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Wednesday 18 May 2011


Word on the movie grapevine is that LoveFilm.com is in trouble.

I do hope this isn't true. I know DVDs come very cheap nowadays, and movies can easily be downloaded on the internet, but it is such a great way to watch a film for a relatively cheap price without having to make the commitment of owning a potentially rubbish film.

I'd heard that Bladerunner was a brilliant film. A must-see. A classic. I am in no doubt that this film is indeed a cult classic, but thanks to LoveFilm I didn't have to purchase the film and got to send it back after a very mundane couple of hours.

Personally, I thought the film was diabolically dull. Apologies to all Bladerunner fans across the world and, ultimately, the universe.

Luckily, I could send the film back and leave a space in my DVD cupboard for a film that is more suited to my taste. Like Disney...!?!

LoveFilm was an ingenious idea that certainly had potential but such classic creature comforts, such as renting a movie for a cosy Saturday night, are being eradicated by the perpetual powerful force of technology.

Stay strong, LoveFilm...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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