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Loula Love xxx


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Wednesday 18 May 2011

Glee - Funeral

* * Spoilers Alert * *

The Spoilers Alert is primarily for the UK viewers and not necessarily the US viewers.

Well, after previous speculation, the character to be killed off was in fact Jean. Indeed, all supporting characters were suspects but I think deep down we all knew it would be poor old Jeany to bite the dust.

Was it as sad as I thought it would be? Well, let's just say that man-sized box of Kleenex I purchased was indeed a waste.

It was sad, but I didn't cry. Now, I do happen to have a swinging brick in place of my heart but I expected this icy exterior to be relatively melted. It was not.

Actually, what drew the dreaded lump to my throat was when Sue gave Becky a hug. It was classic Sue. A glimmer of the caring core that is masked by her wickedness reminded me of how deep down she is an even more loving person that Will. Yep, I said it!

Sue grabbing Will's hand during the service was somewhat clichéd but I did appreciate the Willy Wonka song that happened to be Jean's favourite. Although, personally, I think I would have enjoyed the oompa-loompa song slightly more...

Looking at the rest of the episode: why is Jesse back? It frustrates me that the Glee creators revel in any opportunity they have to regurgitate previous obstacles experienced by the club.

Rachel's voice is sensational. Fact! She makes singing look so easy. I did love all of the auditions though. You cannot beat the natural performances by the characters. Very enjoyable. Even Satan is proving to be quite the vocal princess. Given more time and Naya will be a queen like Lea and Amber. Much Loula Love for these starlets.

Finn and Quinn? Annoyingly exactly the same as Season 1. Only this time, we have Quinn's threat for Nationals. I just hope it turns out to be something big and does not just fizzle into oblivion. With Sue taking a step back, we need someone to step forward to wreak havoc on the Glee club and Lucy Caboosie's devious side has been hiding in the shadows this season, it needs to come back out to play...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone


  1. I know that I did cry at this episode, but I also agree with you... it could have been much more emotional. I think I only cried because of the Willy Wonka theme and the Becky/Sue hug. And I don't particularly appreciate an episode that seems to have come out of nowhere just for the sake of giving Jane Lynch an Emmy reel!

    However, I for one am glad that Quinn and Finn have broken up. I genuinely think that Dianna and Cory have good chemistry but their characters (and Rachel's) are written so schizophrenically that it's hard to know the reasons why they act the way they do. Why has Finn broken up with Quinn even though he had fireworks with her? Is he acting like a petulant toddler who wants someone else's toy? I suspect that the writers know as little as we do!

    Also- are we meant to be rooting for the ND at Nationals? Because I'm kind of on Jesse's side (and that's not just because I love the Groff). Nationals is a week away. They haven't even *written* the songs that they are performing yet, let along choreographed or practised them (although judging by Mercedes, practising seems to be a bad thing!). Just because they have 'heart' and 'love' each other, that doesn't mean that they should win against teams who have worked really hard!

    To sum up- meh. Roll on NY, even if it's mostly going to be me loving Dianna's new hair, rolling my eyes at Finchel and being annoyed by Will, at least I'll get to point out places that I recognise! xx

  2. I totally agree with everything you say here, Q. It seems as if the writers are rushing to throw stories together, they are looking at what has worked in the past, and mixing it back into the show as they are expecting the same results.

    We, as viewers, are not stupid. We want the fast-paced action that we received in the first season. Forget all of the celebrities and just focus on the fun of it all - I am referring, here, to the hilarious video of Run Joey Run which was comedy gold and classic Glee.

    I would be very interested to hear/read your thoughts regarding the final episode of the season...

    Loula Love xxx


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