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Thursday 28 April 2011

Twilight vs. The Vamp Diaries

After coming across my New Moon DVD earlier I decided to post a blog centred around the contrasts and comparisons between these two fantastic (I use that word to describe the fantasy, not the brilliance) tales.

When VD first came out (I am obviously referring to the vamp diaries here, not the STD) it was bound to be compared to the Twilight franchise. The presence of vampires and werewolves seemed extremely unoriginal! What is the difference between moody Stefan and moody Edward? Or miserable Elena and even more miserable Bella? Well, let me tell you...

First of all, VD has the very luscious Damon (sorry Jacob, you may have buffed up but you just don't have the sexy smouldering thing going on!). The chemistry emanating between him and Elena is just so electric that you are willing her to ditch the good vamp for the bad. Phew, I just had to fan myself from just thinking about it!

Now, I have read the Twilight series but I have not read the VD series. Twilight was recommended to me by my college English teacher who claimed they were, and I quote, "the best books I have ever read". Crikey! That's quite a bold statement for someone who shoved the Brontës and Dickens down my throat. So, I eagerly pawed at my new books, excited about the phenomenal masterpiece I had been recommended by, who I perceived as, a liable source.

Needless to say, it was mediocre. I enjoyed them but they weren't life changing. The films were only made worth watching due to a certain hunk. Oh, I dint mean Eddie! Or Jacob! I'm actually Team Jasper. The fight scene in the final book was the biggest anti-climax ever, and Bella being a shield was slightly dull. Perhaps Mrs Meyer became slightly lazy once she realised she didn't need to put as much effort in after already reaching success with the first three books!? A bit like J. K. Rowling killing off most of the characters in the final HP book but keeping the main three alive for her perfect - and ridiculous - final chapter. 'Future' endings are far too cliché!

So, anyway, getting back on track, when VD came to our screens I was very apprehensive. Understandably. The set-up mirrored that which was present in Twilight with a few extras added in (e.g. Bonnie the witch). However, as we are presently heading towards the end of the second series, I am forced to admit that VD is brilliant! (Again, I mean the show and not the STD)

I originally believed the show to be a rip-off of the Twilight saga but word on the street is that VD was actually written first (could sneaky Stephanie Meyer have poached her ideas from another source?) but even if it wasn't, it still trumps Twilight out of the supernatural water.

Doppelgängers, witches, creepy Klaus the original, hardly anyone being human in Mystic Falls, it all adds to the suspense and the constant questioning of who can be trusted! It seems like we've discovered why Bella is so bloomin' miserable all the time...her vampires just aren't good enough.

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