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Loula Love xxx


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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Stroppy Jack Russell

Good grief - who's ever seen a dog in such a bad mood?

Zeus was having a strop today due to his chewy shoe (one of those weird little chews in the form of a shoe) being taken off him.

Initially, I gave him the chewy shoe and he went straight outside, to the top of the garden, and buried it.

Then, when he caught me peering into the bush to see if it was visible within the soil, he dug it back out and went to another part of the garden to bury it.

When he saw my mom was within a distance of seeing where it had been buried, he then dug it back up and took it inside.

When my dad went near him, he lost his temper and went to bite him (Zeus, not my dad).

The chewy shoe was taken off him, resulting in his bad mood.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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