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Monday 9 April 2012

Samantha Brick - Hell's Angel

I am sure many of you who have found yourself looking at this blog entry are here because you have typed the words "Samantha" or "Brick" (or, most likely, both) into a search engine.

Now, usually, typing in the word "brick" would direct you to a picture or description of that wonderful little item that is used to build houses, but as of yesterday, the word "Brick" would actually send you in the direction of a couple of articles written by the now infamous journalist; Samantha Brick.

As you are all aware, there has been a backlash of hatred thrown at Ms Brick for the article that was printed in the Daily Mail yesterday: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!"

With a title like that, surely she knew that people across the country, and also the world, would not be thrilled by what they were going to read!?

After reading the article myself, I found myself feeling so irritated by Samantha Brick's statements.  Not necessarily the way she was loving herself far too much, but because of her insulting view of other women.  She kept banging on about how women HATE her because she is "beautiful".

Well, that sent my blood bubbling.  I know so many women who are naturally beautiful but I have never ever disliked them for it; and, I have never met any woman who has HATED another woman because they are beautiful.  It's absurd!  And it is this view, more than anything, which makes me think that Samantha Brick is exceptionally deluded, not because she considers herself as being so painfully attractive that men fall at her feet whenever she leaves the house.

It is not just insulting to women though, it is also insulting to men!  Now, yes us women do jest about how men have no self-control when it comes to beautiful women, but not all men are like that!!

She seems to be under the impression that every man on the planet will fall in love with her as soon as he claps eyes on her.  Now, this may be the case in some situations as her "pleasing appearance and pretty smile" may have rendered men weak at the knees.  However, I don't believe for one second that women dislike her because of her looks and I think Mrs Brickface needs to consider the notion that in actual fact it might be her personality that people HATE.

Did any of your read the follow up article Old Bricky published today?  Well, that certainly made for some entertaining reading.  She banged on about how she felt so upset about the hate mail she was receiving online, but that didn't stop her from reiterating just how beautiful she is and how she could easily steal someone's man from them in a second.

My favourite anecdote of today's article was when she said that a man saw her in her car yesterday, close to tears because of all the hate mail, and he offered to buy her a coffee.  Most people would have considered this just a kind gesture of good will...but not the Brickster!  Oh no, she said "He could see I was having a tough time — and yes, my looks had helped me out again."

WHAT??  What has that got to do with her looks?  The guy was being a gent and making sure she was OK.  I can deal with Old Bricky loving herself, but it is these self-absorbed comments that are the real reason she has never been a bridesmaid for a friend!


So, I have expressed my opinion on Bricky Brickerson, and after having a quick glance at other articles she has written it has dawned on me what is really going through her head...she is suffering some psychological issues.  I say this because there is an article that she wrote about a year ago about how she suffered obesity as a child and is now obsessed with being beautiful - so much so that this has encouraged the belief that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.  Hence the arrogance and self-obsession.  I think that she believes that if she doesn't consider herself as being beautiful, no one else will.

All together now: "Awwwww!" ..... OK, maybe not!

Old Bricky also wrote an article about how she spent £25,000 on psychics!  Well, I suggest she gets her money back as it doesn't seem she was ever warned about this little blip in her life...

Samantha Brick, if your peepers ever fall upon this blog entry, may I suggest to you that in the future, when these helpless men throw their money at you, you thank them for their generosity but tell them to give that money to charity instead?! 

Your beauty may be able to help other unfortunate people after all!

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