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Wednesday 18 May 2011

House Hunting - Part 2

We viewed another house last night.

It did not fill me with joyous excitement.

It did, in fact, leave me frustrated and disheartened...

It was a lovely spacious house in a very well-respected area. It was slightly over our budget and required quite a bit of work. Rob seemed keen and looked to the future, surmising that it is a house we would not rush to leave.

It was previously owned by an old lady and, although I agreed with Rob, it meant that we would have to live in that old lady's house until we could afford to decorate it so that it became our house.

I understand that a lick of paint amongst the walls would indeed change its appearance instantly, but we would not be able to replace the carpets so speedily.

Personally, I think they were asking for a higher price than it was worth and we would have primarily been paying for the area rather than the house itself.

Needless to say, the search continues...

P.s. Luckily, no creepy owners to show us round!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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