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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Horrible Histories - BAFTA Awards

As you may have read before, I'm a big fan of this children's programme - well, technically it's a children's programme but it is indeed entertaining, and educational, for people of all ages! (I'm 26 and trying to convince myself here...) - so imagine my delight when I discovered that the show has been nominated for an award.

It truly does deserve it as it's incredibly intellectually written and certainly makes learning about History fun.  I was not a fan of the subject at school - possibly due to the teachers; I'm sure they were historical themselves! - and after watching this show, I have learnt so much about various eras and historical figures than I ever would have done at school.  It's truly marvellous!

Wonderfully, it's not just the show that has been nominated for a BAFTA Award; one of the show's actresses has also been nominated.  The outstanding Martha Howe-Douglas has been put forward for a nomination in the 'Performer' category.

I wish the best to the show and to Martha as they both/all deserve to win... (again...)

You can view the whole list of nominees here: BAFTA Award Nominees

And, if you have never seen Martha in action, or would like to see her again, here is a video of her performing as 'Boudicca'...

Outstanding!   ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 24 October 2011

A quick survey...

A fellow student at my university is currently doing an MA in Psychology and is in need of your help...

In order for her to graduate, she needs to acquire 120 surveys as research for her dissertation.

The survey is anonymous and takes about 10 minutes - however, it literally took me 5 minutes; so it's not long at all!

Please click the link to redirect you:

Thank you very much - this will certainly be classed as your good deed for the day as you can revel in the knowledge that you have helped someone with regards to their education!

The survey is about relationships and people's response to them when they end.

The X Factor - Tulisa's Tattle Tales

Oh dear - there was quite a bit of uproar on Saturday.  I don't know what was wrong with the judges but, for some reason, they were bickering like a bunch of old crows.

The straw that broke the camel's back?

Answer: Tulisa giving Misha B a telling off for being a bit of a nasty pasty backstage.  Now, I do not agree with bullying and, if she has been quite vicious towards the other contestants, it does need to be stopped; but there is a time and a place for such reprimanding...and on the live show, for the whole nation to see, was not the place.

Bad judge points awarded to Tulisa!

The X Factor - Kitty Update 2

As those of you have visited my blog previously will know, I have developed admiration for Kitty's performances on the X Factor.

Yes, yes, I know she is a bit of very much an odd ball; but, my foot, that girl is entertaining!

Once again, she stole the show on Saturday night with her performance of Live and Let Die.  AND, she was one of the very few that actually did a rock song!

But the public are focusing too much on her bizarre personality and feigning ignorance to the fact that she is a great entertainer - who can actually sing!

So, I was very frustrated that she was in the bottom two on the results show last night - but, admittedly, not surprised because, as I have stated in a previous blog, it's primarily young girls that vote for these shows and they're all rooting for Frankie.

Her version of Lady Gaga's The Edge of Glory totally (to quote my friend, Q) "blew Sami out of the water".

It's a shame this show is not based on talent, as it should be, and is more of a popularity contest - no wonder we never hear of previous winners of the show!

Alexandra who?  Joe who?  Steve who...??

The X Factor - So Long Sami

After Frankie seems to have plummeted to new lows with his whispering talking screeching singing(?), and was wrongly saved last week, I thought he would be going this week...

BUT, alas, the fans of the people who can actually sing (such as Sami and Kitty - who were in the bottom two last night) just cannot match up to the hormone-riddled teenagers who are smitten with the lovable cheeky rogue because they, let's face it, are the only ones who really take the time to vote for these acts.

Admittedly, Sami did not match up to others on Saturday night which I agree is Louis's fault, as it is him who kept giving her cruise-ship songs.  Each week she has been transforming more and more into Jane McDonald.  However, she does have her own mind and could have stood up for her singing and said to Louis "This is NOT the song to sing - I need to sing something more modern!"...

BUT, after watching her "time on the X Factor" video, she came onto the stage and said, directly to Louis, "I want you!" - confirmation that she would not defy his wishes and would act as his puppet by dancing singing to the beat of his drum.

A shame really, she was very talented!

Getting rid of Frankie last week would have paved the way for Sami to have an Xtra (like what I did there?) week on the show - because I'm pretty sure No Vibe would have been goners this week...

There will be more about Kitty in a blog to follow...

A cheeky visitor...

Look who stopped by for lunch...

After a little bit of research (with the help of some impressive knowledge from my dad) I discovered that this bird is a Sparrowhawk!

He just landed in our garden on Thursday; munching down, what I believe to be, a pigeon.

He was there for a good twenty minutes - and when he left, my dad went out to clear up his mess but there was nothing, and I mean NOTHING, left! Just a pile of feathers (which does kind of contradict what I said about there being nothing there...but I'll let it go) - bones had been demolished. No idea where he put those - we saw him swallow one whole at one point.

This was certainly something we've never seen before, especially in our garden.

It's amazing how nature can just catch your attention, out of the blue...

The garden was deadly quiet afterwards - it took a while for the more common birds to feel safe again!

Apologies for the hazy pictures - the camera on the iPhone 3GS is not the best to take pictures with!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Saturday 15 October 2011

The Lion King - 3D

What more could I ask for?

Last night I watched one of the greatest, and saddest, movies ever made...in 3D!

Almost twenty years on, this film proves to be timeless!!

Apart from the whole 3D effect, it proves that movies don't need to be in CGI.  The talent of those at Disney still proves remarkable and should continue to be acknowledged.

CGI = cheating!

iPhone iOS5 Update

Yesterday, I jumped on the bandwagon of updating my iPhone to the most current software (the iOS5).

I have to say...

I'm so glad I did!!  It's brilliant!

The update, and the new iPhone 4, pays amazing tribute to Steve Jobs who passed away last week.  The true Genius behind the entire Apple corporation and today's, and the future's, standard of technology!

The new features include:

iMessage; which I believe is like a Blackberry Messenger (BBM) where all text messages between iPhone users are free - a step up from the marvellous Whatsapp, which you have to purchase (69p!) from the App Store.

New sounds - I have had tremendous fun assigning a number of sounds to the various applications on my iPhone.  You can now also purchase tones from iTunes and assign them to contacts.  Very exciting stuff!
One thing that doesn't seem to be working is my "Tweet" tone - I have assigned the tone Tweet to "Tweet" but I still seem to be getting the Tri-Tone when a notification comes through from Twitter!  (Help, please, anyone...!!?)

There is a new feature where you can swipe down from your main screen and it brings up an array of information, including the weather, notifications, missed calls etc.

You can now take pictures using the "up" volume button, instead of having to use the home button on the front of the phone.

Finally, there is something called the iCloud.  As far as I'm aware, it stores all your info (messages, contacts, emails etc)... but I'm not really sure...?!

So, while the Blackberry users of the world (myself being one of these twelve months ago) are complaining that their phones are rubbish, iPhone users are basking in the glory of their phones continuing to reign as the most superior!

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go bask...

Thursday 13 October 2011

Is this what Social Networks are for?

Personally, I thought sites like Facebook and Twitter were designed for people to say funny, clever and witty things that friends, and other people with similar interests, would appreciate.

In actual fact it seems to be an excuse for pedantic people to prey on status updates and attempt to belittle them; presumably to make themselves look more knowledgable?

Loula's Advice: Don't be that person!

And don't even get me started on cyber-bullying!!!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Made in Chelsea

Is anyone else finding this show annoyingly addictive?

I never got into TOWIE, and I vowed not to get into MiC either... but I just can't seem to stop myself from watching it.

Ollie seems to be the most endearing as he poses, very bizarrely, for his modelling shoots.  His facial expressions, particularly in last night's episode, were truly hilarious.  And don't even get me started on the time a modelling agent told him during an interview that he may need to cut his hair.  Here's a taster of what he looked like...

Ollie Locke - Made in Chelsea - Google Images
I tried to search for a video clip of his interview but it doesn't appear to be online - if anyone can get hold of it, please let me know... ♥ ♥ ♥

The rest of the cast prove to be terribly annoying (especially Spencer, Caggie and Hugo) but I still can't help getting drawn into their ridiculously posh lives.

Perhaps I am just jealous because I don't get whisked away by friends to huge country manors for dinner parties, or go on first dates where someone takes me to a park bench and offers me champagne...

I need to rethink my life!

The X Factor - Amelia Lily

Oh dear!  I've just read that Amelia Lily, who was dropped by Kelly Rowland, ran from the stage in a strop after hearing her fate.

What a brat!  If there's one thing I really cannot stand about The X Factor contestants, it's when they pout and sulk because they have found out that they are not as good as they thought they were.  Of course they are going to be upset, this is expected, but to actually hang their heads and fail to communicate with Dermot, their Judge, or the audience, is absolutely cringe-worthy.

They should be ashamed!

Loula's Advice: No one likes a moody-pants!!

I would much prefer it if they accepted the Judges', and the public's, decision to boot them and get on with it.  Smile with dignity and show support for the rest of the competitors!

Disgraceful behaviour, Amelia Lily!  And you, Jonjo!!

2 Shoes and James (or Charlie!?) showed that they were upset but also expressed their respect for the Judges' decisions.  Admirable!

Monday 10 October 2011

The X Factor - Kitty Update 1

I have to confess...

Kitty, the crazy drama queen from the X Factor, is starting to grow on me!!

I know!  This is madness!  But when I saw her jump into the pool after her audition last week, I thought it was hilarious.  She's as unpredictable as a whirligig!

Her rendition of Queen's Who Wants to Live Forever was so ambitious on Saturday's Live Show.  Admittedly, she did not sing too well to begin with.  I was actually cringing with my hands covering my face.  But then she sang the big notes and it didn't sound half bad...

She absolutely blows Katie Waissel out of the water with her Diva-like qualities and Drama Queen skills.

The X Factor - Live Shows

What a twist to introduce us to the Live Finals of the X Factor!  The Judges had to pick one of their acts to be sent home.

My prediction was:
Boys: The curly haired one who murdered the Beatles' Ticket to Ride
Groups: NuVibe - they just didn't cut it against The Risk, who were amazing, and I thought 2 Shoes deserved to stay as they are the only group in the competition who actually came to X Factor as a group!!  They were not manufactured by the Judges.
Overs: Jonjo - at first I tought Johnny should go as he was given a song that did not suit his voice, and was turned into a carnival act by Louis - but then Jonjo butchered The Kinks' You Really Got Me
Girls: This one was tough as they were all so good!  But for me, it had to be Amelia.  She was pipped slightly by the other girls, and she had the disadvantage of being the first performer of the entire show.

So, three out of four wasn't too bad!  However, my boyfriend, Rob, guessed all of the acts that were being sent home.  He knew it would be 2 Shoes out of the groups.  I've told him to have a go on the lottery this week also...

Boys: Charlie
Groups: 2 Shoes
Overs: Jonjo
Girls: Amelia

The X Factor - Judges' Houses

Last week, we saw many acts get sent home from the Judges' houses (may I just say: thank God the acts all got to go somewhere exotic - it surely beats going to Dublin or Newcastle [no offence Louis and Cheryl]) and many go through to the Live Shows.  There were tears, there were tantrums, there were air punches.  The houses were full of mixed emotions.

I must say - I pretty much agreed with every single act that went through.  The only one that troubled me was Jade, the Scottish singer who brought Kelly Rowland to tears at her first audition, being sent home.  It concerned me slightly that Janet, the Irish dot, was chosen over her.

Gary and Tulisa were the only Judges that picked the correct acts to go through without any disagreement from me.  It was touch and go for a moment when I thought Gary was going to put Luke Lucas through after his awful audition at the poolside (which contrasted greatly against his amazing first audition) but it was ultimately decided that he was just not ready for the Live Shows.  Agreed.

Now, we move on to Louis.  The Judge who argues till he is blue in the face that The X Factor is a singing competition.  So, what does he do?  He puts Goldie through to the Live Shows instead of Sami.  I was outraged.  Yes, I agree that she is very comical, but there we had the same problem last year with Wagner.  However, due to Goldie withdrawing from the competition, Sami is now through to the Live Shows - exactly where she should be and deserves to be there!!

Busy Bee

Wow - I've been so busy over the past couple of weeks.  Observing my last post as being late September, it confirms that I have not had time to blog since I started back at Uni.

However, as per usual, I realised I have far too much to say, so expect a whirlwind of blogs that get a lot off my mind...

Loula Love xxx