Welcome to Loula World

It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

Welcome to Loula Land.

Loula Love xxx


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Tuesday 29 November 2011

Desperate Scousewives

My boyfriend, Rob, refused to watch this so I missed it...

Is it worth watching??

The X Factor - Quarter Finals

Well, since the last time I wrote about the X Factor, we have lost The Risk, Johnny, Kitty, Frankie, Craig and Janet...and we have regained Amelia Lily.

So, first of all...I am devastated that Kitty has gone.  I wanted her to win - she was so spectacular for an X Factor contestant.  But, c'est la vie I suppose.  I now want Little Mix to win!!

I was so glad that Frankie went as, let's face it, he did not deserve to be part of the live shows.  He was a very naughty boy and I loved, loved, LOVED how people across social networking sites had dubbed him "Frankie Cokeupthenozza" - very clever indeed!!  I was very disappointed that we did not get to see him go personally but he did have a very big girly fanbase so I think they would have kept him in till the final.  So, every cloud...

Who do I think is going to win?

Well, like I said, I would now like Little Mix to win as I think they are growing to be such a strong girl group (please, please, PLEASE, stop calling them a "Band" X Factor Judges!!  Until I see them playing instruments they are just a group!!) - I particularly loved their performance of Katy Perry's 'E.T'.  I know you are thinking that I am biased due to my love for KP, but it is because of that reason I should be biased to not approve of their version of the song...

Amelia Lily coming back has certainly thrown a spanner in the works - she is very good!!  However, I was disappointed when she said last week "this shows that I should have been here from the start".  That may be the case, AL, but a little modesty goes a long way...

I'm just saying!

Finally, thank goodness Janet has gone.  She definitely deserved to go after the SECOND debacle of forgetting the words.  Once was bad enough, but at such a late stage in the competition, it was truly embarrassing to watch her forget the words again...and then AGAIN later on in the song.

So, the competition has now been left wide open for Little Mix, Marcus, Misha B and Amelia Lily to steal the top spot...

Although this year's X Factor has been particularly boring compared to previous years, it should be an interesting final...

Katy Perry - LIVE

Oh my Goodness!

One of the best things I ever did was purchase tickets to see Katy Perry's 'California Dreams' Tour in October 2011.

Her show HAD to be the best I had ever seen.  She had clearly put SO much thought into the show to make it as spectacular as it was.  There were continuous dress changes on stage, different style dancers (a mime act at one point), effective lights and...get this...a pink fluffy candyfloss cloud that Katy Perry hopped onto and flew into the crowd on, playing guitar and singing "Thinking of You".

Not only that, she engaged with the crowd by cracking jokes and even inviting a boy from the crowd onto the stage - she gave him a kiss and everything!!  Very funny - and an experience that boy will not forget in a hurry.

I have to say too...Katy Perry's vocals were SPOT ON!!  I was so surprised at how good she was because 1) I saw her on the X Factor last year singing Firework and she was a little ropey, and 2) she was running around the stage constantly!  However, she sounding bloody amazing.  Her last but one song was Firework and it was incredible - she sounded great.  I don't know how she did it considering she was on the stage for two hours.  Yes, TWO HOURS, people!!

I bought the tickets for £30 each and had a two hour performance compared to a £60 ticket for Glee and had a one hour and twenty minute performance...

So, if you ever get chance to go and see Miss Perry/Mrs Brand live, snatch that opportunity up as soon as you can.  It's totally worth it as she is just bloomin' fantastic.

If there was one criticism I had to make...it was that towards the end of the show Katy Perry danced (and mimed) along to Whitney Houston's 'I wanna dance with somebody'.  As much as I enjoyed the dancing etc, there was no need for it as KP did not need it - her show was perfect without!!

Made in Chelsea - The Final

Oh my goodness, this show has become my pleasure now - it is no longer just a guilty pleasure!!

The final to the show was outstanding - Millie Mackintosh (possibly my favourite name ever!!) discovered that her ex-boyfriend Hugo cheated on her with her BEST FRIEND, Rosie, when they were together.

Like, oh..my..God!

I could hardly contain myself with all the drama.

However, sadly the season has come to a close and I now have to wait three weeks - yes, THREE weeks - before I get a refill of that juicy goodness.

Christmas special is on 19th December!

Ollie Locke still proves to be my favourite character from the show - he is absolutely hilarious with his flamboyant campness.  I wish he was my friend - I imagine we'd have lots of fun together.

On the boring side of the show... Caggie is still stringing Spencer along.  *Yawn*


Hello viewers!

What a stressful time I've had recently - hence, no blog posts for weeks.  Whoops!  I do apologise, this was not because I have been ignoring my wonderful readers, it's because things have been slightly hectic this week.

The reason for this?

I moved house last week!  Hurrah!

Me and my boyfriend, Rob, bought a house and got the keys last Tuesday.  Needless to say, since then things have been rather busy and I have not had much time to blog.  Boohoo.

However, I am back...hopefully with a vengence.

Also, prior to moving house, I had some assignments due in for Uni so those cheeky little characters took up a lot of my time.

Prepare yourselves for mass blogging as I tell you about the things I have been up to...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Alan Partridge

Is it just me or does anyone else say at least one Alan Partridge quote each day without realising?

Any favourite quotes?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 7 November 2011

Charlie Simpson

Dear bloggers/readers,

I have deleted my previous post about Charlie Simpson as, four months after that bad boy was posted, I received a few angry (and somewhat abusive) comments from his fans.  Out of respect I have taken the post down as my intention was not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings.

I hope this is the end of the matter and I shall not insult the former Busted (and Fightstar) musician again.

An apologetic Loula xxx