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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Freaky Sleeper

I want to invite you into my sleep world where anything can happen during the night.

You may have experienced a restless night yourself. A night where you chatter to your partner about something random, or even woken yourself up from chattering.

Also, sleep walking is always fun to hear about. You may have awoken to find yourself standing in the kitchen making a ham sandwich as a midnight treat (I hear that a lot) or gotten into bed with your girlfriend/boyfriend's Mom/Dad! (Crikey!!)

All of these shenanigans make for great entertainment, whether it happened to you or someone else. It happens to me quite regularly. I shall share a few stories with you. You may have experienced something similar yourselves...

1. I've always known that I talk in my sleep. My parents used to hear me when I'd nodded off on the sofa. Just random words or a chattering of teeth. The first proper time I found out though was when I went on a school trip with school and had to share a dorm room with three other girls. We'd done rock-climbing that day.

I had fallen asleep and two of the girls carried on talking. I shouted out "I can't climb it!"
"Climb what?" asked Girl A.
"The wall!"
"What wall?"
"That wall! I can't climb it!"
Girl B turned on the light and I was sat up in bed, eyes open.
"Lou, are you awake?" asked Girl B.
"Yeah, I've been awake the whole time!"

Needless to say, I do not remember any of this and only heard of it the following morning.

2. Several times when I have stayed at my boyfriend's house I have either woken myself up or been told the following morning about my crazy antics during the night.

Most nights I would jump up in bed, throw my arms in the air (and wave them like I just don't care! Say ayyyyy-ohhhhhh...) and try to stop the boxes, planks of wood etc, from falling onto us.

Needless to say, there was nothing falling from the sky.

3. I have woken the whole of my family up by shouting "IT WASN'T ME!" about three times. No one knows who I was shouting at or what it was about. All we know is that it wasn't me...

4. And, finally, my favourite of the lot...

I had a dream once that I was squirting a bottle of liquid into a bucket. I remember it so clearly to this day - it was a big plastic bottle and the bucket was a wooden barrel type.

My mom came into my room first thing in the morning to bring me a drink. She woke me up by shouting "What's that??"

I looked to my bedside table where there was my empty glass from the night before...filled halfway with a white substance. Next to it was a bottle of hand cream with the lid off. It didn't take long to work out what had happened.


These are just a few examples of the things I get up to during the night. I'd love to know other people's tales and experiences so feel free to share.

The craziest story will win the title of 'Sleep Walker/Talker of the Year'

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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