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Thursday 22 September 2011

Glee - Season 3

 *** Spoilers Alert ***

HOO-ray!  Glee is back for its third season; So, how did its first episode shape up?

It was great to see the old favourites back in the limelight: Rachel, Finn, Puck, Kurt, Mercedes, etc.

But, I do ask...how long will they be the main attraction for before they are cast into the shadows of visiting celebrities?

For the time being, we must revel in their presence!  And what better way to do this than being treated to a variety of foot-tapping, finger-drumming songs?

Kurt and Rachel's duet of "Ding Dong!  The Witch is Dead!" was a personal highlight.  Their passion for music oozes out of them.  It's truly mesmerising.  I know, I know, it was on the cusp of being very similar to their version of Wicked's "For Good" but, to be honest, throw these two into a mix of witch-based songs and I'm genuinely happy.  "Defying Gravity" anyone?

Sue?  Ah, Sue!  The only ruthless acid-tongued woman we all have a soft spot for.  It's great to see her back to her old self (hating Glee club) and running for Congress (to eradicate the Glee club) is wonderfully entertaining.  However, her torment of the Glee club, and rightfully of Will Schuester, is forever being regurgitated.  I'm concerned that it will run sour...it's already pungently curdling!

On the other hand, I'm very pleased to see Santana (and Britney) back on the Cheerios team, but as for Quinn and her new look?  I absolutely love it!  No one else could rock a pink bob and grungy clothes more so than the beautiful Diana Agron!  She's the girl we should all hate, but her inner-fragility makes it impossible.

Although quite skeptical, I'm actually quite excited about what Season 3 will bring.

The things that I am looking forward to the most, after being given a little taster from the premiere of the show's latest season, are:
  • Sugar Motta (Vanessa Lengies) - her confidence was reminiscent of Summer from Season 2; her singing ability was not.
  • Coach Bieste
  • Harmony (Lindsay Pearce) - the New York College arts hopeful who has an absolutely amazing voice - the whole mash-up of "Anything Goes" and "Anything You Can Do" was jaw-dropping
Things I am not looking forward to:
  • Butt Chin
  • Holly Holliday
Get your hairbrushes out, people!  Glee is BACK!

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