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Thursday 28 April 2011

Glee - Season 2

What a disappointment the second season of Glee has been. I can't work out whether the first season was just so good that it set the bar too high to be matched or if the writers just got too lazy with their imagination because it inevitably would be a success no matter what!?!

I have noticed that the best episodes were the ones that were focussed on the Glee members. The originals! How many times does Gwyneth Paltrow's Holly Holiday need to come and say outrageous things before it is deemed too inappropriate a message to be giving to the impressionable adolescent viewers? (I'm referring in particular to the episode where Holly pretty much tells the kids that if they are not promiscuous, they are frigid. Woahhh!).

It was disappointing to see that they treated the show as a revolving door for celebrities to fly in and out. Luckily, this only seemed the case for the first half of the season - I'm guessing that Ryan Murphy cottoned on to the fact that it was not a good idea as that's not what people are watching the show for.

The main characters seem to have been dealt some inconsistency also... The first season ended with Puck saying he loved Quinn - nothing came of it! Carl helped Emma to tackle parts of her OCD - now she's more neurotic than ever!

This brings me on to Sue. What have they done to her character? She's not funny anymore. Her acid tongue was violent enough without her having to trip someone down the stairs (again) or cause destruction in the school (again) ... Her failure at regionals was predictably boring.

Finally, the Warblers deserve a mention. They were so boring! I skipped past most of their scenes because they were always the same. Blaine hogging centre stage whilst Kurt watches him with puppy dog eyes. At least they lived up to their club's name...

Under appreciated characters:
Santana (even though her being an angry closet lesbian [Lebanese?] unimaginatively mirrored Kerovsky being an angry closet gay); Coach Bieste; and Sue.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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