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Monday 18 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Review)

** Spoilers Alert **

The much anticipated, and somewhat dreaded, finale of the Harry Potter saga has finally arrived.  With many of us growing up with the boy wizard, a stable figure throughout our lives from childhood to adulthood, it has proven to be a very emotional journey for everyone involved.

First of all, however, I must give credit where credit is due: the 3D effects for this film were possibly the best I have ever seen.  Unlike HP and the Half Blood Prince the entire movie was set in 3D.  It was worth having those big heavy glasses weighing down my nose (I had my usual glasses on underneath also) for two hours.  Bravo.

Let me just confirm that this is a somewhat epic review of the film, which is probably more of a summary.  Stick with it...

So, the movie started where we left off.  Dobby is brown bread (cockney rhyming slang for 'dead').

Anyone who had seen the previous movie (and had not read the books) would, rightly so, take this as a sign of things to come.  An omen, if you will.  If a lovable elf can be killed off, then no one is safe...

Not even you, Potty!

So, after this reminder of doom, it was a journey back to Hogwarts that included facing the goblins at Gringotts (who cannot be fooled by Hermione posing as Bellatrix LeStrange!) and convincing Dumbledore's brother that Albus was a trustworthy man/wizard.  Poor guy's only been dead five minutes and his brother is slagging him off.

Of course, it was not just Harry & Chums making their way to Hogwarts - there was also Voldemort leading his own posse to the castle.  With possession of the Elder Wand, he clearly thought he could not be defeated.

Oh Voldz, you can be so naive...

However, once Harry was back at Hogwarts, he was greeted by his defenders (mainly the students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff), as well as a warm welcome from the current headmaster...Snape.

I jest - of course it was not a warm welcome.  Wands were pointed, Voldy (mentally) egged on students from Slytherin to grab Harry, and Harry was protected by his friend.

That's when Snape disappeared, and the wonderful McGonagall took his place as being in charge.  First thing she did was put a protective barrier over the castle to keep those dark fiends (the Death Eaters, and the Dementors) out.  What a hero.

But this was no time to celebrate Prof. McG's power.

While Harry & Co sought out the last of the horcruxes, it was great to get an insight into the intense discussions between Voldy and Snape.  Vold sussed out that the Elder Wand did not give him enough power.  Why?  Because Snape was the one who killed its last owner (Dumbledore), so now he had to kill Snape to be granted rightful ownership of the wand.  See ya, Snapey!

Snape's death by Voldemort's snake was quite disturbing (even though you didn't see anything).  However, it was the perfect opportunity for Hazza to collect Snape's tears while he lay dying (as you do).

So, fast forward slightly, and you have Potter looking into the memories of one of his most hated nemeses, Snape.  What does he discover?  That Dumbledore was right all along.  (Of course he was!  It's Dumbeldore!)  Snape was trustworthy after all.  He killed Dumbledore to protect Harry.  Why?  Because he was in love with his mother (Harry's mother, not his own...or Dumbledore's!  That would have made it a completely different movie!).

Yes, who knew Snape had a heart, eh?  He loved Lily all his life, and the reason he bullied poor Potter was because he was a walking reminder that she did not reciprocate his affection.  All together now: Awwww!

Snape even adopted the same protronus as Lily (a doe).  However, we'll avoid going down the route of accusing him as being a stalker...

While all this is going on, and the Death Eaters United are attacking Hogwarts, there is always time for hormones to break through.  We had Neville hunting down Luna to confess that he is "mad for her", Ginny screaming at every opportunity when she thinks Harry is a goner (the little minx), and Ron and Hermione reaching their inevitably climactic snog.  The latter was very well done though, and caused a cheer to break through the hearts of everyone watching.

So, with love coursing through the veins of these teenagers, who really needed to sort out their priorities during this difficult time, we finally got to the big fight scene.  Harry vs. Voldemort.

Of course it would be tricky for Harry to obliterate Voldy when he, Harry, possesses one of the horcruxes within him.  However, all is OK, as Voldy kills him anyway, and he ends up in King's Cross station with Dumbledore; who is always on hand to give advice, even when he's six feet under.  It's actually a very beautiful scene.

So, once Dumbledore has helped him out AGAIN, Harry returns.  Pretends to be dead.  Fools Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eater Clan.  Then jumps out of Hagrid's arms (unfortunately, he did not shout 'Boo!') and they have a scrap.

Of course, good conquers evil.

Harry is victorious and destroys Voldemort.  As simple as that.

Happy days.

The End.

However, it's not really the end.  Many people died along the way.  Prof. Lupin and his missus, Tonks, have been murdered; and so has Fred.  Yes, Fred!!  George's twin.  Very upsetting stuff.  Well, you would think so, but unfortunately, and this is my biggest gripe with the movie, his death was brushed over.  Surely Fred deserved a bigger send off than a slight, blink and you'll miss it, dismissal!?

Now, we fast forward again.  Nineteen years in fact.

Everyone is made to look old (quite well, actually) and they all have kids.  Looks like their hormones overruled again.  We are left seeing that Harry has a son that he has named...wait for it...Albus Severus Potter.

Good grief!

The Real End.

Loula's Verdict: The applause from the audience at the end of the movie was very much well deserved.

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