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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Monday 23 May 2011

Road Race (different post...)

Yes, this is different to my Road Rage post.

This is about Road Race. That strange situation you find yourself in when you realise a race has commenced with a random driver.

It happened to me today.

I was merrily tootling along, singing along to the radio, minding my own business. I had glanced into my rearview mirror and clocked the looming silver KA.

Then I went back to driving. I pulled up at the crossroads, the KA pulled up beside me. It was slightly over the line. Eager beaver, I thought.

I prematurely assumed that the lights were changing and edged forward slightly. The KA did the same. Did the driver not want me to be ahead of her?

I moved slightly forward again. A test. She did the same. This was a race!

We both scrutinised the traffic lights. Who would set off first? Who would be fastest?


I pressed my foot to the accelerator. We were off.

We were neck and neck. Both going 40 in a 30mph zone. I watched as she swiftly sped up, clearly clocking up the speed to 50mph.

I couldn't do it. Sorry, no, I wouldn't do it. 40 in a 30 was bad enough, 50 would have just been silly. It wasn't worth the risk for a ridiculous game of 'cat and mouse' with a stranger.

She could win. It was over.

But wait...

I watched as the KA pulled into the left hand lane of the dual-carriageway at the traffic lights, behind two cars.

Big mistake.

I pulled up in the right-hand lane, behind one car, just as the lights were changing to green.

We then went in different directions...

But I was now the victor. This crazy unpredictable race had crowned me the winner.

50mph? Slower and steadier wins the race, Miss KA.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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