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Thursday 14 July 2011

Illuminati Celebrities

Am I the only person who thinks this whole 'Illuminati' nonsense is...well...just that.  Nonsense!

All over the internet are websites, blogs, videos, pictures etc about how celebrities have sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for fame.  These are celebrities ranging from Lady Gaga to Rihanna to Beyonce to Kanye West to Katy Perry.

Their proof?

Well, apparently, these celebs are introducing a number of clues into their videos that are connected with the Illuminati phenomenon.

These clues include pyramids/triangles (also created by putting their hands together), hooves (yes, as in hooves), stars, verses of songs that have been written in a certain number of syllables - 666, eyes, doing the OK sign with their hands which really represents 666 (from the form of their fingers).  The list is endless...

Taken from Google Images
Basically, I think the people who have spotted these things are clutching at straws.  Granted, some celebs are possibly playing on the idea that they are all devil worshippers (anyone remember the 'Paul McCartney is Dead' rumour that was possibly toyed with by the Beatles once they heard about it?), but why can't anything be taken as face value anymore?  Why can't Rihanna just be a fan of triangles?  Why can't Lady Gaga putting her hand in front of her eye be just a new dance routine?
Taken from Google Images
There is a video circling the internet with Katy Perry saying that she used to write gospel music but knew that it did not sell in the industry.  She goes on to say that she changed direction in order to be successful and "sold her soul to the Devil".  Well, that's it then.  Proof.  It's not a figure of speech at all... (for anyone not aware - that was sarcasm)

It is interesting how Kelly Cutrone tells Whitney in an episode of The Hills that to work for her she is selling her soul to the Devil.

Oh my God!  I've had a breakthrough!  Kelly Cutrone is the Devil!  She is the puppet master behind all of these Illuminati-based videos.  She is controlling all of these pop stars!  How has no one realised this before?

Maybe because it's a little far fetched; a little difficult to believe?


It's easy enough for people to believe that pop stars are only successful if they include Illuminati symbols in their music videos; so why is it hard to believe that Kelly Cutrone is the mastermind behind the whole thing?

C'mon, she's scary enough!  It could be true...
Taken from Google Images
I reckon Rebecca Black is in on it too - that's why she starred in Katy Perry's Last Friday Night video...and why her surname is Black...and why she inflicted her song Friday upon the world...

There are thousands of images, videos and notions about the whole Illuminati symbolism saga on the internet.  Have a search and see what you think...

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