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Sunday 8 May 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Season 2 Finale

Contains spoilers for Episode 21

Oh my giddy God.  The penultimate episode of the second season was fantastic.  Jenna is brown bread (dead) after her shortlived life as a vampire, John sacrificed his life for Elena by giving her his soul, Elijah saved Klaus from the grips of Bonnie's powers so that he can find out where his family are, Caroline and Tyler are back as a team, and Damon has been bitten by a werewolf so he is dying...

Or is he?  I bloomin' well hope not.  He's the only reason why anyone should be watching the show (apart from Jeremy).

After seeing the promo for the finale episode, it is safe to predict that it is will indeed be a good one.

My opinion?  Damon won't die.  How can he?  They're doing a third series, they won't be able to carry on without the love triangle between him, Elena and Stefan.  However, is anyone else a bit fed up of Stefan being considered the desirable one?  (i.e. Elena and Katherine both love him)  Surely Damon's passion would make them succumb to his desires...  Well, it would certainly work on me.

I appreciate that Damon and Elena would not work too well as they are both such live wires, but surely Stefan is just a bit too drippy for her...?!

I do wonder what will be held in store for Rik now that Jenna has gone.  What will be his purpose?
So, I await the Season 2 Finale with the least amount of patience ever.  I also suggest that in Season 3, there should be more Damon, less Stefan.

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