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It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Monday 25 July 2011


Now, before I start this, I must inform you that I'm very much pro-equality and wish that all of the prejudice and discrimination in the world could be banished.

However, watching the soaps lately, I can't help thinking there is a very unlikely number of homosexuals within each fictional area.

Coronation Street originally had the wonderful Sean but, of course, he needed a partner. So then there was his perfect match, Marcus. Todd turned gay. Anyone married to Sarah-Lou Platt was bound to reconsider though. Corrie then boldly bit the bullet and introduced two lesbians in the form of Sophie - the sweetheart of the cobbles who the majority of Britain watched grow up as part of the Webster family - and Sian. Now, it seems Dev's daughter, Amber, is also a lesbian.

Like I said, I'm all for equality, but surely such storylines must be made believable. At least six homosexuals in one small traditional street seems slightly far-fetched...

If we move over to 'The Village' in Hollyoaks, we have a similar situation. John Paul McQueen was the first to come out - expressing his love for Craig Dean. Craig left his girlfriend, Sarah Barnes, for JP. Very romantic...even if it did push Hannah towards an eating disorder. We then had Sarah, who spent months going mad about Craig's new preference, turn lesbian after a kinky experimental night with Zoe.

Are you still with me?

Sarah then became an item with loco Lydia.

A few months ago, we had Brendan beating up Ste, his lover, as both failed to come to terms with the fact that they are gay. Obviously Brendan was taking it harder than Ste.

Nowadays, Ste is comfortable with his sexuality and is seeing a bloke called Noah...who almost got it on with Brendan...while he was with Ste.

Good Grief!!

The icing on the cake is a teenage lesbian called Esther. However, she can't be single for long so that must mean another homosexual will be introduced to the soap...or another character will turn...again!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Audrina - Her new show

Aww, Audrina Patridge! The one we all loved on the Hills (well, behind Lauren Conrad of course!) and screamed at through the television screen when she let Justin Bobby treat her like some he'd picked off his unwashed (but incredibly hot) body.

Our little Aud is now all grown up with her own show, 'Audrina', which shows her posing in her undies for fashion shoots, and introducing us to the people who formed her into the loveable person we witnessed on the show that put her on the map.

Her family must be adorable!



Holy Frick! Her family are maniacs!

Let's start with her mother. Hmm...nutjob! It's the only word I can think of - she is blatantly jealous of her first born's fame, so what does she do to hide it? Use foul language and screech at the paparazzi (and Lauren apparently!). She seems delightful.

We then see Audz house-hunting with her bro. She wants a quiet house with privacy - he wants to party all the time. What could possibly go wrong?

The only two normal members of the family are her father and her youngest sister. Well, so far they seem normal. However, Pops did smash a face in Audrina's face. That's love...?!

Finally, you may remember Aud's coolly collected sister Casey from a couple of episodes of The Hills. She's the one who always helped her big sis see reason when there was a drama going on with JB or LC. Her normality was refreshing.

Well, I don't know what calming drugs she was on that day but she's definitely not that nice, sweet, laid back girl we observed in the show. In Audrina you see her true colours - she is just like her mom. C-razy!

So, the show is jam-packed with Patridge drama, it makes you wonder whether Audrina was actually adopted! Surely such a sweetheart can't be related to such nutters...

Audrina is definitely worth checking out (Tuesday, MTV, 9pm) if you want reassurance that your own family are normal.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sunday 24 July 2011

Amy Winehouse - RIP

The inevitable time has arrived for Amy Winehouse to kick the bucket.

My heart goes out to her family who have had to deal with the rollercoaster of watching the demise of their daughter over the past few years.

Although everyone knew Amy was rushing headlong into an early grave, there was always that glimmer of hope within us that wished she would have been provided the support she consistently needed.

Unfortunately, although Amy passed away on Saturday 23rd July 2011, her talent died a few years ago when her rebellious streak proved too overpowering but it's true that she won't be forgotten in a hurry.

I hope Amy's demise encourages young impressionable people to choose a path that does not include drugs!

RIP Amy Winehouse

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 21 July 2011

Katy Perry - Tickets

Woohoo! I have purchased two tickets to go and see Katy Perry at the NIA in Birmingham on Wednesday 26th October!

I am far too excited! I know Ms. Perry will put on an amazing show...

I'm so pleased they put on extra shows as I missed the tour earlier in the year!

Who has already seen her in concert? Thoughts?

Roll on October...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 18 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Review)

** Spoilers Alert **

The much anticipated, and somewhat dreaded, finale of the Harry Potter saga has finally arrived.  With many of us growing up with the boy wizard, a stable figure throughout our lives from childhood to adulthood, it has proven to be a very emotional journey for everyone involved.

First of all, however, I must give credit where credit is due: the 3D effects for this film were possibly the best I have ever seen.  Unlike HP and the Half Blood Prince the entire movie was set in 3D.  It was worth having those big heavy glasses weighing down my nose (I had my usual glasses on underneath also) for two hours.  Bravo.

Let me just confirm that this is a somewhat epic review of the film, which is probably more of a summary.  Stick with it...

So, the movie started where we left off.  Dobby is brown bread (cockney rhyming slang for 'dead').

Anyone who had seen the previous movie (and had not read the books) would, rightly so, take this as a sign of things to come.  An omen, if you will.  If a lovable elf can be killed off, then no one is safe...

Not even you, Potty!

So, after this reminder of doom, it was a journey back to Hogwarts that included facing the goblins at Gringotts (who cannot be fooled by Hermione posing as Bellatrix LeStrange!) and convincing Dumbledore's brother that Albus was a trustworthy man/wizard.  Poor guy's only been dead five minutes and his brother is slagging him off.

Of course, it was not just Harry & Chums making their way to Hogwarts - there was also Voldemort leading his own posse to the castle.  With possession of the Elder Wand, he clearly thought he could not be defeated.

Oh Voldz, you can be so naive...

However, once Harry was back at Hogwarts, he was greeted by his defenders (mainly the students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff), as well as a warm welcome from the current headmaster...Snape.

I jest - of course it was not a warm welcome.  Wands were pointed, Voldy (mentally) egged on students from Slytherin to grab Harry, and Harry was protected by his friend.

That's when Snape disappeared, and the wonderful McGonagall took his place as being in charge.  First thing she did was put a protective barrier over the castle to keep those dark fiends (the Death Eaters, and the Dementors) out.  What a hero.

But this was no time to celebrate Prof. McG's power.

While Harry & Co sought out the last of the horcruxes, it was great to get an insight into the intense discussions between Voldy and Snape.  Vold sussed out that the Elder Wand did not give him enough power.  Why?  Because Snape was the one who killed its last owner (Dumbledore), so now he had to kill Snape to be granted rightful ownership of the wand.  See ya, Snapey!

Snape's death by Voldemort's snake was quite disturbing (even though you didn't see anything).  However, it was the perfect opportunity for Hazza to collect Snape's tears while he lay dying (as you do).

So, fast forward slightly, and you have Potter looking into the memories of one of his most hated nemeses, Snape.  What does he discover?  That Dumbledore was right all along.  (Of course he was!  It's Dumbeldore!)  Snape was trustworthy after all.  He killed Dumbledore to protect Harry.  Why?  Because he was in love with his mother (Harry's mother, not his own...or Dumbledore's!  That would have made it a completely different movie!).

Yes, who knew Snape had a heart, eh?  He loved Lily all his life, and the reason he bullied poor Potter was because he was a walking reminder that she did not reciprocate his affection.  All together now: Awwww!

Snape even adopted the same protronus as Lily (a doe).  However, we'll avoid going down the route of accusing him as being a stalker...

While all this is going on, and the Death Eaters United are attacking Hogwarts, there is always time for hormones to break through.  We had Neville hunting down Luna to confess that he is "mad for her", Ginny screaming at every opportunity when she thinks Harry is a goner (the little minx), and Ron and Hermione reaching their inevitably climactic snog.  The latter was very well done though, and caused a cheer to break through the hearts of everyone watching.

So, with love coursing through the veins of these teenagers, who really needed to sort out their priorities during this difficult time, we finally got to the big fight scene.  Harry vs. Voldemort.

Of course it would be tricky for Harry to obliterate Voldy when he, Harry, possesses one of the horcruxes within him.  However, all is OK, as Voldy kills him anyway, and he ends up in King's Cross station with Dumbledore; who is always on hand to give advice, even when he's six feet under.  It's actually a very beautiful scene.

So, once Dumbledore has helped him out AGAIN, Harry returns.  Pretends to be dead.  Fools Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eater Clan.  Then jumps out of Hagrid's arms (unfortunately, he did not shout 'Boo!') and they have a scrap.

Of course, good conquers evil.

Harry is victorious and destroys Voldemort.  As simple as that.

Happy days.

The End.

However, it's not really the end.  Many people died along the way.  Prof. Lupin and his missus, Tonks, have been murdered; and so has Fred.  Yes, Fred!!  George's twin.  Very upsetting stuff.  Well, you would think so, but unfortunately, and this is my biggest gripe with the movie, his death was brushed over.  Surely Fred deserved a bigger send off than a slight, blink and you'll miss it, dismissal!?

Now, we fast forward again.  Nineteen years in fact.

Everyone is made to look old (quite well, actually) and they all have kids.  Looks like their hormones overruled again.  We are left seeing that Harry has a son that he has named...wait for it...Albus Severus Potter.

Good grief!

The Real End.

Loula's Verdict: The applause from the audience at the end of the movie was very much well deserved.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Illuminati Celebrities

Am I the only person who thinks this whole 'Illuminati' nonsense is...well...just that.  Nonsense!

All over the internet are websites, blogs, videos, pictures etc about how celebrities have sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for fame.  These are celebrities ranging from Lady Gaga to Rihanna to Beyonce to Kanye West to Katy Perry.

Their proof?

Well, apparently, these celebs are introducing a number of clues into their videos that are connected with the Illuminati phenomenon.

These clues include pyramids/triangles (also created by putting their hands together), hooves (yes, as in hooves), stars, verses of songs that have been written in a certain number of syllables - 666, eyes, doing the OK sign with their hands which really represents 666 (from the form of their fingers).  The list is endless...

Taken from Google Images
Basically, I think the people who have spotted these things are clutching at straws.  Granted, some celebs are possibly playing on the idea that they are all devil worshippers (anyone remember the 'Paul McCartney is Dead' rumour that was possibly toyed with by the Beatles once they heard about it?), but why can't anything be taken as face value anymore?  Why can't Rihanna just be a fan of triangles?  Why can't Lady Gaga putting her hand in front of her eye be just a new dance routine?
Taken from Google Images
There is a video circling the internet with Katy Perry saying that she used to write gospel music but knew that it did not sell in the industry.  She goes on to say that she changed direction in order to be successful and "sold her soul to the Devil".  Well, that's it then.  Proof.  It's not a figure of speech at all... (for anyone not aware - that was sarcasm)

It is interesting how Kelly Cutrone tells Whitney in an episode of The Hills that to work for her she is selling her soul to the Devil.

Oh my God!  I've had a breakthrough!  Kelly Cutrone is the Devil!  She is the puppet master behind all of these Illuminati-based videos.  She is controlling all of these pop stars!  How has no one realised this before?

Maybe because it's a little far fetched; a little difficult to believe?


It's easy enough for people to believe that pop stars are only successful if they include Illuminati symbols in their music videos; so why is it hard to believe that Kelly Cutrone is the mastermind behind the whole thing?

C'mon, she's scary enough!  It could be true...
Taken from Google Images
I reckon Rebecca Black is in on it too - that's why she starred in Katy Perry's Last Friday Night video...and why her surname is Black...and why she inflicted her song Friday upon the world...

There are thousands of images, videos and notions about the whole Illuminati symbolism saga on the internet.  Have a search and see what you think...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Rolls - The Dog, The Myth, The Legend

I was scrolling through some pictures on my phone and came across one of our dog, Rolls.

He had to be put down a few months ago. The house isn't the same without him but, oddly, my brother and I still seem to hear him...

A couple of days ago I heard Rolls barking and, just the day before, my brother heard the light trilling sound that his collar made when he would scratch himself.

There is possibly some explanation as to what these sounds could have been but it's always nice to think that our loved ones are still around. Or, it could have actually been Rolls's presence!?!

RIP Rolls <3

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Alcohol Ban


Due to a dodgy tooth I cannot drink this weekend.


Sodding antibiotics, that's why!

All together now...


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Stroppy Jack Russell

Good grief - who's ever seen a dog in such a bad mood?

Zeus was having a strop today due to his chewy shoe (one of those weird little chews in the form of a shoe) being taken off him.

Initially, I gave him the chewy shoe and he went straight outside, to the top of the garden, and buried it.

Then, when he caught me peering into the bush to see if it was visible within the soil, he dug it back out and went to another part of the garden to bury it.

When he saw my mom was within a distance of seeing where it had been buried, he then dug it back up and took it inside.

When my dad went near him, he lost his temper and went to bite him (Zeus, not my dad).

The chewy shoe was taken off him, resulting in his bad mood.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Cheryl Cole and Ashley Cole Reunited?

I sensed this would happen after Chezza was ditched on both sides of the pond by the show that boosted her recognition: The X Factor...

Feeling upset that the USA and the UK do not want her anymore (exaggeration - it was only Simon!), she went running back to the one person who she knew did want her.  No, not David Hough (he was next in line if the first person wasn't in).

Ashley Cole.

The man who cheated on her.


Of course she would want to go back to such a catch.  He's rich, handsome, faithful.  Oh wait, I got carried away there and forgot that I'd already mentioned that he has cheated on her.


So, what is she thinking?

My guess is that she's so aware of the negative press after her booting from both X Factors that she needed to divert the attention.  What better way than to shit on upset all of her loyal fans, who supported her throughout her marriage breakdown and were given the strength to walk away from similar relationships, by returning to the king of the rats that caused such grief.


King Rattigan (Ashley Cole)
Still, Cheryl began her X Factor career after Ashley cheated on her (the second time).  She may as well conclude it by going full circle and back to where it started.

Perhaps she is hoping that he will cheat again and that will prompt a second wind for her X Factor career...?!

Harper Seven Beckham


That poor, poor child...!

Glee - Live Tour

A bit late, but here goes...

Yes, I was one of the adorning fans who travelled to London's O2 Arena to see the Glee Live tour.

My verdict: Awesome!

Although I would consider it to be a very, very short show (1 hour 20??!!), it certainly lived up to my expectations...and then some.

Someone defined Glee as 'glorified karaoke'.

That person...was right.  It IS glorified karaoke!  That's what the show's fans love about it.  Songs that they know and can sing along to, and are being performed wonderfully.

Whilst waiting for the show to start, there were a number of Cheerios running through the crowd, handing out what looked like pieces of paper.  (I was up in the Gods and even my binoculars could not see that far into the floor seats)

A video came on the screen showing Butt Chin (sorry, I mean Will Schuester) and Sue Sylvester; Sue explained that the 'pieces of paper' were in fact...sick bags!  Hilarious.

The show kick-started with the original six (Rachel, Mercedes, Tina, Kurt, Artie, and Finn) performing the song that shot them to super-stardom: Journey's Don't Stop Believing.  Classic.  They even incorporated an introduction to the later members of the Glee Club who all joined in the latter part of the performance.

A couple more songs and we were shown another video of Will and Sue.

Brittany S. Pierce dancing to Britney Spears's Slave 4 U was AMAZING.  That girl sure can dance.

The cast then continued throughout the show with a number of fantastic performances; my favourites being Dog Days are Over, Firework, Teenage Dream (The Warblers), River Deep/Mountain High, and the climactic Somebody to Love.

The utilisation of the mini-stage within the crowd was a stroke of genius.  And Kurt performing the dance routine to Single Ladies on it was just absolutely marvellous.

The show pretty much based its set list around the songs from the second series - this would have been acceptable had the UK been given a tour last year which was based on the songs from the first series - and, like I said previously, it was deemed very short by my standards; but there is no denying that these actors and actresses are extremely talented and are perpetually going from strength to strength with regards to their vocal abilities.

However, I am probably being picky as I can just never get enough of...

Lady Googoo - Sorry, I mean Gaga

As we all know, Lady Gaga is slightly...how can I put this politely?...warped.

Her wacky outfits go from extreme to extreme, causing the whole world to gasp in shock and horror.


Does anyone else feel that Miss CooCoo Pants is becoming so far-fetched that, eventually, even her 'Little Monsters' will lose interest?

Admittedly, (well, it's hard not to agree) she is one of the craziest people to walk the planet, with an outrageous fashion sense to match, but will the "wow-factor" soon fizzle out?

Apparently, she is currently feuding with Katy Perry over the rights to a certain mermaid outfit.  Surely Gaga can just hand that one over to Katy on the basis that it is far too tame a costume?!

Gaga vs. Ariel vs. Katy Perry
I just think the world will eventually become bored of Gaga's attempts to shock the world.

It is interesting to look back at videos for Poker Face and Just Dance where she is relatively normal.  Was that the real Lady Gaga?  Has fame brought out a ridiculous side?

People will do anything to stay in the limelight.

My bet is that she brings out a lesbian sex tape.  I don't think a celebrity has done that yet...!?

Sometimes, Grandparents do the cutest things...

I visited my grandad today and, as it was sunny and we could go out in the garden, he decided to show me all of the plants, flowers and vegetables he has grown in his garden.

I was thrilled to see him pull a potato out of the ground. It was probably the size of a big (kingy?) marble but it was a delightful moment. I was far more excited about it than he was but it has now reignited my desire to grow my own vegetables.

My grandad also pulled off the bud of a poppy and put it in a little plastic bag (one of the ones that you put your coins in to take to the bank) for me to take home and grow my own set of poppies.


Alan Titchmarsh eat your heart out...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Terrible Toothache

Dear oh dear!!

I have such an aching tooth at the moment. I don't suppose there is anyone out there who can offer advice as to how to numb the pain?!

I went to see my dentist today to book an appointment; he is on his hollybobbletons and not back 'til the 25th July.

The receptionist said she would book me in for then, but if it gets worse over the next couple of days she will send me to the emergency dentist.

I've had paracetamol and ibuprofen but does anyone know of any other remedies that will help combat the little critter without me overdosing on pain killers in the meantime?


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Where would we be without police?

Probably in a fairer world, that's for sure.

Cast your mind to the scene in Miss Congeniality where Sandra Bullock uses her badge to get to the front of a queue in a busy coffee shop.

It's not that similar but today I was with my mom in the car; the lights changed to green and we started to move off. Two policemen just casually strolled into the road, expecting us to wait for them even though we had the right to go.

Honestly, they make up their own rules!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Simpler Times

I recently saw that horrific Andrex advert with the computer generated puppy and was absolutely mortified.

Why oh why do advertisers/marketers feel the compulsion to include CGI in everything they do?

Sometimes, the simple use of natural props and characters provide greater impact. They are far less creepy!

I remember having that feeling of disappointment before... It was when I saw that Bill and Ben (the flowerpot men) had become computerised.

I don't care if it's modern, it lacks authenticity and loses its charm.

Campaign: Bring back the cute real Andrex puppy!!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Vampire Diaries - Book

As a fan if the hit show, I was recently bought the book for my birthday.

I'm only halfway through the first story (The Awakening) and just had to blog a couple of questions...

Who the bloomin' heck is Meredith?

Who are Aunt Judith, Robert, and Margaret?

Where are Jeremy and Jenna?

And why is Elena blonde?

Artistic licensing at its best...

Does anyone else find Elena's character extremely annoying?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Is Lea Michele really a rude bitch?

The accusation that Glee's Lea Michele is a very rude person, who considers herself to be 'above' those who are not of celebrity status, seems to have fizzled away into nothing.

It has left me wondering if she is indeed such a person.

However, seeing her interaction with the crowd at the Glee concert (at London's O2) and the messages she posts on twitter, predominantly directed towards her co-stars and fans, I believe it is safe to confirm that Ms Michele is definitely NOT that vile, callous girl she was once described as.

Lea's admiration for her not as vocally talented, but certainly just as hard working, co-stars of the hit show is admirable in itself. It was heart-warming to see that she recently referred to them as the brothers and sisters she never had, being an only child.

Whoever originally stated that Lea Michele was such an awful person must have either caught her on a tremendously terrible day, or indeed maliciously made it up...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 11 July 2011

Script Analysis

Calling all film buffs!

I desperately require your assistance.

As part of a screenwriting module at uni (from September) I am required to analyse a script.  As far as I'm aware, it is a movie script and can be from any movie I wish.

My favourite film ever is Stand By Me but, as much as I love it, I don't think that would be the best screenplay to analyse.

What would you consider to be a clever, interesting and generally fantastic screenplay to analyse?

I appreciate any guidance you have to offer and am open to all ideas.  If you provide reasons as to why you think your chosen screenplay is worth analysing, that would certainly help also.

Thanks in advance!

Geordie Shore - Final Verdict

Finally caught up with the final episode of this show.

Oh my life!  What a finale.

It was clear from day one that none of the "couples" would work out; such as Charlotte & Gary, and Vicky & Jay.

However, the arguments between the latter couple proved to be even more fierce as the show headed towards its climax.  Vicky spitting on Jay was truly horrific.  I was shocked and appalled that someone, especially a girl, would do something like that.  I could understand her anger towards him after he was so blatantly rude towards Holly.  He was just acting up in front of the boys.  It made him look ridiculous and supported my belief that boys can be just as, if not more, bitchier than girls.

I wasn't too sure why Holly returned to the house.  Her return was somewhat pointless, and was only relevant to portray her boyfriend as an even bigger "mug" than she did previously.  I also agreed with Gregg that she should not be smoking around the non-smokers.  Rude.

Charlotte and Gary?  Well, he proved to be the jerk we all grew to know and tolerate when he slept with that random girl in the bed next to Charl while she was sleeping.  It was not just inconsiderate to their set-up, it was a huge slap in the face.  She put her heart on the line for him, and any girl who has professed un-reciprocated love to a boy would understand how mortifying it is to just see him with another girl, let alone actually getting down and dirty right next to her.  Epic fail by that jackass.  Team Charlotte all the way.  Walking around and chatting to everyone without any pants on was comedy gold.

I want to conclude this blog with a dedication to Sophie.  She has proved to be the best housemate in the show.  Not only did she, hilariously, whisper 'chlamydia' to a boy while they were having sex, she demonstrated what the show should have been about.  Having fun.  She genuinely loved her new 'family' and took care of all of them when they were in a sticky situation.  Legend.

There is a nagging feeling that I have forgotten someone...?

Oh yeah, James.  What d'ya reckon?  Gay?  Or just a bitch?

Sunday 10 July 2011

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

Word on the street (well, in gossip mags and The Sun...) is that Katy Perry and Russell Brand's marriage is on the rocks as he has been spotted holding hands with a blonde.

If this is true, it begs the question: what is he thinking?

Katy Perry is beautiful and funny; the latter being a rarity in the celeb world. Why would he want to cheat on her?

Well, apparently, Russell considers KP's current 80s fashion style to be 'silly'.

Surely this is a bit rich coming from someone who went through a huge spell of infamy as a result of phoning up Andrew Sachs and leaving an offensive voicemail for the sake of comedy value.

It has also been suggested that Russ is upset that people in the US only know who he is as a result of his marriage to Ms Perry.

So, what better way to gain recognition, and respect, by the US than cheating on one of America's Sweethearts?

Good one, Russ!


Loula's advice? Stop being a whiney little bitch and be happy for your wife. Man up and stop being jealous of her journey to world pop domination. Support her instead of trying to destroy her... Jackass!

After seeing the two of them pictured together this week, the infidelity gossip could in fact be rumours...

Saturday 9 July 2011

If Facebook had rules...

As many of you know, Facebook does not have a rule book. However, if it did, here are the top ten:

#1 People are not allowed to 'like' their own statuses. Never. No exceptions.

#2 People can give the following reasons as to why they do not want to accept someone's friend request:
A. I don't care if you are related to my boyfriend's mom's friend's son's girlfriend... I still don't know you;
B. You are an ex, the only reason I would accept you as a friend is so I can flaunt my new relationship and my successes for your benefit, but I'm above all that so I'll avoid the opportunity;
C. You're my ex's girlfriend, it would just be awkward;
D. You're my boyfriend's ex. It would just be weird;
E. I already have a huge list of "friends" that I don't talk to, you'll only make it longer;
F. You're a bitch.

#3 Any attention seeking pessimists who talk daily about their woeful lives through their statuses will receive an immediate lifetime ban. Their half empty glass should not be the world's problem.

#4 "Some people really need to get a life" - If this comment, or something similar, is used then the person being talked about must be named. It saves the hassle of the curious having to work for the information.

#5 If the above status is questioned by a sympathetic 'friend', and is then answered with "Inbox me", the person shall be banned. They will gain more of that desired attention if they follow through with airing their dirty laundry publicly.

#6 "Fake" marriages and engagements result in an instant ban. People should not waste a 'congratulations' on something that isn't real.

#7 'Re-post' statuses are unacceptable. "Please put this as your status if you have a best friend and have been affected by mosquitoes".

#8 Parents are limited to four statuses a day regarding their babies. People are happy for them but hearing about their sleeping pattern each day gets a little tedious.

#9 A dislike button.

#10 Parents (particularly those above the age of 50) are banned. It's social suicide for them and their kids!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Walt Disney - The Dirty Devil

I'm sure many of you have heard about this before: Walt Disney was quite a naughty boy when it came to fiddling with the hidden messages included within his movies.

Now, whether this is true or not is certainly up for discussion, but my opinion is that he knew what was going on and chose to turn a blind eye.

Don't get me wrong, I think some things went missing under the radar but many were left for the Disney staff's personal entertainment.

It was risqué and, of course, a little bit funny.

"Funny?" I hear some of you cry, because obviously these films are primarily considered to be kids' films.

Do I change it? No. Why? Because even though they are kids' films, I have to ask... Did you notice any of the naughty things that Walt & Co put into their movies when you were a kid? No.

I can guarantee that the majority of you didn't even notice the innuendoes when you were an adult either and you're only aware of it as a result of the wonderful world of the Internet.

Many times I watched The Rescuers as a child and not once did I notice the topless lady in the background of one of the scenes. (She is in a window when Bernard and Bianca are flying downwards past the buildings in their sardine can) Only when I came across it on the internet did I know it was there and looked for it.

There are many more like this too, and it's something that is still happening with Disney films of modern times, keeping Walt's kinky sense of humour alive. The most recent was on the picture of Tangled. The hair of the girl is wrapped around the boy, and the tangle spells out 'SEX'.

Naughty stuff!

But again, unless you're looking for it, you wouldn't even know it was there.

It could be mere coincidence and is something that is recognised/conjured up by very perceptive teenage boys whose hormones are going crazy and are obsessed with sex. C'mon, it's natural! And therefore highly entertaining for us who would rather believe that the innuendo IS there, rather than not.

Other naughty 'mistakes' are listed below, with my opinion as to whether or not it was intentional:

• The dust on the cliff in The Lion King blows off when Simba lies down and spells out 'SEX'. I reckon this was a coincidence. You have to be VERY observant to even notice it is there. It took me several attempts and I still struggle to find it.
• An original version of The Little Mermaid video had a cover which included a tower of the castle in the form of an erect winky. Now, I believe this was certainly included intentionally. The person drawing it was apparently male so he would definitely know what one looked like, and the detail made it far too convincing that it was intentional! Whether Walt knew is a quandary but I reckon he did. Dirty devil!
• Aladdin is believed to tell Jasmine that 'good girls take off their clothes' when they are about to embark on their magic carpet ride. Filthy boy! Personally, though, I don't think he says that at all. It sounds more like 'hoom bah dolly pop snuff'. Exactly! Gobbledygook!!

There is a wonderful website that includes many more of these 'mistakes' called Snopes. It's not just naughty things either; there are some interesting and fun facts about Disney films that the creators included, such as Belle walking through the Parisian streets in a scene from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

If there are any other cheeky mistakes that you know about, please share! Also, feel free to give your opinion about whether or not these inclusions were intentional.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone