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Sunday 21 August 2011

Toddlers and Tiaras


What is this hideous programme I have stumbled across on the Sky channel DMAX.

I'm horrified to see parents pushing their children into beauty pageants and convincing them that the way they look is so important.

Children, yes CHILDREN, are being smothered in fake tan, make-up, false nails and hair spray. They should not be wearing such cosmetics until they are at least in their teens - NOT three years old!

These very young children are being forced to wear false eyelashes. A cosmetic item that I, at twenty-five, was only introduced to last year!

The reactions of the mothers expresses who these pageants are actually benefitting, and the way the children are encouraged to want to be there is with the prize of a puppy! Which child would not want a puppy?

They are being groomed to believe pageants are worthwhile. It's disgraceful!

Let these children enjoy their childhood with toys, play areas and cartoons!

Why do their parents need other people to tell them their children - who look like mini hookers - are beautiful? I am infuriated that these types of events are legal!! It's not right!

Stop pimping your children!!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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