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Loula Love xxx


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Monday 23 May 2011

Iceland's Volcano

And so it begins again.

Iceland's volcano has erupted, with a cloud of ash deviously contemplating which direction to go in.

Slightly more than twelve months since we were in the same situation. However, some were in different situations to others...

Me, Rob, and two of our friends, Daveed and Quinny, were due to return from New York the day after the volcano spurted out its molten mess.

We were stranded.

No one knew what to do. Virgin were difficult to contact due to the inundation of calls from other panic-stricken globe trotters, and the hotel we were staying in were onto us for updates, as if we had the answers to the problem.

After the third day we were evicted from our lovely 4* hotel.

We travelled several blocks toward Times Square where we found our new home for the indefinite future.

A 2*.

It was devastating to make such a transition. I would not have usually have minded as our room was fairly spacious and kept relatively clean/tidy. The only problem was that it absolutely stank in there! A non-smoker in a smoker's room is never a good combination.

On the plus side, we had an extra week in New York. We visited everywhere that we wanted to visit but could not fit into our original five days. We even spent an afternoon playing 'bat and ball' in Central Park. It was fabulous.

The only problem was that a lot of time was spent trying to contact our workplaces and university to keep them updated. It was also a worry that we were not being paid for the time that we were stranded.

We were in New York for eleven days in total. A lot of people would have changed places with us in seconds to be in the most amazing city in the world.

So, would I go through it again?

Let's just say I'm devastated that I didn't book a holiday for New York this year too...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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