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Loula Love xxx


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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Sparky and George

Well, I had quite the fright last night...

I was messing around on my phone before going to sleep (iPhones are too addictive) and, as the battery is so rubbish, I routinely plugged mine in to charge.

Now, before I go on, I just want to confirm that the charger in question was not the original Apple one that came with the phone. This was a different one with a little red light that my bro gave me when I couldn't find my original.

So, the scene is set. I turned round to turn my bedside lamp off and was greeted with a bizarre sound coming from the opposite side of the bed (where my phone and the charger were residing). It sounded like when you run your fingernail up and down a zip seam. That kind of clicking noise.

When I looked, there was nothing there and I had no idea what it could be. I tugged on the wire thinking it might have been rubbing against the zip of my bag which was lying beside it.

It was as soon as I realised that my bag does not have a zip that a huge blue spark frazzled out of the plug. Holy smokes, Batman!

I have never seen anything like it. For a split second I thought that perhaps it would send me off into the past. Obviously then I remembered cool stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. Damn Marty McFly gets all the fun. Maybe I should get myself a flux capacitor...?

Anyway, I'm deviating, the point of the matter is that it was very scary and I'd never seen anything like it before. I quickly switched it off and, after building up the courage, I pulled the plug from the socket.

Luckily, (I think) I'm ok! *twitch*twitch*

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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