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Thursday 26 May 2011

Imogen Thomas's Death Threats

Ooh I just had to blog about this.

It turns out that, according to my trusty friend The Sun, since it all came out about Ryan Giggs being a naughty boy, Imogen Thomas has been receiving death threats.

Now, I know she was stupid for starting an affair with a married man (she can argue till she is blue in the face that she didn't know he was married but I don't believe her) but I don't think she deserves to be threatened with death.

Affairs happen every day, what are we going to do? Line up each woman that has been caught with a married man and send them to death row?

Highly unlikely...and unfair.

Although I don't agree with what this shameful couple have done, I don't think death is the answer.

Also, as per usual, it is the female that seems to be getting the brunt of the attack and the male is probably being branded a hero (John Terry is captain again, go figure).

If these stupid people stopped dropping their knickers/Y-Fronts at every opportunity then surely life would be easier for them?

Auntie Loula's advice:
Footballers: Don't run off crying to the nearest easy girl when your relationship gets a bit tough. Make an effort to work through it. If you love your wife, she's worth the effort. If not, stop whining and get out of the marriage before starting a relationship with anyone else.

Easy girls: Go for a single footballer if it's his money you're after. If not, just keep your knickers on.


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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