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Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Vampire Diaries - Tuesday 28th Feb 2012

***Spoilers Alert***

YES!  The show with the most amount of hot guys ever is back on our screens, people!!  (This is going by UK time...the US have been lucky enough to have had it back for a few weeks now)

Well, Damon Salvatore has certainly been missed, but did anyone else notice that he was looking a little...shall we say, healthier(?) in last night's episode?  His skin is usually quite pale, but last night he looked a bit like Dougal from Father Ted when Mrs Doyle does his make-up in the episode "A Song for Europe".

Anyway, back to the topic in hand...The Vampire Diaries certainly knows how to hook everyone into the life of Mystic Falls.  There is always something going on, and it always finishes with a cliff-hanger.  It's so rare that a show does this...and does it well... and TVD does not get enough recognition for its writing!

Last night's episode in a nutshell:

Poor Tyler has been brain-washed and it is only a matter of time before he causes mass destruction.  He was close to getting Jeremy killed, on Klaus's orders.  Good old Alaric took the fall though - what a hero.

Elena is still looking too beautiful.

Stefan is hoarding Klaus's family (in coffins) in the house that is haunted by the witches.  However, Bonnie has seen something in her dreams that means that those babies aren't going anywhere soon...but they may be opened.

Elena gave Klaus Rebecca - who she stabbed with the dagger in order to save the gang - but he put the knife back in her...something tells me he is cooking up a storm!

Jeremy has been "compelled" to go and live somewhere else.  For his own safety.  I'm guessing he'll be back though.  They always come back!

And finally, Damon told Elena that he could not carrying on "wanting what he wants" (Elena) as he feels guilty because Stefan still has his humanity somewhere within him.  However, he professed that if he was going to feel guilty, he should have something to feel guilty about.

And that's when it happened!!  The kiss that we have all been waiting for.  The kiss that has been brewing up inside of them for so long that the chemistry between Elena and Damon was off the chart.

The Kiss:


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