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Loula Love xxx


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Monday 24 October 2011

A cheeky visitor...

Look who stopped by for lunch...

After a little bit of research (with the help of some impressive knowledge from my dad) I discovered that this bird is a Sparrowhawk!

He just landed in our garden on Thursday; munching down, what I believe to be, a pigeon.

He was there for a good twenty minutes - and when he left, my dad went out to clear up his mess but there was nothing, and I mean NOTHING, left! Just a pile of feathers (which does kind of contradict what I said about there being nothing there...but I'll let it go) - bones had been demolished. No idea where he put those - we saw him swallow one whole at one point.

This was certainly something we've never seen before, especially in our garden.

It's amazing how nature can just catch your attention, out of the blue...

The garden was deadly quiet afterwards - it took a while for the more common birds to feel safe again!

Apologies for the hazy pictures - the camera on the iPhone 3GS is not the best to take pictures with!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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