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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Glee - Spoilers

* * Spoilers Alert * *

Glee - Episode 21 - "Funeral"

I have just read on the Internet that Glee is losing one of its characters.

This news fills me with great sadness. Especially as I know that it's not going to be Will that they are bumping off (sorry guys, I'm a Mr Schue hater!).

So, there is much speculation flying around as to who it could be. Wikipedia says that it causes devastation to one member of the Glee Club and it is unexpected... Also, word on the street is that the victim of death is female.

Further information indicates that Sue attends the funeral along with the members of the Glee Club.

Here is a list of people who could be given the ultimate boot along with my verdict:

Terri the Terrible - Doubtful. She was part of a great storyline during the first season but she hasn't been involved enough during the second for anyone to really care about her anymore. The kids wouldn't go to her funeral, and Sue definitely wouldn't.

Jean (Sue's sister) - Very Likely. She is a great character who really helped with showing Sue's soft side. Sue would be heartbroken if anything happened to Jean and I think the Glee kids would offer support, even to their biggest hater. If it is Jean, prepare yourselves for a very emotional episode.

Becky Jackson - Very Likely. She has been hilarious as Sue's sidekick and could certainly be given the chop to create an emotional response from Sue. The Glee kids would show their sympathy and attend the funeral. Losing Becky could also affect Brittany who, in the wheelchair episode of the first season, introduces her by buying her a cupcake.

Shelby - Possibly. Losing her Mom would certainly effect how Rachel performs at Nationals. It would also leave Beth without parents which could mean a reconciliation with Quinn and Puck, her biological parents. It would also explain why Jesse St. James is back in town.

Holly Holiday - Doubtful. Gwyneth Paltrow's character is more recurrent than Santana's mono. I don't think we've seen the last of her yet.

April Rhodes - Likely. As much as we love April, I think her time could be running out. Her dreams of Broadway are looking less and less likely of becoming a reality. It could possibly work out that she gets her big break and then dies!?! Such satire really tugs at the heart strings and she is a loveable character. The perfect victim.

Carol - Maybe, but hopefully not. Finn's Mom is too lovely to kill off. The Hudsons and the Hummels deserve much happiness.

Emma - Doubtful. Her OCD storyline is surely too important to just cut off in its prime?

Santana - Possibly. As much as we are all starting to love this tart with a heart, her Lebanese lesbian desires for Brittany may be too much for her to handle. I do hope Glee doesn't go down the suicide route, I'll be in floods just thinking about it.

Lauren Zisis - Possibly. She's still quite the redundant character. Few people have warmed to her.

Coach Bieste - Maybe. A great character who had such great potential. She was under-appreciated by the writers. It seems they were unsure about what to do with her - killing her off could be their only option to bring her back into the show. Ironic?

Quinn - Undecided. As much as I pray that Quinny is not given the boot, it would certainly make for dramatic viewing. It would be unexpected and would definitely impact the Glee club. It would explain why Sue is at the funeral - she said many times that she saw herself in Q.

Any thoughts, guys?

Whoever it is that is being killed off, you will certainly need the biggest box of Kleenex you can find. When Glee wants tears, Glee gets tears...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I too am sad that Will is not on the chopping block, butt chin and all!

    I think you've summed it up pretty well, the most likely candidates are Becky and Jean (and I'll cry either way!). Fingers crossed for Holly though and I wouldn't be bothered if it was Lauren. No chance it'll be Quinn, Emma or Beiste, I don't think.

    Jean and Becky make perfect sense because they are secondary characters, but their deaths will create a lot of angst from the other characters. The writers don't have the guts to kill off a primary character!


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