:

#1 People are not allowed to 'like' their own statuses. Never. No exceptions.

#2 People can give the following reasons as to why they do not want to accept someone's friend request:
A. I don't care if you are related to my boyfriend's mom's friend's son's girlfriend... I still don't know you;
B. You are an ex, the only reason I would accept you as a friend is so I can flaunt my new relationship and my successes for your benefit, but I'm above all that so I'll avoid the opportunity;
C. You're my ex's girlfriend, it would just be awkward;
D. You're my boyfriend's ex. It would just be weird;
E. I already have a huge list of "friends" that I don't talk to, you'll only make it longer;
F. You're a bitch.

#3 Any attention seeking pessimists who talk daily about their woeful lives through their statuses will receive an immediate lifetime ban. Their half empty glass should not be the world's problem.

#4 "Some people really need to get a life" - If this comment, or something similar, is used then the person being talked about must be named. It saves the hassle of the curious having to work for the information.

#5 If the above status is questioned by a sympathetic 'friend', and is then answered with "Inbox me", the person shall be banned. They will gain more of that desired attention if they follow through with airing their dirty laundry publicly.

#6 "Fake" marriages and engagements result in an instant ban. People should not waste a 'congratulations' on something that isn't real.

#7 'Re-post' statuses are unacceptable. "Please put this as your status if you have a best friend and have been affected by mosquitoes".

#8 Parents are limited to four statuses a day regarding their babies. People are happy for them but hearing about their sleeping pattern each day gets a little tedious.

#9 A dislike button.

#10 Parents (particularly those above the age of 50) are banned. It's social suicide for them and their kids!

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