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Monday 22 August 2011

English Weather

Ahh, we're at that time of year again when the British are reminded how rubbish our weather really is.

It's heading towards the end of August and we can all most likely be able to count on one hand just how many hot - yes, hot! Not warm - days we have had this year.

Climate Change is a bitch!

However, in two months' time we will be heading towards the end of October, which means Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas are just around the corner.

We will then be faced with that awkward period in, what should be, Autumn when it seems a little too warm to wear a coat.

That's when we get a freak day of 25 degrees when the people at the MET Office get very excited and bang on about...you probably guessed it...

Global Warming!

Ah, so, the world is getting warmer. We may not have hot summers, but we certainly have much warmer winters.

Three days later...

It snows!

Not just snow! Blizzards! Snow that most of us haven't seen for a decade...or decades, depending on their age...

It's not that crappy wispy snow that looks like something you've scraped off your freezer, it's fluffy snow! Fat snow!

The MET Office boys are back!

This time, they don't refer to our freaky weather as 'Global Warming'. Nope, we're back to...bingo...

Climate Change!

So, the next warm day we have starts the whole thing off again. Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Warming/Climate Change etc etc etc

Both terms should be scrapped and our freaky weather should be given its true title:


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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