Welcome to Loula World

It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

Welcome to Loula Land.

Loula Love xxx


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Monday 26 September 2011

The X Factor - Kitty

Aboslutely, 100%, this year's equivalent to Katie Waissel...

Prepare to see her in the last few weeks of the live shows.  This is only the beginning of the drama!

Fix, Fix, Fix...(!)

X Factor - Boot Camp

Dear oh dear!  What a drama!

First of all, we saw a group of hopefuls get rejected before they even had their second chance to prove their worth in the competition (something I very much did not agree with!  Bad form, X Factor, bad form!).

Then, we were treated to a cocktail of hopefuls proving their worth in the competition by making themselves stand out.  How did they do this?  Well, most of them forgot the words, while others crawled on the floor, sang out of tune or did weird little hand movements while they sang.

Loula Tip: If you want to get through to the next round of X Factor, I suggest you try these techniques - they clearly overpower any singing abilities...

So, we were then offered a fresh new cocktail of selected rubbish singers who the judges "just did not want to lose" and were given a second chance.  This second chance was to create an array of groups.

Basically, the groups they had already were shit not good enough!

Sunday's showing provided the next stages, where people had to give their own take on a song.  Cue "cute" guys whispering and juddering their words, many forgetting the words altogether and saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" (because I'd love for Katy Perry to do that on stage when I see her next month...), someone chasing Gary around his desk, and another sitting on a piano with an outfit that lights up.

Just a regular day at X Factor Bootcamp...?!

And as for the super-groups that the judges created?  Well, most of them proved to be shit rubbish, but fear not - the judges had another plan hidden up their sleeves... two girls from one rubbish group, and two girls from another rubbish group were combined to create the Ultimate Super Group!

Good grief!  There's just so much going on!!

Friday 23 September 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Season 3 Episode 2

*** Spoilers Alert ***

I wasn't going to make a habit of blogging about each episode of the Vampire Diaries, but after watching the second episode of Season 3, I just cannot resist...

It seriously left me shouting "OH. MY. GOD!"

There doesn't seem to be any other show at the moment that finishes each episode on a spine-tingling cliffhanger.

Just when you think Caroline is meeting her death, she's actually meeting her father instead (the uber-cool Noah Bennett from Heroes...but without the horn rimmed glasses! [Jack Coleman])... This show is just filled with twists and turns!!

And don't even get me started on Damon and Elena!  The chemistry between those two intensifies with each episode.  While Stefan is battling against his inner-demon and his morality, Elena is falling deeper for Damon.  Electric!!  ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Also, I'm so glad Alaric decided to stay.  He is a sweetie!  Unlike that Klaus!  I don't care how nice his eyes are (they are though, aren't they?), he is one nasty pasty!

Next week CANNOT come quick enough...

Thursday 22 September 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Season 3

*** Spoilers Alert ***

I'm not going to waffle too much about this, but WHAT. A. START. TO. THE. NEW. SERIES!

Stefan gone bad!  Caroline hooking up with Tyler!  Jeremy seeing his dead ex-girlfriends!  And Damon looking HOT (sorry, I just had to throw that in there!)!

These are just a few of the aspects thrown into the mix to make the premier to The Vampire Diaries' third Season a huge massive success!

I love, love, LOVE how each episode finishes on a cliff-hanger, and this episode did not disappoint in that area either - Mrs Lockwood knows Caroline is a Vampire!  Will our favourite fragile blonde survive being shot three times by wooden bullets?

I hope so!  Caroline is rapidly clawing her way to the top spot of the list of favourites from the show.

What did you guys think?

One for the Girls

No, seriously, boys!  Look away now!!

If, like me, you suffer with irregular periods from time to time (or all the time!), and are aware that PMT can turn you into someone completely different (in any way, shape or form), then may I recommend an App for your Smart Phone?

There are two versions of this App: the first is the free version, and the second (you guessed it) is the one you have to pay for!

May I recommend you get the free App first?  I don't want to be blamed for making you splash the cash on something you do not use that often.

Right, before I waffle on any more, I'll tell you what it's called: Period Tracker.  (It's the App that has a white background with a pink flower in the middle)

With this App, you can log when your period starts and finishes, what your symptoms were each day, and what your mood was.

The 'full' App provides more options for symptoms and moods, and you can even log your weight, temperature (and other girly things) to see how much your periods can affect you.  With this full App, charts are also available so you can see what symptoms and moods you suffer the most, as well as checking other areas of your cycle.  Also, this App marks the fertile period of your menstrual cycle, so you know when it is best to appeal to/avoid those pesky creatures of the opposite sex.

I'd love to know your feedback of the App!  Do you love it or hate it?

Glee - Season 3

 *** Spoilers Alert ***

HOO-ray!  Glee is back for its third season; So, how did its first episode shape up?

It was great to see the old favourites back in the limelight: Rachel, Finn, Puck, Kurt, Mercedes, etc.

But, I do ask...how long will they be the main attraction for before they are cast into the shadows of visiting celebrities?

For the time being, we must revel in their presence!  And what better way to do this than being treated to a variety of foot-tapping, finger-drumming songs?

Kurt and Rachel's duet of "Ding Dong!  The Witch is Dead!" was a personal highlight.  Their passion for music oozes out of them.  It's truly mesmerising.  I know, I know, it was on the cusp of being very similar to their version of Wicked's "For Good" but, to be honest, throw these two into a mix of witch-based songs and I'm genuinely happy.  "Defying Gravity" anyone?

Sue?  Ah, Sue!  The only ruthless acid-tongued woman we all have a soft spot for.  It's great to see her back to her old self (hating Glee club) and running for Congress (to eradicate the Glee club) is wonderfully entertaining.  However, her torment of the Glee club, and rightfully of Will Schuester, is forever being regurgitated.  I'm concerned that it will run sour...it's already pungently curdling!

On the other hand, I'm very pleased to see Santana (and Britney) back on the Cheerios team, but as for Quinn and her new look?  I absolutely love it!  No one else could rock a pink bob and grungy clothes more so than the beautiful Diana Agron!  She's the girl we should all hate, but her inner-fragility makes it impossible.

Although quite skeptical, I'm actually quite excited about what Season 3 will bring.

The things that I am looking forward to the most, after being given a little taster from the premiere of the show's latest season, are:
  • Sugar Motta (Vanessa Lengies) - her confidence was reminiscent of Summer from Season 2; her singing ability was not.
  • Coach Bieste
  • Harmony (Lindsay Pearce) - the New York College arts hopeful who has an absolutely amazing voice - the whole mash-up of "Anything Goes" and "Anything You Can Do" was jaw-dropping
Things I am not looking forward to:
  • Butt Chin
  • Holly Holliday
Get your hairbrushes out, people!  Glee is BACK!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The One Show - Complaints

Over 400 complaints have been made regarding the training of the Jack Russell on BBC's The One Show.

This is quite ridiculous! I watched that episode and there was no animal cruelty involved whatsoever. The dog was not kicked, it was not hit, it was not starved, it was not left in the rain, and it was not tormented.

The techniques used clearly worked as the dog in question was exceptionally placid afterwards and had a better understanding as to its hierarchical status.

The temperament of the dog will now, hopefully, prove to be much safer around people, especially children.

That is the most important thing!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Coronation Street - Carla's Ordeal

I have to applaud Coronation Street for last night's episode surrounding the rape of one of the street's most loved ladies.

Carla Connor is renowned for being a hard-faced business woman, but the nation saw her at her most vulnerable after her husband-to-be (technically ex) raped her.

This is a very serious issue that was dealt with very delicately and has, hopefully, made people more aware of the seriousness of rape and date-rape!

Frank's parting words ("you made me do this") were truly disturbing. No one EVER makes someone rape them. Such words are pure mental manipulation. It is important for everyone to know that!

I hope all of the girls, and boys(!), out there are forever vigilant and try to remain as safe as possible.

Please look on the Internet for ways to boost your protection. It is also worth contacting your school governors, HR departments or even your managers to inform others within your institution as to how to stay safe. Rape alarms are something that should be distributed to everyone!

Take care!

Loula Love xxx

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The X Factor - Auditions/Judges/Categories

Now that the audition period is over, we'll be able to see who is actually good at singing...

I have no idea which judge has what category but I'm pretty sure Louis will be given the weakest - as always!

I predict the following:

• Gary - Groups
• Kelly - Girls
• Tulisa - Boys
• Louis - Over 25s
(although I thought this had changed to over 28s as of last year?!)

What do you guys reckon?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The curious case of the Ugg boots...

I was asked last night if I was "expecting snow" because I had my woollen Uggs on.


Granted, the lady who asked is of an older generation but I did not have the time, or the patience, to explain their magic.

I answered with a simple "yes", which is not too unusual seeing as I live in England...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 19 September 2011


Ahh, I experienced that awkward moment this evening when you walk into a room and someone says "have you two got the same top on?"

I glanced across the room to see that, yes, a girl did have the same top on as me.

At that very moment, the other ladies in the room noticed too and began a bit of a stir by saying how 'embarrassing' it was.

Personally, I wanted to say the only embarrassing thing occurring was the fact that someone pointed out that it was embarrassing.

Instead, I congratulated the girl in the matching top on having a good taste in clothes.

No further unnecessary drama was created!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Silas Blissett

I had to blog about this as I found it very funny and it certainly brightened up my day...

I tweeted a message today that read "As much as I love Psycho Silas I do wish they would tie up the storyline now!"

Next thing I know, I have a reply from none other than Silas Blissett himself!!! It read: "Love you too"

Of course, if I were in the Hollyoaks village I would indeed consider it to be quite horrifying!

However, as I am not, it was a very comedic surprise to see such a response to my tweet.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Fred Figglehorn

My brother introduced me to the world of Fred Figglehorn on YouTube.

Fred is a character created by Lucas Cruikshank and has a very high-pitched voice.  He gets to all kinds of comedic scrapes and has produced a couple of songs.

Fred is either loved or hated - personally, I think he is a hoot - due to his child-like ways.

To ease you into his world, I'm going to provide links to two of his songs.  Enjoy...

The Babysitter's a Vampire

Christmas is Creepy

Hollyoaks - Silas

Good Grief!  This whole Silas storyline has actually proven to be quite a good one.

Admittedly, I was dubious at first due to Silas appearing to have no motive whatsoever to kill poor unsuspecting India (who was duped into meeting Psycho Silas after chatting to a guy on a dating website).

Intertwined in the episodes of Hollyoaks Later, Silas admitted that his wife had a wandering eye...by this, I mean that she was checking out other men, not that she had a glass eye that kept breaking free from its socket.

So, with this knowledge, it's starting to become a bit clearer as to why Silas is on the rampage...!

However, this revelation does not excuse the fact that this storyline has now been going on for months, and poor Lynsey is STILL being made out to be the crazy one.

It's become quite frustrating to be honest!  And now he has swanned off to France, so that means more waiting around for him to come back to create more mischief... while Lynsey is left alone with a village that does not believe any of her accusations, and the one person that does has been locked up in prison for the murders of Silas's victims!

Would you believe that Lynsey is telling the truth, or would you believe that she is telling lies?  Remember, Silas is a very clever man whose many games of Chess have taught him the art of staying two steps ahead...

Wednesday 14 September 2011


I know many people dislike the snow, but at least you know where you stand when it comes to winter!

Summer is continuously hit and miss...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sunday 11 September 2011

A Tribute to the victims of 9/11

Tuesday 11 September 2001 is a day that will always be remembered by everyone.

The majority of us will remember that pivotal moment when we found out that New York's Twin Towers had been targeted by two hijacked planes, followed by another attacking the Pentagon in Washington, before learning that a fourth hijacked plane had heroically been overtaken by its passengers but, unfortunately, were unsuccessful in bringing that plane to safety.

Thousands of innocent people were killed, thousands had their souls destroyed by having loved ones taken away (stolen!) from them, and millions/billions were left distraught by the reality, yet disbelief, of such evil acts of terrorism.

A decade later, the devastation is still as raw as it was the day the earth stood still. The memory is etched inside our minds forever.

Even so, it is not a day that anyone wishes to forget.

On the contrary, it is a day that we wish to remember for the sake of those poor victims; including workers, tourists, local residents, the NYPD and the FDNY, along with their families! They are all in our thoughts and prayers, and will remain so for eternity.

Ten years later, we are strongly uniting as nations, countries, friends, brothers, and sisters, to prove that terrorism can not, and will not, destroy our world!

RIP to all of the Angels who were victims of the 9/11 attacks xxx

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Friday 9 September 2011

A great App

If you can't decide what app to get on your smart phone, may I recommend one to you?

I came across this by chance as I browsed through the categories in the AppStore. It's very rare that I buy an app that has not been recommended, or costs more than the standard 69p (Apple, I am still upset that you have raised the price from 59p!).

However, I decided to take a chance on this intriguing app that cost £1.49...

'The Akinator' claims to be able to guess the famous person you are thinking of after asking a series of questions.

Well, I have to say, this was the best £1.49 I have ever spent! It is tremendous fun, especially if there are a few of you playing, and the genie does actually guess who you are thinking of!

I tried a few abstract characters, thinking I'd defeated him, but you can't kid a kidder!

When he guessed Gary from 'Are you afraid of the dark?', Roger Rockmore from 'Kenan & Kel', and the shark from 'Jaws' (yes, really!) I was hooked.

Hours of fun!

I think I have now converted about five people into Akinator fans - I should get commission!

After 10pm, the genie is wearing pyjamas!

What a hero!

I'd love to know of some abstract people the Akinator guessed from your go...

NB: Obviously there are some characters/historical figures that the Akinator may not get - but just remember it's a bit of fun.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

New Earrings

I had to share this purchase with you as I was quite excited about it...

These are my new earrings from Freedom at

If, for any reason, you have had a moment of madness and can't quite figure out what they are...they are jewelled owls!

£6.50! And I also had 10% knocked off with my student discount.

I am wearing these bad boys to the wedding I am attending today.

I am sure they will be a hoot...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Soup Dilemma

Vegetable vs. Minestrone

Grr, this was a toughie today!

Which is better?

I have been pulling my hair out trying to decide which soup is better out of the two...!

This is one of the toughest dilemmas I have ever encountered in my entire life!

NB: This post was created as a joke, following on from the previous post. In reality, we all know that Vegetable would be the preferred soup...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Twitter Twits

As the old advice goes, you should never meet your heroes as you will be disappointed.

Well, I'm wondering if this actually applies to today's society...

I am now following several comedians/comediennes on Twitter and must say...I'm very disappointed!

They're just not funny!!

I know, I know, they can't be funny all the time, but babbling on about every day, mediocre things just proves that Twitter is an excuse for celebrities - and I use the term very loosely - to express just how pretentious their founded fame has made them!

Now, if you don't mind, I have some very important blogging to do regarding a dilemma I encountered today involving vegetable and minestrone soup...

P.s. One comedian who has proven to be extremely delightful to follow is Laurence Rickard @Lazbotron (one of the actors from Horrible Histories who was recommended by a friend)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 5 September 2011

Hello September

Wow!  September!  What a sneaky little month this is.  It has quite literally turned up out of nowhere!

Most of the kids are back at school, the summer holidays are over, the summer itself is over (although it never came), and we are now officially in the run up to Christmas!

Cue the shops filling their shelves with Halloween products, then fireworks, and all the while having cheeky Christmas paraphernalia subtly placed alongside them until, out of nowhere, the shops are filled to the brim with red, golds and greens...and some blacks, for those people who want to make a statement that they hate Christmas, but really they love it!

So, enjoy the quiet next few weeks of September before eating a mince pie and blasting Wham's "Last Christmas" is not deemed too bizarre...

Freudian Slip

Dear oh dear!

I was just on the phone to an Estate Agent, informing her that we have a mortgage in place due to previously being in the process of purchasing a house (before it all fell through - quite literally - when we discovered, from one of the searches, that it was built on top of a limestone mine and could possibly collapse), so instead of saying the intentional "I am back in the game", it unfortunately came across as "I'm back on the game".

Understandably, a tumbleweed rolled by during a momentary pause...