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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Friday 20 May 2011


It has gotten to that time of the month again when I open my purse to see that even the moths won't live in there (good job! They are demons!!).

I need to stop spending, but I find that the more I am aware of the budgets I need to make, the more I spend. It is certainly a psychological problem.

Today, I went to New Look and spent X amount of money (let's just say it was more than 50 bones but less than 100). When I was picking up the various items and placing them in my basket, I felt a gravitational pull from the metal rack. It didn't want to let the item go. This made me want it even more. I needed it now!

I wrestled against the rack. An intense game of tug of war. I was determined to win. So was the rack. The knowledge of my 10% student discount spurred me on, chanting like an avid football fan. The rack loosened up and I almost stumbled backwards into a fellow shopper. A shopper who no doubt was going through a similar struggle with her own stubborn rack.

The item was free. Victory was mine. It was MINE! I examined it closely. A vision of beauty that transformed me into a Gollum-esque character. My precious!

Several tackles with various other racks ensued before I was happy with the items that I had collated in my basket.

BUT, this recreational spending has to stop soon. With a mortgage looming in the near future, I need to dedicate the few digits that reside in my bank account towards such a commitment. I need to steer clear of clothes shops and cosmetic companies. My weaknesses.

Surely I can make such a clean break...?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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