Welcome to Loula World

It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

Welcome to Loula Land.

Loula Love xxx


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Thursday 23 June 2011

Before or After the Watershed?

There is a huge debate that is currently going on regarding whether or not certain music videos should be banned before the watershed.

It appears that the nation is divided.

As per usual, I am going to throw my two pennies worth into the mix...

What do I think about it?

Well, personally, I thought people were making a mountain out of a mole hill... to begin with.  However, that all changed last night when I saw for the first time (bear with me, I live under a rock most of the time!) Rihanna's S&M video.

Crikey me!

What ISN'T she wearing!!  It's actually quite disgraceful that such a video is broadcast at all.

Now, I'm not a prude in the slightest, but I have to admit/agree that such a video should not be cast upon the eyes of an innocent youth.  It's highly inappropriate for them to look at such role models and think that it is ok to behave in such a manner.  No wonder we have so many teen pregnancies with girls believing it is ok to be so promiscuous.

It's not just that though.  It sends out the wrong messages to the males!  If young girls are parading about in skimpy clothing, and young (and old) boys think that said girls are giving the impression that they are 'up for it' from their provocative dress, it will result in such a disastrous outcome.

Girls need to be reminded that it's ok to be young!  They don't need to be slutty to be accepted.  They need assistance in believing that there is no rush to grow up.

The likes of Rihanna and Christina Aguilera (cast your mind back to her X Factor performance last year!) are not helping at all.

Verdict: Yes, such videos should be broadcast AFTER the watershed!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Too much tea...

Some of you may think that there is no such thing as having too much tea.

However, put yourself in my shoes.  I'm not a big tea drinker.  Don't get me wrong, it has been know for me to enjoy the odd brew every now and again, but generally, I'd rather have some pop.

If you have read any of my previous blogs today, you will have observed that I started work again this week (only temporary till next Thursday).  So, as you can imagine, the first day is always rather daunting.  You are thrown into the lions' den where the lions are all good chums, sharing some banter over the new carcass that has been thrown into their territory.  Is this intruder a fellow lion, or a wildebeast that can be feasted upon? Or worse, sharingly teased.

In order to introduce myself to these new people, and assure them that I come in peace, I took it upon myself to gain their trust through the offering of a hot beverage.  There seems to be an invisible bind between tea-drinkers.  I needed to be part of that group.  I needed acceptance from the Elite.

However, this introductory gesture has now trapped me within a routine of tea drinking.  I've had about twelve cups already today.

And the Elite?  Well, I've moved desks now and am at the opposite end of the office to them.  They only speak to me when asking if I want a cup of tea.

I'm also the only one who takes sugar in their drink too.


Trapped inside these four walls...

I'm back in an office.

It's not my desired place to be but I need some cash over the summer while I am not at university.

So, I am guessing that you are wondering why I am blogging at this unusual hour if I am supposed to be working.  The truth is... I don't really have much to do.

I am covering for a lady while she is travelling across the high seas (well, she's in Tunisia, so more likely to be travelling across the sand... on a camel) and my responsibilities are quite limited.

It's not a very big office.  Today, there are seven of us here.  SEVEN!  You can see why I'm relatively bored.

However, it has certainly confirmed that teaching is my desired profession (as well as writing!).  The people here are nice, and the company's very interesting (marketing) but I just wish there was more for me to do.  I have far too much energy bubbling inside to be sat in an office all day.

I've just gotta let it all out!

Roll on 1pm when I can go on lunch.  The highlight of my day will be to visit the coffee shop on the Ground Floor.

I can barely contain my excitement...

I'm still here

What a busy few weeks I have had.  It has been so busy that it actually resulted in me being far too tired to type up any blog posts.

However, I'm due to be back soon - watch this space!

I have had so many things that I have wanted to get off my chest (or my fingers) but just have not been able to.  I've missed connecting with you guys.

Loula will be back...

Sunday 12 June 2011

Geordie Shore - Good or Bad?

I'm interested to hear what others make of the reality show that is Geordie Shore.

Personally, I have found it to be absolutely hilarious. What you see is what you get - in every sense of the phrase! It's very entertaining.

The show can only really be described as Dramatic Porn, in my opinion. This horny batch of northerners think of nothing other than who they will be 'tashing on' with next time they hit the 'toon'. It's wild.

As far as I'm concerned it blasts the other, incredibly staged, reality shows out of the water. Everyone loves a bit of drama, and GS certainly brings that to the table.

I just wish there were subtitles so I knew what these lads and lasses were talking about...

If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest that you do - and watch it with an open mind!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

MTV Movie Awards 2011

After catching this on MTV today it was clear to see that the majority of voters for the Movie Awards was made up of teenage girls.

After witnessing the cast of the Twilight movies winning (almost?) every award they were nominated for explained that there is just no hope for good movies anymore.

This was confirmed when 'Eclipse' ultimately beat the likes of 'Inception' and 'Black Swan' for Best Movie.

All I can say is: Good Luck to 'Twilight' at the Oscars...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Katy Perry's Alter Ego

Kathy Beth Terry is rapidly proving to be quite the tweeter of the moment and her popularity is growing by the minute.

If I hadn't put the title as 'Katy Perry's Alter Ego' I am certain many of you would be shouting "WHO??"

And rightly so.

This character is one of Katy Perry's creations.  In theory, it sounds something even more ridiculous, and frightening, than Mary Shelley's tale of Frankenstein and his monster; but, in actual fact, Kathy Beth Terry has proven to be a genius idea.

I believe Katy Perry's "monster" was created after she recognised that Beyonce has an alter ego, in the form of Sasha Fierce, and thus wanted one for herself.  Somehow, I think Kathy Beth Terry and Sasha Fierce may differ somewhat...

The creation of KBT further expresses the wonderful (and somewhat British - that must be Russ's influence) sense of humour that Katy Perry harbours.  It's great to see a celebrity having fun with their fans, and themselves.  You get so used to the idea that the universe will implode if a celeb so much as cracks a smile.  Not Ms. Perry.  She reminds us that they, too, are human.

KBT's bio describes her as "I'm 13 and in the 8th grade. I like Sudoku puzzles, the solar system, high-school science fairs, Skip-It, Weenie Babies and LOVE JTT!"  Her tweets take each reader back to their childhood with several mentions of the classic Saved By The Bell.

Here is the picture that is displayed on Kathy Beth Terry's twitter page:

I dare anyone to profess that this picture does not make you fall that little bit more in love with Katy Perry, and now, also, Kathy Beth Terry.

May their humorous tweets continue...

Follow Kathy Beth Terry by clicking this link (redirects to twitter): @KathyBethTerry

Friday 10 June 2011

The Perfect Job

As you may know, after university I hope to be a teacher, but that won't be for another couple of years.

As you may also know, I am looking to buy a humble abode with my boyfriend, Rob.

So, in the meantime, I need to scrape a few pennies together after being made redundant from my previous job. (Boo!)

Now, I am booked in to an agency today to gain some office work (which I have experience with) over the summer holidays.

However, as a writer, I would love to have something that puts my writing to the test. I would love to do reviews for any of my interests, or even challenge myself at writing about anything unconventional. I like to bring an element of light-hearted humour to my writing too to make it fun for both me and the reader.

So, if you would like to help me help you, please contact me. I shall provide a list of my own interests below so you get a feel for what I am familiar with...

• Movies
• Beauty/Fashion
• Video Games (it's true, I'm a gamer!)
• TV programmes
• Books
• Gadgets

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 9 June 2011

Card Compromisation

Well, as you can imagine, I was shocked and appalled to not only be woken this morning by an early caller (yes, 9:30am is considered early!) but to be informed that my credit card had been 'compromised'.

Apparently, some fiend tried to spend £183 with my card deets.

However, HSBC noticed the odd behaviour on my account straight away (they know I'm a student and only spend my money on alcohol) and intercepted.

Good work HSBC. Hopefully, one day, people won't stoop to theft!

Loula Boos!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Human Centipede II

There is a lot of controversy about this film at the moment and its potential to be banned.

I have not seen the first movie, and after hearing what is involved within it, and its sequel, I don't think I would like to.

This does not mean that I think it should be banned. If anything, I predict that banning it, and making it forbidden, will only encourage its popularity. People always want what they can't have and it will only spur people on to download it or import it from somewhere across the world. It will then be considered a trophy amongst the DVD collection as it is a little bit thrilling to know you have something you shouldn't.

If people don't want to watch such a film, they don't have to. Banning it will make no difference in that respect.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Cheryl Cole - Ditched Again

Good grief - this is one publicity stunt that I certainly cannot keep up with.

Since my last blog about Cheryl's re-hiring to the judging panel, it turns out that she has been dropped again.

So, as far as we are aware, The X Factor, on both sides of the pond, will not feature Miss Cole.

It's quite sad really. Although, I suppose she should have considered her loyalty for us Brits before dropping our show for the US's. She would not have been in this pickle if her head (and hair) had not been swelling at the thought of claiming worldwide fame.

It was Cheryl's humbleness that made the nation fall in love with her. We didn't care if she was a worldwide star - that was something that the media convinced her of, not us.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

To every red blooded female out there...

I just had to share what my dream was about last night...

It was indeed about the beautiful, very beautiful, Damon Salvator from 'The Vampire Diaries'. He was the hero, of course, after saving me from other evil vampires (so, basically, I was Elena).

Stefan was there too...unfortunately...but I kept ignoring him after I kept being mesmerised by Damon's sexy, piercing blue eyes.

I think my shower will be a cold one this morning...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Coronation Street - John Stape

So, the whole John Stape storyline has finally come to an end...or has it...?

I must say, it was great to see such a big-name soap providing a full week of episodes after the watershed. I think I counted three separate uses of the word b*tch.

Very intense stuff.

However, as much as I really want to discuss every storyline that was intertwined within these late-night episodes, I'm afraid I must dedicate this solely to the climax of the story surrounding the accidental murders executed (pun intended) by John Stape...

The week began with Fiz stumbling upon the bumbling fool, that is her husband, digging up the body of Colin Fishwick from beneath Underworld.

Now, if this had been any other murderer, and bearing in mind the episode was at 9pm on a Sunday evening when a little bit of fictional terror would not go amiss, every viewer across the nation would have been a quivering wreck, hiding behind the sofa, whimpering.

However, in a strange twist, that only Coronation Street could pull off, every viewer must have felt just a little bit, or even a lot, sorry for Killer Stape.

No one wanted him to get caught.

He is the one killer, serial killer actually, that is considered adorable by women everywhere. We sympathise with the accidental killing spree he managed to embark upon. We know that he did not mean to hurt anyone...well, maybe not until he kidnapped the Hoyles and Chesney. There was no fear, just empathy for the family man who handled things badly.

It was great to see the penny finally drop when Fiz realised what her husband had done. It was a relief for all of us - Fiz is not the sharpest needle from Underworld's machines. She proved that by helping Killer Stape dump Colin's body in the canal.

WHY?? I'm sure an earthquake ruptured across Britain as each viewer shouted the same question at their television.

Surely you would phone the police?! But not Fiz, oh no. She assists in the crime instead.


It's not till she has shouted at Maria a couple of times that she finally notices John's odd behaviour. That's when she decided to follow him and was led to, not only the Hoyles and Ches, who were locked in the basement, but a confession from John about the crimes he had committed.

Good grief.

After that it was a wild goose chase trying to find Killer Stapey after he fled the scene of the kidnapping.

Where could he have possibly been?

In the loft, of course! Why would anyone check in there?

So, after a few close-calls of bumping into Fiz & Friends, he eventually could not resist the cry of his baby daughter, Hope. That was the moment when Fiz found him. Did she scream to inform her friends (who were downstairs) of his presence?

Of course not! Because, as we have all established, that's just not the way Fiz rolls. Instead, she left the exit clear for Old Johnny Boy to escape. And so he did.

Then Fiz chased him, got knocked down by Owen in his van (personally, I think he was cruising the block hoping for such an opportunity to arise), ended up in hospital and was then visited by John.

However, even though the police were chasing after this murderer, so everyone should be aware of what he looks like, John is actually a master of disguise.

A doctor's coat made him undetectable. The fact that this doctor looked shifty, and was also carrying a baby round the A&E department, did not render him suspicious in the slightest.

Don't worry though, we all knew Fiz would save the day. She secretly called for the nurse from the hospital bed using the remote control. A master plan!

Oh, wait, no it wasn't...

The nurse's entrance startled Stapey who then fled to the roof. He could not get to the exit as two policewomen, who spotted John holding a baby (after just being informed that there was a murderer on the loose, holding a baby), were standing in the way and did nothing to stop him - it took them about 20 seconds to realise he was a bit suspicious. By that time, he was on the roof.

In fact, everyone was on the roof.

John was edging closer to the...well...edge, and Fiz was convincing him to hand baby Hope back to her. There was actually a moment when I thought the writers of Coronation Street had gone incredibly heartless and were going to have them both jump off the roof. But John gave Hope to his wife before letting himself fall.


When the police looked down, I expected John to have disappeared, but there he was. He was just lying there, presumably dead.

Fiz, Hope, and the residents of Coronation Street were safe.

Oh wait, this is a soap! Of course they aren't safe.

The police turned up to inform Fiz that John had disappeared and was possibly on his way to Dublin.

Ah yes, nothing like a cheeky Guinness after such a rollercoaster of events.

So, when will this nightmare end for Fiz? Not any time soon, that's for sure, since she has been arrested for suspicion of her involvement in the murders.

Classic Corrie.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 6 June 2011

Kim Fox - Hidden Gem

I just have to express my love for this Eastenders character.

Kim Fox
(Played by Tameka Empson)
 (Image taken from Google Images)

She is absolutely hilarious.  Just her presence on the screen offers more comedy value than a whole week's worth of every other character's lines put together.

When Kim first came into Eastenders, I was not too sure.  They were getting rid of Libby and Chelsea from the Fox family due to their lack of importance within the show, so why would they bring in a new addition?

I'm so glad they did.  This character makes Eastenders worth watching again - especially with all the doom and gloom that has been occurring in the Square lately.

We need to see more of Kim.  She is a diamond in the rough.


Well, the first episode of Popstar to Operastar kicked off last night.

Has it offered as much as last year's debut show?  Hmm, well, not quite.  It didn't seem to have the same charm that it had last year - but perhaps this was due to the bar being set so high by last year's contestants.

Rolando is still proving to be quite the loveable character, even if I have no idea what he is saying half of the time - in fact, he could be swearing and I'm still saying "aww, Rolando!" - and Katherine Jenkins just makes me shake with envy by her beauty.  She looked amazing in that red dress, didn't she?  However, I think she could offer a bit more personality, no matter how lovely her voice is when she sings.

Moving on to Mylene Klass.  She's ok.  That's it.  Quite mediocre to be honest, but I don't mind her being the presenter as much as I did last year.  I think she was just everywhere last year - she literally did EVERYTHING - and I got fed up of seeing her.

I'll tell you who I was disappointed to see has been dropped from the judging panel - Meatloaf!  What a character he was.  I can't believe he is not on it this year.  (Let me confirm that I could not give two flying bananas about Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen)  I am pleased to see Simon Callow has joined the panel though.  I'm also very impressed that they got such a big-named star to be part of the show.  Vanessa-Mae is yet to prove herself as, to be honest, I don't really know much about her...

I think the first one to be given the boot, Midge Ure, was the right choice.  All of the others offered very good performances for their first attempts at singing Opera, poor Midge was not quite at the same level.

I predict, like many of you out there probably do too, that Joe McElderry will be the winner.  He does have a very good voice, and I think it's important to remember that this could be the only time we ever see him again.  If he'd come second on The X Factor a couple of years ago, he'd be soaring high by now.  However, we all know that winners do not do as well... Let's give him the chance he deserves to win again before he travels back to oblivion.

Who knows though, eh?  I thought Bernie Nolan was going to win last year but she was pipped to the post by Darius the Underdog.  The same could happen again this year!  Watch this space...

The Blank Mind

I am sat here trying to write my proposal for one of the modules for my final year and nothing is coming to me.

Literally...nothing.  Blank!

I know exactly what I want to write about, oh yes, my mind is swimming with ideas for my topic.  In fact, I have everything prepared, but I just cannot, CANNOT, for the life of me, think about how to put it into words.

Every time I think that I know what to write, I start tapping away at the keys and the words just jumble up and become one long sentence of gobbledygook.  It's very frustrating...and unreadable.

It's funny how I always have quite a lot to say on my blog posts though - perhaps I should submit these...I probably would, if they were to be appreciated by the elite (my tutors).

Ah well...

I suppose I ought to crack on with more key-tapping, as well as head-banging, and try to complete my proposal.

Writer's Block = A True Writer

Wayne Rooney's Hair

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous stories I have read in a while.

Wayne Rooney has been having implants put into his head so that he has hair again.

Now, I know this joker has got money to burn, but does his vanity really overrule any sort of good deed that could have been done with such amounts of money?  Apparently, such a procedure costs a few thousand pounds a time.  I suggest he forgets having hair implants and offers that money to charity instead.  Surely that would be far more beneficial?!

It seems like a waste to me, considering he will always look the same as he does now...just hairier...

Cheryl Cole - Back on US version of The X Factor


Why must TV execs, and especially Simon Cowell, do this to us?

First of all, they ditched Cheryl from The X Factor (US).  Blow No.1.

Then, she was not provided a spot on the judging panel of The X Factor (UK).  Blow No. 2.

NOW, she has been re-hired for the The X Factor (US) again.

All of these publicity stunts are making for very poor press.  I'm growing bored of such controversies that don't just use the celebrities as a pawn in their game, but also the contestants of the shows, and the interested public.

So many people have offered condolences to 'poor' Cheryl.  And rightly so.  She was not just axed, but humiliated as well.  A lot of people from both sides of the pond felt very sorry for her, but there were also a lot of people who mocked her too.  Who is perceived as the fool here?  Cheryl's mind must be boggling right now.  I know mine is!

And as for Nicole Scherzinger (why must she have such a difficult name to spell?  I think we should refer to her as Nicole Smith from now on), I possibly feel even more sorry for her than I did for Cheryl.

After being roped in to replace Cheryl on the judging panel, does Miss Cole's return mean that Miss Smith is now being ditched?  Blow No. 3.  Will her replacement cause such a scandal that reverberates across to both sides of the pond?  Probably not, Nicole Smith is already a star across the world, she does not need any more publicity, unlike humble Cheryl who has only just made a name for herself anywhere other than the UK.

I think I need a lie down after all this judge-switching...

Britain's Got Talent - Final

So, another series of BGT is over for another year.

After Jai McDowell stole the crown from tiny singing-sensation Ronan Parke, it certainly let the viewers know that anything can happen on this show.

It is questionable as to whether or not the show was rigged after all.  Do I believe that Simon Cowell set it all up?  Hmm, not really - but things do happen that make you wonder whether or not these shows are more manufactured than we think.  If Ronan had won, it would have 'confirmed' that it was all a fix (even though he was fantastic and should have, in my opinion, been crowned the winner of BGT 2011), and now that he actually came second could be perceived as Mr Cowell's attempt to 'prove' that the show is not fixed.

What a tangled web has been weaved.

I did think that the top three acts, including New Bounce who came third, were the right ones chosen.  They were the three that stormed the show.

However, the other acts that did not make it to the top three appeared in a rather strange order.  I'm slightly disappointed that Les Gibson did not make it further up the chart (I think he came 9th) - I know he was not on top form like in previous auditions, but surely he was better than that man who just dances, badly, to music (Steven Hall).

Still, I suppose it's all over now, and we just need to accept the results and move on.

The X Factor will be starting in a couple of months, we will be able to deal with the same controversies, just with different people...

Saturday 4 June 2011

Poor Ronan Parke

I'm glad Simon Cowell is getting the police involved as a result of the malicious blog regarding 12-year-old Britain's Got Talent contestant, Ronan Parke.

I noticed a tweet on Twitter regarding the blog so I thought I'd have a look to see what allegations were being uprooted this time round.

At first, I think part of me believed what was being said. It was quite convincing. However, I had not seen Ronan's audition, only his second performance in the semi-finals, so I looked it up on YouTube.

I feel that, at this point, I should let you know that halfway through the blog, I noticed that not only was the rant extremely long, but he/she was appearing more and more bitter, and less and less genuine...

Now, this phantom blogger suggested that Louis Walsh's comment about Ronan being a star was scripted, along with the young lad's tears being non-existent.

After watching the audition, I can confirm that I saw tears filling up those poor boy's eyes. Obviously I can't confirm that LW's line was scripted but I CAN confirm that Ronan Parke is destined to be a star.

He was incredible!

For a 12-year-old boy to sing like that was amazing. He sang better in his audition than most current singers do after recording in the studio.

It's a shame that there are such bitter people out there who want to dash any hopes of those with real talent.

Good Luck to Ronan! I'm sure he will do well no matter what the outcome is tonight.

Louis Walsh was right - he is one to watch.

Lose The Losers

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Dream a Little Dream

I am trying to work out just why I keep having such bizarre dreams lately - what is triggering them?

As the summer draws ever closer my hayfever is kicking in - could this be the culprit of my midnight antics?

Last night was not my night off.

I awoke in the middle of the night to find myself pulling everything out of my washing basket.

'Why?', I hear you ask.

Good question.

I think I must have woken up halfway through this clear-out to realise that I thought there was a person in there.

I was trying to get rid of them.

Of course - what else would I have been doing?

Each night I anticipate a restful sleep with no interruptions in the form of crazy dreams or antics.

Its just not going to happen!


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Dog Attack

Yesterday was a very traumatic day for my brother, Matt, and Zeus, our Jack Russell.

Matt had taken Zeus for a walk. On this walk, both were attacked by a Rottweiler and a Whippet/Lab.

The female owner had let the dogs out to greet her husband who had arrived from work. She claimed not to have seen my brother with Zeus. However, the dogs raced past the husband, across the road and straight for Zeus.

They got him.

The Whippet's jaws were clamped onto his back. He tried to fight back but was no match for such a bigger dog.

Matt had Zeus held to his chest - the Whippet was still attached. He tried to prise his jaws open but it was a struggle.

Eventually, they loosened. Matt doesn't remember how, but they did.

Blood was everywhere.

Matt had to go to hospital, and Zeus went to the vet's. Matt had to have stitches on his chin, and his hand was bandaged and put into a sling. Of course, he also had to have a tetanus jab.

Zeus had to have injections, as well as further investigations into the severity of his wounds.

Both have been damaged by the jaws of the dog.

On the picture you can clearly see the wound on Zeus's back. He has two more on his chest and on his bottom.

Both Zeus and my brother were very lucky in this case.

However, the amount of 'what if's have been circling through each of our minds, ranging from "what if Matt didn't manage to pull the dog off Zeus?" to the near enough unthinkable... "what if a child had been with Zeus...or even in his place?"

It's frightening to even consider such a thing, but it is something that could have been.

We are aware that the owners are distraught about the whole situation, and there is no doubt in our minds that they will not make the mistake of assuming the coast is clear for the dogs to be let outside... But all it takes is one misjudged act of carelessness.

Is it a risk that they should be granted to take?

Friday 3 June 2011

Not the best of 'Friends' anymore?

I've just read on the internet that Jennifer Anniston and Courtney Cox are rumoured to be having a bit of a tiff.

Jen is apparently unhappy with Courtney's flirtatious antics with her Cougar Town co-stars.  She went to the beach with one of them too.  May she be burned at the stake!

I appreciate that it must be difficult for Jen to allow her friend to be such a 'wiley minx' (as Phoebe once jokingly called Monica) as she has been on the receiving end of the effects from an affair.

Court is still married to David Arquette (aka Dewey from Scream), which is why Jen is casting her disapproving eye amongst her friend's behaviour.  However, Dewey was quick to jump into bed with some other broad, so why can't Court have fun?

Don't two wrongs make a right?  No?  Oh...

Well, I suppose Court's failure to file for divorce equates to her devious attempts of playing mind games with Dewey.  Of course Jen is not going to be happy with such a ploy.  She is probably having flashbacks to when Brad did the dirty (and has never been forgiven by the world over).

Basically, David is getting what Court thinks he deserves, Court needs to consider what Jen went through, and Jen needs to consider what Court is going through.  All she needs to say is "Court....seriously, you're about 100!  Stop acting like a schoolgirl" - that would sort it, I'm sure...

Anyway, forget this trio of immature fiends.  Have any of them thought about David and Courtney's little girl in all of this?  She's the most important thing in any of these ridiculous games, surely?

Thursday 2 June 2011

TOWIE - New Style TV?

Within the media lately, I keep coming across articles referring to The Only Way is Essex as a new kind of TV programme.

Following the drama of a bunch of people that seems far too absurd to be real, leaving the viewers guessing whether it has all been staged or not, was worth a BAFTA, apparently.

I would be impressed... If it hadnt already been done.

Laguna Beach? The Hills? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

It has been prophesied that such reality TV shows, like TOWIE and Made in Chelsea, are the programmes of the future.

I doubt it - us Brits get bored far too easily. All you have to do is compare the amount of episodes we have per season for a show, and how many seasons we have, to those created by producers in the US.

For example, The Office.

Here in the UK we can only tolerate about 6 episodes per season for a show. Then the second season is rarely ever any good in comparison to the first. Then we campaign for a third season, convincing the producers that it is a good idea. Then we complain about overkill when they listen to us and create the third season. Then, once we have forgotten about the inadequacies of the later series, we use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites, to campaign for a fourth series.

That's when the producers refuse to comply to our demands and create either a Christmas special or a film.

Let me show you the difference between UK shows and US shows:

UK (Episodes, Series)
• The Office (6, 2, Xmas Special)
• I'm Alan Partridge (6, 2, Potential Film)
• The Inbetweeners (6, 3, Film due in August)
• Gavin & Stacey (6, 3, Xmas Special)
• The Mighty Boosh (6/8, 3)
• How Not to Live your Life (6, 3, Xmas Special for 2011)

US (Episodes, Series)
• Friends (24, 10)
• Frasier (24, 11)
• Scrubs (22/24, 9)
• Sex and the City (12-20, 6)
• Seinfeld (5-24, 9)
• The Office (6-28, 7)

So, do I think that programmes like TOWIE and Made in Chelsea are the future? No, I don't. We'll be bored in no time. Big Brother went stale after its third year - and that was pushing it.

I could be wrong, but I'm probably not.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 1 June 2011

What NOT to do in an Interview

Now, you can search high and low across the internet for tips on what to do in an interview. The usual being "always maintain eye contact", "keep your hands on your lap", "dress smartly" etc. These are all very good tips, but sometimes they are just too obvious.

What people need to know are the things that can happen in such intimidating situations but shouldn't.

Here, I am going to offer a few examples of my own experiences that should not have occurred, but did. Looking back, I know that I buckled under the pressure. However, I have learnt from my mistakes and I hope you do too.

Tip #1: Do not walk into a reception/agency/office that you are unfamiliar with and respond to the question "Can I help you?" with "I need some help from [company name]" - You will be greeted with nothing less than a mocking smirk, indicating that this stranger perceives you as a moron. This perception will not grant you a job at this company.

Tip #2: If you are lucky enough to receive a call from the company you have applied to for a job, when they ask "May I speak with [your name]?" do not respond with "This is She!" - You are not the Queen. Apparently referring to yourself as He/She is not acceptable for us mere commoners.

Tip #3: After detailing various points about yourself, such as employment history/hobbies/strengths etc, do not complete your sentence with "And that...is that!". Again, you may be perceived as a moron.

Tip #4: If you are applying for something slightly obscure, such as a position in a shop specialising in an uncommon hobby, do not refer to it, in a relatively sarcastic tone, as a "lost art". It will not be appreciated. No matter how comical it may seem in your head.

Tip #5: I would highly advise you not to suggest that one of your hobbies is singing. Unless you are auditioning for a role as a singing waitress, performing something a cappella during your interview may jeopardise any chance you have of getting the job. I don't think you need me to tell you that, once again, this could portray you as a moron.

So, there you have it. Five tips that should hold you in good stead for any future interviews.

Good Luck!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Independent's i

So, The Independent's other paper, known as i, has been given a slap on the wrist for claiming to not include celebrity gossip and then...wait for it...wait for it...did actually include celebrity gossip.


These papers should be piled up and burned, never to be read again in case we are faced with stories of a celebrity, resulting in it actually being a lie, a fib, because we were told differently!

OK, now, honestly?

Who gives a flying banana? No, seriously, is it really an issue?

Surely there are worse things happening in the world.

How pathetic.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Hobbit

I know many people out there are very excited about The Hobbit being released as a movie later this year, but I have to confess that I suffer nothing but dread for this film.

Now, I did in fact think that The Lord of the Rings trilogy was not too bad. However, I do feel apprehensive about its prequel, and let me tell you why...

When I was in year 5 at school, we had The Hobbit read to us by the teacher. Now, I'll be frank, it was possibly the most boring story I've ever had read to me in my life.

C'mon, I was 9!

There was just one person in the class who liked it, let's call him Boring Boris (as an ode to Bilbo Baggins who shares the same alliterated letters), and he would put his hand up to ask questions.


Why would someone choose to prolong this torture any further? Why would you need to ask questions?

As you can imagine, Boring Boris became public enemy number 1.

So, now, when I am reminded that such a painful time in my life is being created into a motion picture, I wince with the piercing memories that take me back to the grit-riddled carpet where my legs were numb from crossing them for so long, and a monotonous drone hummed in my ear, telling me all about Bilbo Bloody Baggins.


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Five Years!

I am proud to inform you that five years ago today, Rob and I became an item.

I love him very much.

There is still no ring on my finger but we are taking it at our own pace. There is no rush when you're destined to be together forever anyway.

(Obviously, inside, I'm actually screaming due to lack of ring!)

It does get difficult when I see that friends are moving in with, and getting married to, their partners when they have not been together for as long as we have. I just have to remind myself that it's not a race and we will do everything at our own pace.

We are going a step in the right direction though with our house, so once Rob realises that he can actually live with me (let's call a spade a spade here, I'm going to be a nightmare! Fact!) I'm sure he'll pop the big Q.

Rob is amazing though (*dry heave*) and I do believe fate intervenes with our relationship at times.

The key, however, is to maintain great communication and to just have fun in the relationship. We're always playful with each other, whether it's a bit of banter or tickling each other for possession of the remote control.

Laughter is golden.

Don't get me wrong though, we do have our arguments. Of course we do. It would be unhealthy not to argue. That's when communication comes into it and we talk through our problems.

Relationships are hard work and if it's not worth fighting for, it won't work!

5 years of tears and tantrums (all Rob's) have been worth it for our relationship. Love and laughter overrule.

House Hunting - Part 5

Well, today, me, my Mom, my Dad, Rob, his Mom, and his Dad all went en masse to have a second viewing of one of the houses we saw last week.

I was quite nervous as I thought that perhaps Rob and I would not like the house as much as we did the last time we saw it.

And you know what?

We loved it even more.

We could both see the potential of the house for our future and just generally see ourselves living there. Our 'rents liked it too and were really surprised with how nice it was as the pictures provided to the Estate Agents just do not do the house justice.

Obviously we are still thinking about things but...

Watch this space...

I don't want to pin all of my hopes on it just yet as I don't want to jinx anything.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Dating in the Dark - Season 3

Wow, what a shake up for the third season.

Not only do we have the consistently expressionless Sarah Harding (seriously, check out that botoxed fodd) to present the show, in place of Scott Mills's VoiceOver, but we also have two extra contestants AND the 'meeting' room has been shifted so that the others can see their rejects perform a walk of shame.

What better way to lure the viewers in than the art of humiliation?

Let's start with Miss Harding. In all fairness, she's not too bad. She's just quite unnecessary. The contestants tend to profess their opinions more so to the cameras rather than to her. They are either stunned by her beauty or trying to figure out if her eyebrows will furrow ever again.

Personally, I reckon it's the latter.

The two extra contestants add a little something extra to the show. To be frank, they add two extra contestants!?

However, it's interesting to see the other sexes' reactions when they watch, like rabid hawks, their chosen victim perform the walk of shame. It just proves that the whole point of the show (to see if a relationship can be formed on personality rather than looks) is irrelevant. The boys, for example, uttering "ahhh, gutted, she's a stunner" makes me think that they don't quite get the gist.

I'm not too sure about the whole walk of shame set-up though. It makes for very painful viewing to see the person who is walking away from their 'potential match' either avoid eye contact or start smiling/laughing. Cringe

Finally, I've noticed that not much effort is put into the dates this time round. In previous episodes they would create fun-filled escapades where they would have to feed each other with strawberries (seriously, in the dark that is very funny to watch - you're just praying that they accidentally stick it up the other person's nostril), sing on karaoke or be taught how to dance...badly. Now, they just seem to sit and talk. Very boring.

However, the light reveal has not changed and it's always fun to see how people respond to their 'potential match' once they are stood squinting into the spotlight. Their facial expressions tell all. Don't put Sarah Harding in there though, no one will have a clue what she is thinking with that crazy stiff forehead!

So, is this season proving that personality conquers looks?

Absolutely not. Even the couples that meet each other in the 'meeting room' at the end reveal, during the credits, that their 'match' was not who they thought they were in the dark. It is very funny to see them leave hand in hand at the end of the show, then sit at opposite ends of the sofa when you are invited to see how they are two weeks later. Brilliant.

Although it's not yet proving to be as good as the two previous seasons, this show is still comedy gold.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone