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Monday 2 May 2011

Feminism vs whatever can be considered opposite...

I'm not a feminist in the slightest, but I really wish I was!!

If I was, I would burn my bra, I would argue that all men are chauvinistic piglets, and fight for the right of unisex loos.

However, I'm not one of those people!

Never have been, never will be.

In fact, I take great pride in stating that I am not a feminist at any given opportunity. I pretty much orgasm at any situation where I am faced with a guy taking the lead and overpowering my opinion... Oooh!! (sorry, was just picturing it...)

This does not make me disrespect the suffragettes, as some would believe... If anything, it makes me adore them more.

They indeed fought for the woman's right to be recognised and appreciated by the ignorant men that ruled the country, and as much as I admire that myself and vote for my desired political party each year, I can't help but appreciate the bunch of flowers my boyfriend buys me when he's in the doghouse!

I know it's wrong, but I love it. I also love it when my boyfriend does the following:

1. Drives me somewhere;
2. Orders me a vodka and diet coke whilst ordering himself a beer;
3. Naturally plays various sports better than me; and
4. Places a handkerchief over a puddle for me to walk over...

OK, the last one isn't true but you get my drift!! If I was to bang on about the equality of women I would be faced with a very 'double standard' argument.

If I cast your mind back to the Sian Massey incident where a very well respected sports associate was sacked due to his "sexist" joke about her 'linesman' skills you will be greeted with a very tricky situation.

The chauvinists thought it was wrong he was sacked, the feminists thought it was right. The people in the middle, like myself, agreed with the chauvinists!

Please tell me what Mr Gray and Mr Keys did differently on that one occasion to what the panel of Loose Women do on a daily basis...? (I apologise that this is pointed toward an English audience who would know what Loose Women is)

They discuss the power and inability of the male on a daily basis (I have the support that one of their guests was Joan Collins recently) and pinpoint their inadequate skills in comparison to the female (i.e. Cooking) but not one of them has been sacked or forced into resignation - am I missing something here?

Another example is the fact that thrice, I love that word, Tanya from Eastenders has mentioned the size of Greg's (her, only recently, husband) penis! Now, forgive me if I'm wrong but, if a male on the show discusses the size of a woman's breasts or the state of her, ahem, lady parts, they would indeed be hung, drawn and quartered with the reprimand that it is unacceptable for such things to be discussed publicly.

Like I said...double standards...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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