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Loula Love xxx


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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Oh, they're not the correct lyrics?

Have you ever been singing along with a song, sure that you know all the lyrics off-by-heart? You feel like a superstar. You don't need a backing track. It's you and your hairbrush against the world.

Then one day, you are greeted by the reality of what the words actually are... Very different to what you have been singing.

Do you change your version?

Hell no! Chances are your version was better!

An example, I hear you request from behind your computer screen. OK, I shall offer an example of what I've gotten wrong in the past:

"What a Feelin'" (The Flashdance song) - I believed for many years that it was indeed a rude song. I was shocked and appalled that such lyrics were being pimped out over the sound waves of the radio. "Take your pants off, and make it happen..."

Good grief, I exclaimed. How frightful.

It was only recently that I discovered that the lyrics are actually "Take your passion..."

Ohhhhhh - that would indeed be less controversial, but not as much fun!

Everybody!! ... "Take your pants off..."

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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