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Monday 23 May 2011

Road Rage

I was bloomin' furious today.

Now, I know I'm not the perfect driver (come on, I'm a woman!) but it infuriates me when I see other drivers making blatant mistakes...no, not mistakes, choices.

Some ridiculously ignorant, pig-headed drivers choose to use their mobile phones whilst they are driving.

Today, I saw someone (another female - make of that what you will) with both hands on the wheel, her mobile phone perched between her cheek/chin and her shoulder.

She swerved all over the place.

I have never endured so much road rage - and I am very prone to the stuff.

How can someone risk jeopardising other people's lives? All it takes is for one oblivious pedestrian to step into the road, or one driver to carelessly, but legally, underestimate their timing, and that idiot on the phone could plough into them.

Sod's law means that it won't be the ignorant tw*t who gets killed, it would be their victim.

Why can't such tragedies be avoided? It's not just the law that informs us it's dangerous, surely common sense plays a bigger part?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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