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Tuesday 24 May 2011


It's fascinating to see what people consider to be classed as manners.

Classed being the operative word when there is this smug perception of what level of 'class' people associate themselves with socially.

I have friends that are from different schools, areas, ancestry, but do I consider them to be any better than me?

Why would I? What gives these people that mythical divine right to believe that they are a better person?

Well, what actually makes them a better person? The fact that they have more money than me? The fact that their IQ is higher than mine? The fact that their Mother or Father is the Lord Mayor?

It's not just class though, there are people who are considered more beautiful than I am. People who are slimmer than me. People who are taller, smaller, with different sized feet and thicker, longer, wavier hair than me.

Newsflash - it all means diddly-squat.

What matters is the way these people treat other people - what matters is their manners.

I'm not referring to the manners associated with eating a meal, or when someone sneezes, or even holding a door open. These are very courteous, but I'm referring to the lack of manners that renders someone innately rude!

You can be formed, moulded even, into someone with etiquette. It doesn't apply to manners.

It's a person's choice to be rude to someone. They can ignore people, laugh at people, point out imperfections, criticise something that another person does, insult their choice of clothing/beverage/car...

Like I said, the person they are on the outside does not make them who they are.

It means diddly-squat.

The materialistic things camouflage their true colours - and when those colours do come out, they are nothing more than a dull grey!

Manners - they are your choice!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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