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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Friday 27 May 2011

The Midnight Strangler

I had a very strange nightmare last night.

It started off that I was in a complex with Rob and his friend. It seemed school-like but I don't think it was. We were trapped inside.

The reason we could not get out was because it was being taken over by gangs.

We managed to make our way to a deserted corridor, even though we could hear the gangs coming. They were chanting. No, they were growling.

We were running through the corridor. No lights but we could see through the dark. Slightly.

When we got further down the corridor I noticed that I was alone. I could here the boys' voices but I could not locate them.

I saw a door. Someone was in there. The door frame was aglow from the light inside.

I pushed my way in. I had to escape the looming gangs. Their growls had become more of a rattle now.

It was a small room. There were several racks of clothes lining the walls. It looked like it belonged to an actress from the 30s.

In the far corner there was an old lady sitting at a dressing table. A sole candle illuminated her face. It was Mavis from Coronation Street (who, bizarrely, has not been seen in the show since 1997).

I noticed there was no window in the small room.

Mavis was wearing a long, old-fashioned nightdress. She looked like someone from a Brontë novel.

I watched as she stood up slowly and edged forward with, what looked like, a necklace in her hand. Her smile became more of a grimace as she made her way into the shadows.

I tried to back away. I turned to open the door but there was no handle. Was that my only exit?

When I turned back round, Mavis was right in front of me. I had not heard her move quickly. I had not heard her move at all. I noticed that her eyes were tinged with what can only be described as the cold. Like a shark.

She raised both hands. Each forming an arc that was pointed toward me.

I tried to scream.

Nothing came out.

I could not move.

Her face had turned menacing.

Her wrinkled fingers drew closer to my neck.

They clamped together.

A vice-like grip on my throat.

I couldn't breath...

I woke up, lying on my back, with a dry throat. I shot up from my pillow and turned on my bedside lamp.

My heart was pounding.

It had all felt so real...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

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