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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Saturday 30 April 2011

The Prince and Princess

What a lovely wedding. Kate Middleton looked every inch the princess in her stunning dress and Prince William looked so handsome in his military uniform. They make a truly beautiful couple and it was certainly an event that made me feel so proud to be British.

It was lovely to see the private banter being shared between Princes William and Harry as they both giggled cheekily whilst waiting for the arrival of the bride. It displayed a very down to earth image of the two Royals.

The balcony scene was so picture perfect where the world witnessed not one but two kisses exchanged between the newlyweds. They looked so happy and both offered an 'heir' of elegance.

They have done our country proud!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 28 April 2011


Oooh, very bizarre...

I was just watching Coronation Street (that's one of the English soap operas for all you lovely non-Brits! xx) with the 'rents when we paused it to discuss something trivial about the show.

That's when we heard the printer turn itself on in the back room. We all sat looking at each other bemused before hearing a knocking sound coming from across the other side of the living room. Then...

Our Jack Russell, Zeus, started barking at 'nothing'!

Needless to say we're all a little freaked out...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Royal Wedding

Aww, so tomorrow is the big day for Prince William and Kate Middleton, and all I seem to see on Facebook is us Brits complaining about it.

I appreciate that the Royal Family are not as involved with the governing of the country as they did centuries ago but I don't think it's fair to dismiss them because of the family they are born into and who their ancestors were.

Granted, you have the few relatives who abuse their royal status (i.e. Fergie) but fair play to Prince Harry for attempting to go into the army and Wills for doing his air ambulance training.

Princess Diana was the nation's sweetheart due to her charitable services and I believe Kate M has the kind nature to do similar things. Why can't us Brits look past the fact that our taxes go toward the Royals just for one day to wish this couple the best for their future?

You never know, they may surprise us by doing something phenomenal for our country in the future. Surely it's worth giving them the chance...?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Twilight vs. The Vamp Diaries

After coming across my New Moon DVD earlier I decided to post a blog centred around the contrasts and comparisons between these two fantastic (I use that word to describe the fantasy, not the brilliance) tales.

When VD first came out (I am obviously referring to the vamp diaries here, not the STD) it was bound to be compared to the Twilight franchise. The presence of vampires and werewolves seemed extremely unoriginal! What is the difference between moody Stefan and moody Edward? Or miserable Elena and even more miserable Bella? Well, let me tell you...

First of all, VD has the very luscious Damon (sorry Jacob, you may have buffed up but you just don't have the sexy smouldering thing going on!). The chemistry emanating between him and Elena is just so electric that you are willing her to ditch the good vamp for the bad. Phew, I just had to fan myself from just thinking about it!

Now, I have read the Twilight series but I have not read the VD series. Twilight was recommended to me by my college English teacher who claimed they were, and I quote, "the best books I have ever read". Crikey! That's quite a bold statement for someone who shoved the Brontës and Dickens down my throat. So, I eagerly pawed at my new books, excited about the phenomenal masterpiece I had been recommended by, who I perceived as, a liable source.

Needless to say, it was mediocre. I enjoyed them but they weren't life changing. The films were only made worth watching due to a certain hunk. Oh, I dint mean Eddie! Or Jacob! I'm actually Team Jasper. The fight scene in the final book was the biggest anti-climax ever, and Bella being a shield was slightly dull. Perhaps Mrs Meyer became slightly lazy once she realised she didn't need to put as much effort in after already reaching success with the first three books!? A bit like J. K. Rowling killing off most of the characters in the final HP book but keeping the main three alive for her perfect - and ridiculous - final chapter. 'Future' endings are far too cliché!

So, anyway, getting back on track, when VD came to our screens I was very apprehensive. Understandably. The set-up mirrored that which was present in Twilight with a few extras added in (e.g. Bonnie the witch). However, as we are presently heading towards the end of the second series, I am forced to admit that VD is brilliant! (Again, I mean the show and not the STD)

I originally believed the show to be a rip-off of the Twilight saga but word on the street is that VD was actually written first (could sneaky Stephanie Meyer have poached her ideas from another source?) but even if it wasn't, it still trumps Twilight out of the supernatural water.

Doppelgängers, witches, creepy Klaus the original, hardly anyone being human in Mystic Falls, it all adds to the suspense and the constant questioning of who can be trusted! It seems like we've discovered why Bella is so bloomin' miserable all the time...her vampires just aren't good enough.

Glee - Season 2

What a disappointment the second season of Glee has been. I can't work out whether the first season was just so good that it set the bar too high to be matched or if the writers just got too lazy with their imagination because it inevitably would be a success no matter what!?!

I have noticed that the best episodes were the ones that were focussed on the Glee members. The originals! How many times does Gwyneth Paltrow's Holly Holiday need to come and say outrageous things before it is deemed too inappropriate a message to be giving to the impressionable adolescent viewers? (I'm referring in particular to the episode where Holly pretty much tells the kids that if they are not promiscuous, they are frigid. Woahhh!).

It was disappointing to see that they treated the show as a revolving door for celebrities to fly in and out. Luckily, this only seemed the case for the first half of the season - I'm guessing that Ryan Murphy cottoned on to the fact that it was not a good idea as that's not what people are watching the show for.

The main characters seem to have been dealt some inconsistency also... The first season ended with Puck saying he loved Quinn - nothing came of it! Carl helped Emma to tackle parts of her OCD - now she's more neurotic than ever!

This brings me on to Sue. What have they done to her character? She's not funny anymore. Her acid tongue was violent enough without her having to trip someone down the stairs (again) or cause destruction in the school (again) ... Her failure at regionals was predictably boring.

Finally, the Warblers deserve a mention. They were so boring! I skipped past most of their scenes because they were always the same. Blaine hogging centre stage whilst Kurt watches him with puppy dog eyes. At least they lived up to their club's name...

Under appreciated characters:
Santana (even though her being an angry closet lesbian [Lebanese?] unimaginatively mirrored Kerovsky being an angry closet gay); Coach Bieste; and Sue.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone


Why, oh why, did I create a twitter account again?? Admittedly, the reason I got rid of my first one was because Donald Faison (Turk from Scrubs) decided to post 50 (yes, 50!) tweets in one day. I had each and every one of those bad boys arrive via text message on my phone. When I tried deleting him, they still came through. I then blocked him and they still came through. I had to do it - I had to delete my Twitter account.

You can understand my fury when, after deleting and blocking the culprit, as well as deleting my entire account, the sodding 'tweets' still came through!

So, after hearing that a few of my friends have joined the whacky world of stating what they are doing at any given opportunity (with the limited use of 140 characters) I have decided to rejoin the egotistical train of vanity.

However, I was greeted with more fury when I was reminded why I don't like Twitter. I have not been bombarded with updates from a celeb (thank God!), I have been treated much worse by one... I was ignored by one. I decided to 'follow' Katy Perry. Now, I understand she is busy with her own life, singing about Vegas, teenage dreams, and girls who reside in California, so responding to my 'tweet' may have surpassed her list of priorities, but when I received three updates about her jet lag I was faced with the reality that...she doesn't care about me! My insignificance in her life mirrored the insignificance of me needing to know about her coffee requests.

From now on I'm sticking to following just my friends on Twitter. At least I don't have to be famous to be appreciated by them.

P.s. This experience does not effect my love for Katy Perry. She is fabulous!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone


As I'm new to this I'm trying to think of something cool and witty to write to entice you into reading future blogs... I can't think of anything so you'll have to bear with me I'm afraid. It will come, I'm sure of it...

I'm writing this first blog from the comfort of my bed. I'm a student on my Easter break so this is actually quite early for me. I have 3 assignments due in, in a couple of weeks' time. One Language (boring as it's not a foreign language - it's just about language in general), a biography (definitely the coolest of the three) and an autobiography. 2500 words to ramble about myself. It's tough! I'm 25, I haven't done anything exciting. I'm hoping the examiner will buy my fictional story about spending 3 years of my life as a lion tamer... Or maybe as Paul McCartney's backing singer? I don't know which would be cooler.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone