Welcome to Loula World

It's a crazy life but someone's got to live it...

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Loula Love xxx


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Monday 30 May 2011

Bank Holiday Rain

Typical English weather strikes again.

Us Brits are treated to a lovely day off work and what do we get?

Rain, of course.

However, in all honesty, I'm glad of it. My eyeballs have been going crazy these past couple of days due to the pollen attack.

I'm going that a bit of rain will help it simmer down a bit and get rid of that awful itchiness that makes me want to scratch my eyes out.

Dab them in salt water? I wish I could take my eyeballs out and let them marinate in the salty concoction for a few hours. But I reckon even then they will still be covered in pollen.

My throat has also gone on the defence. It feels dry all the time and my nose has decided to close itself off. If it could talk it would be saying "No room at the inn".

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Roll on winter!

Geordie Shore

Good grief, what a show!

As I'm having a lazy Sunday today (I've stayed in my pyjamas and have sprawled myself across the sofa with a blanket covering me for warmth and my head resting on a pillow - very cosy), I have been watching random programmes on the TV.

I noticed Geordie Shore on Anytime on Sky. I haven't really gotten into any of the recent reality shows that keep cropping up, such as The Only Way is Essex and Made in Chelsea, and before today I had not had any interest in watching Geordie Shore either.

However, there appeared to be nothing else of interest on the TV this afternoon so I thought I'd give the latter a whirl...

I'm glad I did. I've never seen anything quite so trashy in my life. Great stuff!

In a nutshell, for anyone not familiar with the show, there is a house in Newcastle where four random girls and four random boys live together for a period of time. Cameras are everywhere.

If you're thinking that this sounds like an imitation of Big Brother, you're right.

However, the difference is that this group of people are constantly permitted to drink alcohol, which they take full advantage of, and sex is always on their mind. They also have to do jobs for a blonde woman who popped up out of nowhere.

The Geordies are proving to be quite the interesting bunch and, basically, anything (and I mean anything) goes.

There is even a "shag pad" for those dirty little devils.

Before seeing this show, the only Geordies that I knew were Cheryl Cole and Ant & Dec. My opinion about Newcastle has now changed.

The girls are all about false eyelashes, hair extensions, fake tan, skimpy clothes and big boobs.

The men? Pretty much the same.

And, like I said, anything goes.

In the first episode I saw one girl get their boobs out for the boys and perform a sexual act on another, a fight ensue in a bar, and one boy have a threesome with two girls picked up from a club.

It was incredibly distasteful.

There is also a lot of bitchiness that goes on in the house when the green eyed monster takes over. Each person seems to have located the person they want to sleep with the most and if anyone gets in their way then there will be hell to pay.

As for the jobs that they have to do - the first involved the girls wearing pretty much next to nothing, and the boys were topless apart from a dicky-bow, and they had to entice people from the street to go in a limo. Very sleazy - I've never seen a show quite like it.

So, will I be tuning in again on Tuesday for episode 2?


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Friday 27 May 2011


Planning ahead for tomorrow's Singstar session with my friend, I decided to download a few more songs from the Singstore Online.

I was thrilled to see many more songs had been added to the catalogue. The Cranberries - Zombie was one of them. A classic.

Imagine my concern when I noticed a little padlock in place of the song's cost.

Now imagine my annoyance when I received a message informing me that the song was unavailable.


I tried another song. Same problem.

It did not take long for me to search the internet for answers.

According to the Singstar forum the store is down due to the whole PSN hacking. It was meant to be back up and running by 24th May but that's been and gone.

They are now saying 31st, but the bank hol will have been and gone by then!

Very disappointing, PS3.

I wanna sing, dammit!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Nightmare No. 2

Yes, my night was full of bad dreams last night - I blame the hayfever.

However, the second was even scarier than the first. It does not need as much detail as the first but I shall give you the gist...

Basically, I found myself in love with my teacher and I was so angry that he had already started a relationship with one of the girls in my class.

Don't worry, I wasn't at school - we were all about the age I am now (25) so there was nothing wrong about it. I imagine we must have been at university.

I was devastated about this other girl. So much so that I found myself being really nasty to her. It was awful - I was so mean.

The teacher had even picked up on my bullying and told me he hated me.

I was relentless. He had to be mine. I wanted him so much. I took a different approach...

I was nice to the girl instead. This backfired and I was seen as two-faced. I didn't know what else to do.

However, next thing I know, an aircraft came blazing onto the field outside of the building. It was scary stuff.

I was stood next to the girl and the teacher came over. He grabbed me instead of her and started to kiss me.

I woke up and felt unwell. That teacher was...

Butt Chin! (aka Mr Schue/Matthew Morrison from Glee)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Midnight Strangler

I had a very strange nightmare last night.

It started off that I was in a complex with Rob and his friend. It seemed school-like but I don't think it was. We were trapped inside.

The reason we could not get out was because it was being taken over by gangs.

We managed to make our way to a deserted corridor, even though we could hear the gangs coming. They were chanting. No, they were growling.

We were running through the corridor. No lights but we could see through the dark. Slightly.

When we got further down the corridor I noticed that I was alone. I could here the boys' voices but I could not locate them.

I saw a door. Someone was in there. The door frame was aglow from the light inside.

I pushed my way in. I had to escape the looming gangs. Their growls had become more of a rattle now.

It was a small room. There were several racks of clothes lining the walls. It looked like it belonged to an actress from the 30s.

In the far corner there was an old lady sitting at a dressing table. A sole candle illuminated her face. It was Mavis from Coronation Street (who, bizarrely, has not been seen in the show since 1997).

I noticed there was no window in the small room.

Mavis was wearing a long, old-fashioned nightdress. She looked like someone from a Brontë novel.

I watched as she stood up slowly and edged forward with, what looked like, a necklace in her hand. Her smile became more of a grimace as she made her way into the shadows.

I tried to back away. I turned to open the door but there was no handle. Was that my only exit?

When I turned back round, Mavis was right in front of me. I had not heard her move quickly. I had not heard her move at all. I noticed that her eyes were tinged with what can only be described as the cold. Like a shark.

She raised both hands. Each forming an arc that was pointed toward me.

I tried to scream.

Nothing came out.

I could not move.

Her face had turned menacing.

Her wrinkled fingers drew closer to my neck.

They clamped together.

A vice-like grip on my throat.

I couldn't breath...

I woke up, lying on my back, with a dry throat. I shot up from my pillow and turned on my bedside lamp.

My heart was pounding.

It had all felt so real...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 26 May 2011

Jackpot Joy Bingo? More like Jackpot No Joy Congo!

Last year I joined Jackpot Joy Bingo.  I only deposited £5 a time, just a little something to have a bit of fun with.

It wasn't long before I lost interest.  It was quite boring.

So, to my surprise, a year later (last week) I received a letter in the post from JPJ informing me of a £25 bonus that they had put into my account for me.

What a pleasant surprise.  I was thrilled.

As a student, things like this are like gold dust.  Well, even if I wasn't a student I would be over the moon!

So, yesterday, I decided to put this bonus to good use.

First of all, I won £11.  Unbelievable.  I was very excited.  I played a few more games but no more wins.  However, today, I played again.  I played a game that they have called SNAP! which is similar to Bingo but with five playing cards in a line (you can buy a maximum of five lines for 20p each).  It's quite fun, and rather addictive.

I must have won about 8 times.

I went from the £21 I had left in my account to £51 in about half an hour.  It was extraordinary.  So exciting.  I knew what I would do with this new found money - I'll take out £40 and play with the final £10 to see how my luck draws out.

So, I clicked my way to my account to withdraw the cash.  You can understand my surprise when it said that I had £51 in my account but could only withdraw... £0.00.


This would not do.  I sought out the FAQ link where you could speak to an assistant via online chat.  After several minutes of queuing, I was through...

I explained my predicament to the assistant who investigated the problem through access to my account.  She returned to inform me that I could not withdraw any funds until I had spent a further £46.



At this point I had £47 in my account.

Apparently, because I was playing with a bonus, I was expected to match that bonus with my own £25, and it would seem that whatever I win is not mine either.  I have to spend ALL of that, put my own cash in, then whatever I win I can claim as my own.

There is also a jackpot of £10,000.  So, as I understand at the moment, if I won that, I could not claim it and would have to spend £9,999 on the Bingo website.

Absolute CON.

I expressed my disgust toward the assistant and asked her to forward on my grievances to someone of higher authority.  I think it's absolutely appalling.  I told her that if I'd wanted to spend the £25 I would have, and that the £25 bonus was not a bonus at all.  It was a "conus"!  It concerns me that the games that I have been winning, sometimes winning £10 a game, means that the other players, who have put their own money in, are losing to people with a bonus that does not actually exist.  Disgusting!!

Within my discussion, I also mentioned that I found it appalling that Jackpot Joy would distribute a £25 "bonus" as a ploy to get people to spend a further £25.  They then have the audacity to express concern and offer help for gambling addiction.

It's something I am certainly going to keep my eye on and indeed seems, currently, like a Watchdog situation.

Get me Anne Robinson on the phone...!

Imogen Thomas's Death Threats

Ooh I just had to blog about this.

It turns out that, according to my trusty friend The Sun, since it all came out about Ryan Giggs being a naughty boy, Imogen Thomas has been receiving death threats.

Now, I know she was stupid for starting an affair with a married man (she can argue till she is blue in the face that she didn't know he was married but I don't believe her) but I don't think she deserves to be threatened with death.

Affairs happen every day, what are we going to do? Line up each woman that has been caught with a married man and send them to death row?

Highly unlikely...and unfair.

Although I don't agree with what this shameful couple have done, I don't think death is the answer.

Also, as per usual, it is the female that seems to be getting the brunt of the attack and the male is probably being branded a hero (John Terry is captain again, go figure).

If these stupid people stopped dropping their knickers/Y-Fronts at every opportunity then surely life would be easier for them?

Auntie Loula's advice:
Footballers: Don't run off crying to the nearest easy girl when your relationship gets a bit tough. Make an effort to work through it. If you love your wife, she's worth the effort. If not, stop whining and get out of the marriage before starting a relationship with anyone else.

Easy girls: Go for a single footballer if it's his money you're after. If not, just keep your knickers on.


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Glee - Finale


As usual - the spoiler alert is primarily for the UK viewers, not the US viewers.

So, we have reached the end of another season of Glee.  Was it worth the blood, sweat, tears (all from Sue Sylvester, of course) or did it go down like a lead balloon?

Personally, I think it was the latter.

What a disappointment.  The Glee Finale?  Surely, if it is a finale, the show should be going out with a bang, teasing us, leaving us wanting more.

I did not get that.

All I got was frustration.  Frustration that the club we have grown to know and love, and feel a part of, were expected to win Nationals with a song (two songs, actually) that they penned, learnt, and choreographed the evening before.  As if that is even believable.  Why should they win for such laziness?

The episode focused more on the fact that they were in New York.  As much as I did indeed love the "For Good" duet between Rachel and Kurt (taken from the amazing show, Wicked), I felt that that was the only good part of the episode.  I skipped past the part where Mr Schue sang on the CROSSRHODES stage - boring!

If I take all of my favourite moments from the season and put them together, I reckon we could produce a grand total of...one episode...give or take a few minutes.

The truth is, the writers lost their way somewhere halfway through the season with all the relationships flying around the Glee Club.  So much so that it came round full circle back to Rachel and Finn being reunited, Quinn being wildly(!) jealous, and Jesse lurking in the background.

Speaking of Quinn's wild jealousy...  In the previous episode (Funeral), Finn broke up with Quinn, as we all know, and she unleashed a threat that had the viewers wondering if she was going to sabotage the Glee Club's chances of winning.  The possibilities were endless: would she rejoin the Cheerios?  Would she go AWOL before the show?  Would she kill Rachel?  It was disappointing to see that all she did was cut off her hair instead.  Is that really revenge?  (Her bob does look lovely though)

It is safe to say that there were far too many loose ends that needed tying up.  Fair enough, they have a third season coming out, but some sort of closure as to where we stand with it all would have been nice.  I am speaking of Karovsky's homosexuality, Santana's homosexuality, Brittany's relationship with Artie, and Emma's relationship with Butt Chin (sorry, I mean Will).

These actually could have been concluded in the show but the mediocrity of it all possibly meant that I wasn't paying attention...

All in all, a very disappointing Finale, Glee.  I expected much better from you.  Hopefully, the writers will pay more attention to detail in the third season and it will all actually start to make sense again.

Bring back the fun, the excitement, the Glee!

Oh, and of course Mercedes and Trouty Mouth (Sam) are together.  There is no one else left in the Glee club to get together apart from these two.  Boring, predictable, and lame...

And I think that sums up what I thought about the second season.

Cheryl Cole - Booted from US X Factor

There is speculation that the reason why Cheryl was axed is because of her Geordie accent.

There is a chance that this is true. Most of the time when she was on the UK X Factor no one really knew what she was saying. You could only tell if she liked an act by the appearance of her dimples.

However, I do not believe that this is the case. No no. The reason why Cheryl was booted off the show was because...

No one in America had a bloomin' clue who she was!

OK, there were possibly a few people that had some sort of idea who she was (thanks to Will.I.Am, not Simon Cowell), but not enough for her to tell people whether they could sing or not.

Why would someone want to be judged by a stranger?

Replacing her with Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls is probably Simon's best choice - she is world famous, she can spot talent, and she made Mr Cowell change the categories within the show. No one else would question his choices - this girl has spunk. Nicole would definitely be a great asset to the judging panel.

However, if Nicole does turn down the offer, Katy Perry on the UK version of the show last year was HILARIOUS! I'd love to see her judging again.

So, what will it be for Cheryl Cole now then? Is she going to come back to us Brits with her tail between her legs and be a judge in the UK? Most probably. Simon will make sure that his protégé is head of the judging panel, no matter who else is judging.

The question is: Do we want her back?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Magaluf Trust

I dropped Rob at the pub this afternoon where he met five of our friends for a lads' holiday (and Stag do) in Magaluf.

They are going for five, yes five, days. I'm so gutted - I want to go too!

Obviously, as I am female, I would not fit in on a stag weekend. However, I have my own plans for the weekend.

They may not be as fun as a few days in the sun but I will certainly be having a good catch up, and a Singstar night, with some good friends. Fantastic.

I can hear many of you out there shouting, asking, questioning whether or not I trust Rob in a town full of sunkissed beauties (and slags).

The truth?

Yes, I do! :o]

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 24 May 2011


It's fascinating to see what people consider to be classed as manners.

Classed being the operative word when there is this smug perception of what level of 'class' people associate themselves with socially.

I have friends that are from different schools, areas, ancestry, but do I consider them to be any better than me?

Why would I? What gives these people that mythical divine right to believe that they are a better person?

Well, what actually makes them a better person? The fact that they have more money than me? The fact that their IQ is higher than mine? The fact that their Mother or Father is the Lord Mayor?

It's not just class though, there are people who are considered more beautiful than I am. People who are slimmer than me. People who are taller, smaller, with different sized feet and thicker, longer, wavier hair than me.

Newsflash - it all means diddly-squat.

What matters is the way these people treat other people - what matters is their manners.

I'm not referring to the manners associated with eating a meal, or when someone sneezes, or even holding a door open. These are very courteous, but I'm referring to the lack of manners that renders someone innately rude!

You can be formed, moulded even, into someone with etiquette. It doesn't apply to manners.

It's a person's choice to be rude to someone. They can ignore people, laugh at people, point out imperfections, criticise something that another person does, insult their choice of clothing/beverage/car...

Like I said, the person they are on the outside does not make them who they are.

It means diddly-squat.

The materialistic things camouflage their true colours - and when those colours do come out, they are nothing more than a dull grey!

Manners - they are your choice!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

So you would?

I find the whole Ryan Giggs and Imogen Thomas scandal quite fascinating.

It's interesting to see that many men out there have said "I would" about Ms Thomas. So you would risk your relationship (well, marriage!) and respect from your family and friends just for a fumble with a glamour model?

Yes, you probably would. Sex is the most important thing in the world and if you boys aren't getting your end away with some hottie then the whole universe will be destroyed.

Truth is, most men who agree with what Giggsy has done are probably punching above their weight anyway and fantasy always seems better. It seems possible (not probable).

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure there are many women out there who are of the same opinion about Mr Giggs too. They would also give up everything for a gorgeous footballer.

Again, fantasy is a wonderful thing.

However, the person Giggsy gave up everything for was someone who shot to fame from Big Brother...and had a sex tape on the internet. Not exactly the person you'd like to introduce to Mom.

It's funny how all these footballers tend to be drawn to the fame-hungry girls who are the most likely to sell a kiss and tell story.

When will they learn?

Still, their stupidity is our entertainment I suppose...

Roll on the next doofus!

Predictions as to who the next footballer is to cheat on their wife are welcome...

Previous Doofuses/Doofi:
• David Beckham
• Wayne Rooney
• Peter Crouch
• John Terry
• Ashley Cole
• Ryan Giggs (new addition)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 23 May 2011

Ash to hit UK - Icelandic Volcano

Well, the MetOffice app on the iPhone was very helpful with detailing information about the ash cloud that is winging its way to the UK over the next few hours...

At least, I think that's ash...

Either that or we are being invaded by a huge fried egg!?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

House Hunting - Part 4

Big day on Saturday. Rob and I viewed five, yes five, houses. It was quite the marathon.

Let me start from the beginning...

House 1 was like a TARDIS. It appeared so small on the outside but it actually turned out to be rather spacious on the inside.

The owner was lovely - she was the first to offer us a drink. She showed us round each room and offered such lovely stories about her time living there. It seemed homely.

The only thing we were unsure of was the area. It seemed OK but it's not somewhere that we're too familiar with. We would have to investigate...

House 2 was beautiful. It was an end terrace and had been designed wonderfully from the outside. The inside was just as inviting. It was the first house that Rob and I could see ourselves living in.

The decor was done very well. So much so that we would not immediately need to decorate it to our taste. There was a conservatory too. It was truly lovely. I had noticed that the living room possibly only had enough space for one sofa though. A little concerning if we were to have guests but I'm sure we could work around it...

The kitchen offered much space and had been designed very carefully. We couldn't fault it. We went upstairs and each bedroom (three in total) looked spacious and cosy at the same time.

I had been won over. Rob, on the other hand, was not as convinced. He really liked the house too, but there was a park on the opposite side of the road that led him, and ultimately myself, to believe there could be trouble.

A reasonable concern.

House 3 - I fell in love immediately. Everything from the outside to the interior design and decor allowed me to picture myself and Rob living there. We went from the living room to the diner to the kitchen to the garden. Everything seemed perfect.

I was gushing over each and every thing in the house. I didn't even know I could gush!

We went upstairs. The bathroom and smallest room were not of a huge size but there was certainly airspace above the kitchen for an extension to be put into place in the future.

The future - I was considering my future in this house. Surely that was a sign?

I'm pretty sure I had that feeling. I was very, VERY, excited about that house.

Rob, however, is far less irrational than me. I would have put an offer in for that house there and then, but Rob is sensible and considers everything carefully before rushing in. The house was located in the same area as the first house so we need to investigate a little further before committing to buy.

House 4 was strange to view. It was the first house we viewed that was empty. It seemed very nice, and was strange to picture where our furniture would go without having anything else in front of you.

It's strange as you would have thought it would be the other way round.

As nice and spacious this house was, it did not offer the same excitement as the previous two houses. We also noticed a number of youths arrive next door leading us to believe that perhaps they could be trouble.

It was slightly off-putting.

Finally, House 5 was also quite nice. The garden was HUGE.

However, it did appear much smaller on the inside than it did on the outside. It was the opposite of the TARDIS.

It was a shame really as we knew that area quite well. We both know that it's a nice place.

The feeling just wasn't there.

House 4 is the strongest contender at the moment. We have booked a second viewing for next Tuesday and we are taking his parents too so that we will have someone else's perspective.

Also, MommaBear is coming with me tomorrow to see what the area is like when the kids come out of school.

I shall keep you posted of this potential dream house...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Ryan Giggs - Dirty Devil

Another day, another footballer's scandal.

I just love how all these well-respected footballers keep providing us with confidence that they are setting a good example for the youths of today.

Oh, hang on one moment...

No, they're not.

They're pathetic. Come on, Giggsy!! I didn't think you would turn out to be a waster that lets his footy-shorts rule his head.

But you did.

This super-injunction mallarkey is a joke. So, you didn't want the truth getting out? Who were you really protecting? Yourself or your wife and kids?

If it's the latter, that's really nice. No, seriously, it's lovely that he has spared a moment while he wasn't sh*gging the not-so-innocent fame-hungry Imogen Thomas to consider his family. They must feel so loved.

I know it's a bit off-the-wall, wild and ludicrous, but here's an idea: don't have an affair!

Absurd, I know.

Ms Thomas is not innocent either. I don't agree with the accusations that she was blackmailing Giggs, but she should not have got involved with a married man. The ridiculous suggestion that she didn't know he was married is exactly that. It's Ryan Giggs! Look him up on the internet. Type his name into Google and I'm pretty sure his biography will pop up within the first few links.

What a joke they both are, but it's not either of them who feels the fool. It's his wife. Mrs Giggs. And his kids.

At least now, thanks to John Hemming (MP), he has now been named and shamed.

And he is exactly that - shameful!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Road Race (different post...)

Yes, this is different to my Road Rage post.

This is about Road Race. That strange situation you find yourself in when you realise a race has commenced with a random driver.

It happened to me today.

I was merrily tootling along, singing along to the radio, minding my own business. I had glanced into my rearview mirror and clocked the looming silver KA.

Then I went back to driving. I pulled up at the crossroads, the KA pulled up beside me. It was slightly over the line. Eager beaver, I thought.

I prematurely assumed that the lights were changing and edged forward slightly. The KA did the same. Did the driver not want me to be ahead of her?

I moved slightly forward again. A test. She did the same. This was a race!

We both scrutinised the traffic lights. Who would set off first? Who would be fastest?


I pressed my foot to the accelerator. We were off.

We were neck and neck. Both going 40 in a 30mph zone. I watched as she swiftly sped up, clearly clocking up the speed to 50mph.

I couldn't do it. Sorry, no, I wouldn't do it. 40 in a 30 was bad enough, 50 would have just been silly. It wasn't worth the risk for a ridiculous game of 'cat and mouse' with a stranger.

She could win. It was over.

But wait...

I watched as the KA pulled into the left hand lane of the dual-carriageway at the traffic lights, behind two cars.

Big mistake.

I pulled up in the right-hand lane, behind one car, just as the lights were changing to green.

We then went in different directions...

But I was now the victor. This crazy unpredictable race had crowned me the winner.

50mph? Slower and steadier wins the race, Miss KA.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Road Rage

I was bloomin' furious today.

Now, I know I'm not the perfect driver (come on, I'm a woman!) but it infuriates me when I see other drivers making blatant mistakes...no, not mistakes, choices.

Some ridiculously ignorant, pig-headed drivers choose to use their mobile phones whilst they are driving.

Today, I saw someone (another female - make of that what you will) with both hands on the wheel, her mobile phone perched between her cheek/chin and her shoulder.

She swerved all over the place.

I have never endured so much road rage - and I am very prone to the stuff.

How can someone risk jeopardising other people's lives? All it takes is for one oblivious pedestrian to step into the road, or one driver to carelessly, but legally, underestimate their timing, and that idiot on the phone could plough into them.

Sod's law means that it won't be the ignorant tw*t who gets killed, it would be their victim.

Why can't such tragedies be avoided? It's not just the law that informs us it's dangerous, surely common sense plays a bigger part?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

House Hunting - Part 3

A lovely house was viewed on Friday evening.

It was situated locally to where we live now and was also close to our friends.

The house itself was lovely. It certainly seemed cosy and had a beautiful long garden.

The only problem seemed to be that it was a two bedroom house. It was priced too expensive for a two bedroom and it also showed us that we would indeed need that third room for our future...

It was a very lovely house but it just wasn't for us. We still haven't had that feeling that people keep telling us about...

Iceland's Volcano

And so it begins again.

Iceland's volcano has erupted, with a cloud of ash deviously contemplating which direction to go in.

Slightly more than twelve months since we were in the same situation. However, some were in different situations to others...

Me, Rob, and two of our friends, Daveed and Quinny, were due to return from New York the day after the volcano spurted out its molten mess.

We were stranded.

No one knew what to do. Virgin were difficult to contact due to the inundation of calls from other panic-stricken globe trotters, and the hotel we were staying in were onto us for updates, as if we had the answers to the problem.

After the third day we were evicted from our lovely 4* hotel.

We travelled several blocks toward Times Square where we found our new home for the indefinite future.

A 2*.

It was devastating to make such a transition. I would not have usually have minded as our room was fairly spacious and kept relatively clean/tidy. The only problem was that it absolutely stank in there! A non-smoker in a smoker's room is never a good combination.

On the plus side, we had an extra week in New York. We visited everywhere that we wanted to visit but could not fit into our original five days. We even spent an afternoon playing 'bat and ball' in Central Park. It was fabulous.

The only problem was that a lot of time was spent trying to contact our workplaces and university to keep them updated. It was also a worry that we were not being paid for the time that we were stranded.

We were in New York for eleven days in total. A lot of people would have changed places with us in seconds to be in the most amazing city in the world.

So, would I go through it again?

Let's just say I'm devastated that I didn't book a holiday for New York this year too...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Friday 20 May 2011


It has gotten to that time of the month again when I open my purse to see that even the moths won't live in there (good job! They are demons!!).

I need to stop spending, but I find that the more I am aware of the budgets I need to make, the more I spend. It is certainly a psychological problem.

Today, I went to New Look and spent X amount of money (let's just say it was more than 50 bones but less than 100). When I was picking up the various items and placing them in my basket, I felt a gravitational pull from the metal rack. It didn't want to let the item go. This made me want it even more. I needed it now!

I wrestled against the rack. An intense game of tug of war. I was determined to win. So was the rack. The knowledge of my 10% student discount spurred me on, chanting like an avid football fan. The rack loosened up and I almost stumbled backwards into a fellow shopper. A shopper who no doubt was going through a similar struggle with her own stubborn rack.

The item was free. Victory was mine. It was MINE! I examined it closely. A vision of beauty that transformed me into a Gollum-esque character. My precious!

Several tackles with various other racks ensued before I was happy with the items that I had collated in my basket.

BUT, this recreational spending has to stop soon. With a mortgage looming in the near future, I need to dedicate the few digits that reside in my bank account towards such a commitment. I need to steer clear of clothes shops and cosmetic companies. My weaknesses.

Surely I can make such a clean break...?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

End of the world?

Word on the street is that it is the end of the world tomorrow (21st May). I'm rather disappointed. Not because it's the end of the world, but because I would have had my roots done if I'd known a bit sooner. They're looking rather peaky at the mo'.

Also, now forgive me if I'm wrong, I thought the end of the world was supposed to be in 2012? Didn't they make a film about it? (Coincidentally, it was called 2012)

I do wish these prophecies were not brandished about like a floozy's knickers. They give me the heeby-jeebies. What if I haven't accomplished everything that I want to accomplish in life?

Obviously the important stuff comes first: Have I worn that new dress I purchased yet? Have I tasted KFC's new Brazer burger? Have I seen the final episode of Glee yet?

And then there is the rest: Have I told my family and friends that I love them? Have I made amends with any past foes that should not have been considered a foe in the first place? Have I told myself not to use the word foe as it makes me sound like a Loser?

There's just so much to do!

If it is the end of the world, I wish you all the very best (in the afterlife? Where would we go if the earth isn't here anymore??) and I hope you have accomplished everything that you hoped to accomplish in your life!

Loula Love xxx

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 19 May 2011

House Hunting - Viewings

I think I am spending more time talking to the Estate Agents than Rob at the moment.

However, this is just an update (and a warning for the length of my next HH blog) to say that I have about five or six houses to view on Saturday. Phew! It's tiring me out just thinking about it.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Glee in the Charts

I have just seen that the Glee cast's version of Willy Wonka's Pure Imagination is creeping its way up the charts.

Now, I appreciated it in the episode but not necessarily in the charts. If any song should be in the charts from the Funeral episode, it should be Lea Michele's version of My Man.

Lea doing Barbara always sounds incredible and certainly showcases the range of her voice. There are no boundaries when it comes to Lea's vocal abilities.

If you haven't heard it yet, I urge you to listen to her rendition of O Holy Night, which is available on Glee's Christmas album. If you're not yet convinced about Ms Michele, you soon will be after listening to that. It will blow you away!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Royal Wedding - Comical Picture

I'm not sure who originally created this picture but it's making its way around the internet at the moment. I wanted to share it too...

I believe some of the colours have been altered but it's pretty much uncanny...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Alexis Jordan

Ah, here we go again, down the road of the fresh, young teenybopper who claims their desire to be a role model for other impressionable teens.

Fair enough that she may not be drinking or taking drugs, so you may think that she is indeed suitable to lead those wayward teens toward the straight and narrow. Very commendable.

However, it's statements like "I don't want to be considered sexy" that infuriate me. Miss Jordan apparently claimed "There are singers out there who do it amazingly. But I never wanted to be one of those artists who wears revealing clothes and flirts into the camera".

Is that so? Well, why does she do both then in her videos? Fair enough, she's not parading around in a basque but she's wearing a loose vest that happens to skim across the training bra she is hiding while she dances.

If singers want to be sexy, do it. Girls like to feel attractive. Katy Perry and Rihanna are two singers that are always flashing the flesh, but at least they are honest about wanting to look and feel sexy. (Although perhaps some outfits are that tad too inappropriate)

The best way to be a role model to the youngsters is to be honest with them. If you don't want to be considered sexy, focus on the music - don't shoot a video that distracts from the vocals with provocative dancing and flirtatious flutterings of the eyelashes.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Word on the movie grapevine is that LoveFilm.com is in trouble.

I do hope this isn't true. I know DVDs come very cheap nowadays, and movies can easily be downloaded on the internet, but it is such a great way to watch a film for a relatively cheap price without having to make the commitment of owning a potentially rubbish film.

I'd heard that Bladerunner was a brilliant film. A must-see. A classic. I am in no doubt that this film is indeed a cult classic, but thanks to LoveFilm I didn't have to purchase the film and got to send it back after a very mundane couple of hours.

Personally, I thought the film was diabolically dull. Apologies to all Bladerunner fans across the world and, ultimately, the universe.

Luckily, I could send the film back and leave a space in my DVD cupboard for a film that is more suited to my taste. Like Disney...!?!

LoveFilm was an ingenious idea that certainly had potential but such classic creature comforts, such as renting a movie for a cosy Saturday night, are being eradicated by the perpetual powerful force of technology.

Stay strong, LoveFilm...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Make-Up Brush

This is a very girly post but one which I feel that I must share...

I put some foundation on yesterday as my general daily make-up routine and, as I was feeling rather lazy, I rubbed it in with my fingers, not my make-up brush.

It was horrific with even worse results.

I noticed that the foundation wasn't blending in at all. Streaks ran independently all across my face and most of it just stayed on my fingers. Needless to say, I snatched up the brush in a flash to sort out the beige mess.

I will never not use my make-up brush again. Mine is an Estée Lauder one and it has lasted for years. It does feel like you are painting the make-up onto your face, but it has such splendid results. I do very much recommend that you purchase a brush. You will certainly notice a difference.

Loula Likes: •••••

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

House Hunting

And so it begins, the next step of my journey into adulthood. The plans of living with a boy are becoming more and more real as the viewings of our potential first house loom ever closer.

Until now I had not really thought about actually moving out from the humble support of the 'rents. Now that a viewing is booked I am faced with the realism of it all. I'll have to cook for myself, wash my own clothes, and even tidy up after myself.


This Saturday, Rob and I will go and see, not one but, two houses. Rob seems to have built up a great rapport with the Estate Agent, with emails being fluently batted back and forth throughout the day. As first time buyers we knew that the EAs would either love us or hate us in the modern climate that is the recession.

I shall keep you posted as to how we get on. Part of me is hoping that we fall in love with the first house we see and we live happily ever after. The other part? Well, that part is just scared that we will hate each and every one of the houses we see and we'll be forced to grow old with the 'rents.

We are also currently faced with the frustration of finding lovely looking houses that are in our price range, then when we request the deets from the EAs, we are informed that they have already been sold. Grr! Very disheartening.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Blogger - Pages/Posts

I write this blog in frustration. I have tried several times to create pages on my blogspot which will tidy up my posts a little.

I was hoping to create pages, with a navigation bar, that can produce separate blog posts to the ones on my home screen. For example, a page of reviews.

If anyone can shed any light on this matter, please let me know how it can be done. I will be eternally grateful!!

Thank You

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Glee - Funeral

* * Spoilers Alert * *

The Spoilers Alert is primarily for the UK viewers and not necessarily the US viewers.

Well, after previous speculation, the character to be killed off was in fact Jean. Indeed, all supporting characters were suspects but I think deep down we all knew it would be poor old Jeany to bite the dust.

Was it as sad as I thought it would be? Well, let's just say that man-sized box of Kleenex I purchased was indeed a waste.

It was sad, but I didn't cry. Now, I do happen to have a swinging brick in place of my heart but I expected this icy exterior to be relatively melted. It was not.

Actually, what drew the dreaded lump to my throat was when Sue gave Becky a hug. It was classic Sue. A glimmer of the caring core that is masked by her wickedness reminded me of how deep down she is an even more loving person that Will. Yep, I said it!

Sue grabbing Will's hand during the service was somewhat clichéd but I did appreciate the Willy Wonka song that happened to be Jean's favourite. Although, personally, I think I would have enjoyed the oompa-loompa song slightly more...

Looking at the rest of the episode: why is Jesse back? It frustrates me that the Glee creators revel in any opportunity they have to regurgitate previous obstacles experienced by the club.

Rachel's voice is sensational. Fact! She makes singing look so easy. I did love all of the auditions though. You cannot beat the natural performances by the characters. Very enjoyable. Even Satan is proving to be quite the vocal princess. Given more time and Naya will be a queen like Lea and Amber. Much Loula Love for these starlets.

Finn and Quinn? Annoyingly exactly the same as Season 1. Only this time, we have Quinn's threat for Nationals. I just hope it turns out to be something big and does not just fizzle into oblivion. With Sue taking a step back, we need someone to step forward to wreak havoc on the Glee club and Lucy Caboosie's devious side has been hiding in the shadows this season, it needs to come back out to play...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

House Hunting - Part 2

We viewed another house last night.

It did not fill me with joyous excitement.

It did, in fact, leave me frustrated and disheartened...

It was a lovely spacious house in a very well-respected area. It was slightly over our budget and required quite a bit of work. Rob seemed keen and looked to the future, surmising that it is a house we would not rush to leave.

It was previously owned by an old lady and, although I agreed with Rob, it meant that we would have to live in that old lady's house until we could afford to decorate it so that it became our house.

I understand that a lick of paint amongst the walls would indeed change its appearance instantly, but we would not be able to replace the carpets so speedily.

Personally, I think they were asking for a higher price than it was worth and we would have primarily been paying for the area rather than the house itself.

Needless to say, the search continues...

P.s. Luckily, no creepy owners to show us round!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 17 May 2011

House Hunting - Part 1

So, Saturday kicked off with a house viewing at 10:00am. It was a nice house in a nice area but we noticed that it needed a lot of work done. Even the Estate Agent was pointing out what he would do to the house. Slightly off-putting... If he's not enthusiastic about the house then we certainly won't be.

We were also under the impression that there was a canal at the back of the house. A lovely notion that made the house seem very pleasant. However, there was no canal, so we just had a house that needed lots of work. Not a great start but things can only get better...right?

Our next viewing was not until 1:00pm so we went back to mine for some breakfast. The post arrived and I was greeted with some property information. We sifted through them and spotted our 1:00pm house in the pile. We both just looked at each other. We didn't like the look of it at all. Was it too late to cancel the viewing? It was 11:15am. I didn't have the heart to call them. Instead, I phoned the Estate Agent and enquired about two of the other houses from the pile.

Next thing I know, we're making our way to one of the houses with a viewing at 12:00pm, followed by another at 12:30pm. It was all happening so fast.

This house would be shown to us by the owner's daughter. We were a little apprehensive about not being shown round the house by the EA. At least we could be brutally honest with them.

We rang the doorbell, our hearts beating ten to the dozen. A lady opened the door and invited us in. She showed us each room with such consideration, offering an insight into the previous owner's care for the house. It was a lovely house, and a lovely owner. The garden was striking too. Very spacious. I could vividly picture the BBQ parties we could have there.

Upstairs was possibly the downfall of the house. Don't get me wrong, it was in lovely condition and we could certainly picture ourselves living there. We just found the rooms to be slightly smaller than we would perhaps have liked them to be.

However, it's not ruled out just yet and it is certainly a strong contender...

At 12:30pm, we moved on to the next house. From the outside it looked huge. We were very excited about looking inside.

We rang the doorbell and a gentleman opened the door. "Hello!" I beamed. He walked away and left the door open. He'd gone into the kitchen. What do we do? We entered the house and stood in the hallway. His wife came out to us and stared at us as if we were unwelcome aliens. It was very awkward.

We said that we'd come to view the house. She just shrugged her shoulders at us, pointed to the door on our right and said "well there's the living room".

Were we supposed to show ourselves round? Is that what usually happens at viewings? Was our first viewing just a very fortunate one with the friendly owner?

Luckily, the woman showed us the rest of the house. There was not much conversation between us and I had to avoid any eye-contact with Rob in case I got a mad case of the giggles. An act that could have led us to never leaving that house again...

Now, I know I was slightly put off by the EA from the first house telling us of the amendments he would make to the house, but this woman actually told us that she hated the house. It didn't fill us with much confidence, even if it was a beautiful house.

When Rob and I finally escaped we were filled with a great sense of relief and deflation. Perhaps we had just struck lucky with the friendly owner at our second house. Now, at 1:00pm, we had to go and view the house that we didn't want to view anymore.

We pulled up a few yards away from the house. It was clear that Rob didn't want to go in. It was only when I pointed out that it would take just 30 mins from our lives to view it, then we could leave and forget all about it.

Walking up the driveway, the owner came out to greet us. Very promising. She took us through to the kitchen and detailed everything that was necessary. The owner was very enthusiastic and even interested in us too. Faith had been restored.

When Rob and I had a little wander round the house by ourselves we felt very comfortable with the house and could picture ourselves living there. There would indeed need to be a lot of work done to make it our own but it had so much potential and it was the first house that we felt very enthusiastic, and excited, about.

We didn't want to leave it!

We have more houses to view this week and we're still not sure we've found our perfect house yet. I'll certainly keep you updated.

Many people have told us about the "feeling" you get when you find your perfect house. I'm not sure if we've felt that yet but I definitely think we will. If we were excited about a house that is not the perfect one, I'm sure we will know when it is...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Monday 16 May 2011

Zeus vs. Henry

I wanted to share this video with the world.

Our Jack Russell, Zeus, decided to start a fight with Henry (the vacuum cleaner).

He is so c-razy...
- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sunday 15 May 2011

Ghost Hunters

This is something that bugs me each time I watch a show like Most Haunted, Paranormal Investigators, Haunted Homes etc...

Why, oh why, do the investigating team always plead with the ghosts to make a noise then, when they do, they run off screaming into the night?

I appreciate the situation is quite frightening but these people have chosen to do that job. Surely they know what they are letting themselves in for?

Perhaps this will remain as one of life's mysteries...

Unless, of course, someone can explain to me why this happens?!


- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Vampire Diaries - Finale

* * Spoilers Alert * *

The spoilers alert is primarily for the UK viewers and not necessarily the USA...

Good grief! What a way to conclude the second series.

What I love most is that nothing is concluded at all...

What the frickerdoodle is going on with Jeremy?? May I add that I created a devilishly dramatic gasp when he was shot dead by Caroline's mother. To some that was possibly quite predictable, but to me it was a huge shock.

I could handle Jenna kicking the bucket last week, but Jeremy dying would have been too much. However, I was pleased to see Anna back. I did quite like her character, but why the frick did they bring Vicky back?? She was hideously annoying the first time round. I can't imagine she has changed much since!

Of course Klaus was lying to Elijah about the whereabouts of his family. That was definitely a predictable one. I did manage to muster up an ounce of sympathy for the backstabber though - he trusted Klaus's word, something that he seemed to accept quite easily. Elena's honesty probably didn't help - her "word" was continuously abided to so no wonder poor Elijah trusted his brother. This time, we shall let his stupidity slide. The fact that that silver dagger has remained in his chest for a period of time previously, before being pulled out to see him brought back to life(?), convinces me that we have not seen the last of him yet...

Stefan? Back on the blood? Back to his bad side? Thank the Lordy for that! That wet lettuce needs to show us something interesting before I take a personal trip to Mystic Falls myself to sort him out. Let's just say I won't be leaving home without a few stakes in the boot/trunk of the car. (I may even pack some steaks too - hey, a girl's got to eat!). So, what will Elena say/do about her beloved bore? Apparently, according to Klausy, he had quite the rep for being a 'Ripper'. Worse than Damon too. Somehow, I still can't see that it makes him any less boring. I shall keep an open-mind, however...

Hurrah! Damon lives!! The chemistry between him and Elena never fails to draw a thick lump to the depths of my throat. She clearly loves him as much as she loves Stefan, but she just can't trust herself with that bad boy. (Who could?) It's just so electrifying. Thank Lordy for Klaus's blood, eh? It's a good job he wasn't eliminated in last week's episode like initially intended - does that mean Elijah is off the hook?

And, finally, Katherine was not trusted by Stefan at all when it came to taking the blood to Damon, was she? But she did. I'm slightly concerned that Katherine does not have a purpose anymore. What could they possibly do with her? Maybe they will focus more on the love triangle and she will get together with "bad" Stefan!?

After such an exciting season, I can only wait patiently and eagerly for Season 3. It can't come quick enough...

P.s. Is it just me or is Alaric getting hotter by the episode? **SIZZLE**

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Saturday 14 May 2011

The State (Covers Band)

After seeing this band last night you wouldn't believe that it was their first gig.

The Struggling Monkey was packed to the rafters with friends, family and the curious, all eagerly awaiting The State's debut performance.

The introduction kicked off with a marvellous rendition of the classic Proud Mary, and if any of the band members were nervous, you would never have guessed.

Amy Barlow sensationally contradicted her petite frame with a big voice, delicately supported by the harmonies of Leanne Lloyd and Ruthy B. Leanne was also on keyboard and modestly wooed the crowd with a beautiful rendition of Fleetwood Mac's Go Your Own Way.

However, it was not just the girls who provided the vocals. Chris Jones expertly duetted with Amy whilst stunning the audience with his guitar playing. An exceptional talent that was matched by the wonderfully rhythmic Chris Taylor on drums and, to complete the band, the astounding Richard Doyle on bass guitar.

With fantastic chemistry oozing between the band members, the audience were welcomed to a very atmospheric performance and a superb set-list.

Each song was performed brilliantly and the mixture of songs, ranging from Toto to Adele to Led Zeppelin to The Beatles, meant that there was something for everyone.

It truly was a fantastic night!

The State are next playing at Pelsall Cricket Club on Saturday 18th June 2011.

You can also follow the band on Facebook by clicking here: The State - Covers Band

The band can be contacted for bookings of gigs, as well as being available for weddings, parties and various other functions. (Information for future gigs is available through The State's Facebook page)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Creative Writing - Can it be taught?

As I am currently at university doing an English with Creative Writing course, this article that I came across in the Guardian indeed caught my attention:

The Guardian - Can you teach Creative Writing?

It was interesting to see what current authors thought about the subject and whether it is a plausible course for a degree. However, I did observe that most of the authors who offered such credible opinions had not actually been on such a course themselves. Fair enough that they went to university, but what's that got to do with the price of books?

I would like to proffer my own opinions on the matter as I have first hand experience and can express whether or not it is indeed a worthwhile course.

I agree 100% that most authors have an innate ability to write well. It just comes naturally to them. That doesn't mean that they will naturally conjure up a novel out of thin air.

Creative Writing courses offer a nudge into the right direction. Before embarking on my course I believed that I would write "Chick Lit" novels. Now, I can't imagine anything worse as I'm not very 'tuned in' to writing such stories, even if I do enjoy reading them. It's difficult to know what your forte is so I believe that CW courses assist with this.

I also believe that it's difficult to know where to start. I spent many years saying that I wanted to write, but I hardly ever did. My mind was filled with so many ideas that were bursting to get out, but every time I attempted to write anything down my pen would stop dead on the page, refusing to create any scrawl at all. Now, I'm blogging most days and am quite happy to sit and write something down, even if I'm fully aware that it's a load of rubbish. I have the confidence to try. That confidence came from my CW course.

Now, I don't want you to think that I am very Pro-CW Courses. I am, but I also want to highlight the bad aspects of such courses.

First of all, as much as I think my tutor for Creative Writing is fabulous (the very animated Ian Marchant) who has offered great support, he is indeed primarily a non-fiction writer. That's great...for my Life Writing module.

I also find that one person's style of writing is different to another's, so while one person may adore my writing, I feel slightly penalised if the tutor marking my work does not naturally appreciate my style of writing. Therefore, I'm not learning to write creatively, I'm being taught to write in a similar style to someone else. Not my own.

My brother writes fantastic poetry but I know for a fact that he could not submit them if he was taking the same CW course as me. They would be deemed too unconventional. Since when was that a bad thing??

So, in my opinion, a Creative Writing course is useful for anyone who wants more understanding about the literature world and once they have established what genre they would like to write for, all tips that have been gathered along the way will assist in helping them to become the confident writer that they aspire to be.

Word of advice: Go into the course with the notion that your tutors will have a different style to you and it is their style that you will be marked on. Unfortunately!

Good Luck to all aspiring writers out there! You have my support!

Loula love xxx

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Oh, they're not the correct lyrics?

Have you ever been singing along with a song, sure that you know all the lyrics off-by-heart? You feel like a superstar. You don't need a backing track. It's you and your hairbrush against the world.

Then one day, you are greeted by the reality of what the words actually are... Very different to what you have been singing.

Do you change your version?

Hell no! Chances are your version was better!

An example, I hear you request from behind your computer screen. OK, I shall offer an example of what I've gotten wrong in the past:

"What a Feelin'" (The Flashdance song) - I believed for many years that it was indeed a rude song. I was shocked and appalled that such lyrics were being pimped out over the sound waves of the radio. "Take your pants off, and make it happen..."

Good grief, I exclaimed. How frightful.

It was only recently that I discovered that the lyrics are actually "Take your passion..."

Ohhhhhh - that would indeed be less controversial, but not as much fun!

Everybody!! ... "Take your pants off..."

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

What's going on?

Playing my role as the good girlfriend last night I picked up Rob, my boyfriend, from the pub as he decided to leave his car and have a few drinks. He has no work today.

It was around 11:30pm when I picked him up so I didn't get to bed till at least 12:00.

That's not what's wrong here...

Somewhere along the line I got roped into taking him to pick his car up at 9:30am this morning! Good grief - I didn't know this was part of the deal when I agreed to pick him up last night.

Would it have been wrong to have told him that I'd rather have a lie-in...?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Glee - Spoilers

* * Spoilers Alert * *

Glee - Episode 21 - "Funeral"

I have just read on the Internet that Glee is losing one of its characters.

This news fills me with great sadness. Especially as I know that it's not going to be Will that they are bumping off (sorry guys, I'm a Mr Schue hater!).

So, there is much speculation flying around as to who it could be. Wikipedia says that it causes devastation to one member of the Glee Club and it is unexpected... Also, word on the street is that the victim of death is female.

Further information indicates that Sue attends the funeral along with the members of the Glee Club.

Here is a list of people who could be given the ultimate boot along with my verdict:

Terri the Terrible - Doubtful. She was part of a great storyline during the first season but she hasn't been involved enough during the second for anyone to really care about her anymore. The kids wouldn't go to her funeral, and Sue definitely wouldn't.

Jean (Sue's sister) - Very Likely. She is a great character who really helped with showing Sue's soft side. Sue would be heartbroken if anything happened to Jean and I think the Glee kids would offer support, even to their biggest hater. If it is Jean, prepare yourselves for a very emotional episode.

Becky Jackson - Very Likely. She has been hilarious as Sue's sidekick and could certainly be given the chop to create an emotional response from Sue. The Glee kids would show their sympathy and attend the funeral. Losing Becky could also affect Brittany who, in the wheelchair episode of the first season, introduces her by buying her a cupcake.

Shelby - Possibly. Losing her Mom would certainly effect how Rachel performs at Nationals. It would also leave Beth without parents which could mean a reconciliation with Quinn and Puck, her biological parents. It would also explain why Jesse St. James is back in town.

Holly Holiday - Doubtful. Gwyneth Paltrow's character is more recurrent than Santana's mono. I don't think we've seen the last of her yet.

April Rhodes - Likely. As much as we love April, I think her time could be running out. Her dreams of Broadway are looking less and less likely of becoming a reality. It could possibly work out that she gets her big break and then dies!?! Such satire really tugs at the heart strings and she is a loveable character. The perfect victim.

Carol - Maybe, but hopefully not. Finn's Mom is too lovely to kill off. The Hudsons and the Hummels deserve much happiness.

Emma - Doubtful. Her OCD storyline is surely too important to just cut off in its prime?

Santana - Possibly. As much as we are all starting to love this tart with a heart, her Lebanese lesbian desires for Brittany may be too much for her to handle. I do hope Glee doesn't go down the suicide route, I'll be in floods just thinking about it.

Lauren Zisis - Possibly. She's still quite the redundant character. Few people have warmed to her.

Coach Bieste - Maybe. A great character who had such great potential. She was under-appreciated by the writers. It seems they were unsure about what to do with her - killing her off could be their only option to bring her back into the show. Ironic?

Quinn - Undecided. As much as I pray that Quinny is not given the boot, it would certainly make for dramatic viewing. It would be unexpected and would definitely impact the Glee club. It would explain why Sue is at the funeral - she said many times that she saw herself in Q.

Any thoughts, guys?

Whoever it is that is being killed off, you will certainly need the biggest box of Kleenex you can find. When Glee wants tears, Glee gets tears...!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Freaky Sleeper

I want to invite you into my sleep world where anything can happen during the night.

You may have experienced a restless night yourself. A night where you chatter to your partner about something random, or even woken yourself up from chattering.

Also, sleep walking is always fun to hear about. You may have awoken to find yourself standing in the kitchen making a ham sandwich as a midnight treat (I hear that a lot) or gotten into bed with your girlfriend/boyfriend's Mom/Dad! (Crikey!!)

All of these shenanigans make for great entertainment, whether it happened to you or someone else. It happens to me quite regularly. I shall share a few stories with you. You may have experienced something similar yourselves...

1. I've always known that I talk in my sleep. My parents used to hear me when I'd nodded off on the sofa. Just random words or a chattering of teeth. The first proper time I found out though was when I went on a school trip with school and had to share a dorm room with three other girls. We'd done rock-climbing that day.

I had fallen asleep and two of the girls carried on talking. I shouted out "I can't climb it!"
"Climb what?" asked Girl A.
"The wall!"
"What wall?"
"That wall! I can't climb it!"
Girl B turned on the light and I was sat up in bed, eyes open.
"Lou, are you awake?" asked Girl B.
"Yeah, I've been awake the whole time!"

Needless to say, I do not remember any of this and only heard of it the following morning.

2. Several times when I have stayed at my boyfriend's house I have either woken myself up or been told the following morning about my crazy antics during the night.

Most nights I would jump up in bed, throw my arms in the air (and wave them like I just don't care! Say ayyyyy-ohhhhhh...) and try to stop the boxes, planks of wood etc, from falling onto us.

Needless to say, there was nothing falling from the sky.

3. I have woken the whole of my family up by shouting "IT WASN'T ME!" about three times. No one knows who I was shouting at or what it was about. All we know is that it wasn't me...

4. And, finally, my favourite of the lot...

I had a dream once that I was squirting a bottle of liquid into a bucket. I remember it so clearly to this day - it was a big plastic bottle and the bucket was a wooden barrel type.

My mom came into my room first thing in the morning to bring me a drink. She woke me up by shouting "What's that??"

I looked to my bedside table where there was my empty glass from the night before...filled halfway with a white substance. Next to it was a bottle of hand cream with the lid off. It didn't take long to work out what had happened.


These are just a few examples of the things I get up to during the night. I'd love to know other people's tales and experiences so feel free to share.

The craziest story will win the title of 'Sleep Walker/Talker of the Year'

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sunday 8 May 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Season 2 Finale

Contains spoilers for Episode 21

Oh my giddy God.  The penultimate episode of the second season was fantastic.  Jenna is brown bread (dead) after her shortlived life as a vampire, John sacrificed his life for Elena by giving her his soul, Elijah saved Klaus from the grips of Bonnie's powers so that he can find out where his family are, Caroline and Tyler are back as a team, and Damon has been bitten by a werewolf so he is dying...

Or is he?  I bloomin' well hope not.  He's the only reason why anyone should be watching the show (apart from Jeremy).

After seeing the promo for the finale episode, it is safe to predict that it is will indeed be a good one.

My opinion?  Damon won't die.  How can he?  They're doing a third series, they won't be able to carry on without the love triangle between him, Elena and Stefan.  However, is anyone else a bit fed up of Stefan being considered the desirable one?  (i.e. Elena and Katherine both love him)  Surely Damon's passion would make them succumb to his desires...  Well, it would certainly work on me.

I appreciate that Damon and Elena would not work too well as they are both such live wires, but surely Stefan is just a bit too drippy for her...?!

I do wonder what will be held in store for Rik now that Jenna has gone.  What will be his purpose?
So, I await the Season 2 Finale with the least amount of patience ever.  I also suggest that in Season 3, there should be more Damon, less Stefan.

A sleeveless Cardigan?

I was just rummaging in my wardrobe for something to wear over my sleeveless top and pulled out a forgotten item. A sleeveless cardigan.

Of course, the sleeveless cardigan! Just what you need when your torso feels the draft but your arms, your arms are on fire...?!

I suppose it serves the same purpose as the fingerless gloves. When you think "oh my, my palms are so cold but my fingers just feel so damn hot. I wish I had an accessory that accommodated such freakish behaviour!"

May I remind you that I live in England. Our days are either hot or cold (although mainly cold) and we have no in-between! A sleeveless cardi and pair of fingerless gloves are invalid items over here.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Curse of the Jack Russell

Cute.. Tiny.. Playful. These are three words that spring to most people's mind when they think of the little scamp that is the Jack Russell.

Terror.. Nightmare.. Brute. These are the words that haunt the other people.

Let me introduce you to our (almost) three year old Jack Russell. His name?


Now, he may appear like butter wouldn't melt but that is where he is leading you into a false sense of security. It's all part of his luring charm.

Look at what he did to Santa! Sorry kids, no Christmas this year.

Don't get me wrong, he can be very lovely and a true delight...when he's one-on-one. If someone has him cuddled in their arms (cue all dog trainers going mental about this!) and someone else comes near that person, he becomes 'Nasty Zeus'. He bears his teeth, growls and genuinely looks like a gremlin. It's as if Gizmo turns into Spike!

But that's not where it ends. If the first person puts him down and the second person picks him up, he then turns on the first person. Very fickle.

Now, we can handle his growls, but there is something that makes him even more of a terror.

Other dogs.

Zeus hates them. He tries to get to them when we take him for walks so that he can attack. And they're not small dogs either. He has sent Alsations whimpering into the night.

It's quite odd as we had another dog, Rolls, an Alsation/Retriever, so he was used to seeing another dog. He would turn on Rolls at times though too... (RIP)

(Just to confirm, Zeus didn't kill him, he died of old age.)

He certainly has 'Little Man Syndrome'. It's such a shame though as it means that he can't enjoy his walks as much, and neither can we.

Has anyone else had this problem? How did you solve it?

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Saturday 7 May 2011

Boudoir Bungle - Blog to Watch

I just want to introduce to you the up and coming blog that is Boudoir Bungle.  The blog is just starting out but it is definitely one to watch in the near future...

Boudoir Bungle is where you can find all the latest reviews, tips and advice for anything fashion-based.  She will also make you envious of any purchases she makes - Bungle knows what's HOT!

A big lover of Celebrity life, Boudoir Bungle will also offer her opinion about what looks good, and what looks downright awful on those not so fashion conscious celebs.

Adele This, Adele That

Seriously, stop throwing Adele down my flippin' neck! There is such a thing as 'overplayed, overkilled', you know!!?

She is only what I can describe as...wait for it...mediocre. I can see this all going in the same direction as many 'pop' artists before her. People are amazed at the fact that there is a new singer in town who hasn't gone all electro on us (I'm talking to you here, BEP!) and has not got that generic voice that most other singers do - as well as not being a size 0. However, like many singers before her, one short break from 'work' and it could be all over. Duffy, anyone? ...Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Still, I should allow her that special 15 minutes of fame that everybody is entitled to. To support that, I will admit that I do like her song "Someone Like You" (not to be confused with the POP hit from Kings of Leon [sell outs]) as it does invoke an emotion from me. Even if it is one of sadness!

I fail to name any other song of hers. Has she done any? Concrete Pavements? That was one, wasn't it?

I heard somewhere recently that Beyoncé told Adele that "listening to you is like being spoken to by God". Are you sure you're not getting confused with Cliff Richard there, B?


Jessie J

This new pop sensation is a little hard to adjust to.

'Price Tag' is indeed a catchy little tune but 'Do it like a Dude' is a bit too freaky for my liking. Not the song so much, but the video is flippin' annoying!!

Jessie J's ridiculous dance moves are just that and why oh why does she have to make annoyingly stupid faces?

She is indeed edging her way to my top spot of my "People who I would most like to punch in the face" list.

Obviously no one should actually punch this poor girl in the face. I don't condone violence, dear readers! It's a bit like when someone punched Leona Lewis in the face. It was wrong! Even if she has got the personality of a wet lettuce...

Anyway, back to Jessie J. So, we've established that she is very annoying but once you strip away the pathetic scrunched up faces and the terribly gimmicky music, you will find that she's not actually that bad. In fact, I will go so far as to share a cheeky little YouTube video of her that I found recently ...

Jessie J - Who You Are

No gimmicks, only a couple of annoying faces, and the song is quite nice too. Enjoy!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Friday 6 May 2011


Master. Maxwell House is my new best friend.

I'm not usually a coffee drinker but as I have assignments due in on Wednesday I have had to force that adrenaline-boosting goodness down my neck.

Needless to say, I'm ready and raring to go. I've already knocked out about 1000 words in the past hour.

I've heard that caffeine also suppresses hunger... Not sure about that!?! Lolzibobs.

Right, I best get cracking with my assignments then. Still a bazillion words to go before I'm finished!

Yeehaw...! (?)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Thursday 5 May 2011

Cheryl Cole - US X Factor

Hmm, not really sure what to make of the news that Cheryl Cole has been confirmed as a judge on the US version of the X Factor.

First of all, I think Cheryl Cole is lovely and really captured the heart of the nation.

I am sure she will do great in America as she truly is beautiful, diplomatic and can spot talent. I just hope they can understand her Geordie accent as I know that I struggle with it sometimes.

I genuinely believe she knew that she was going to be a judge on the show months ago. The fact that she put Cher Lloyd and Katie Waissel through on the UK version last year can only be the result of her mind being elsewhere... On the dollar signs connected with the US show. I can't think of any other reason why those two were put through!?!

At least we still have Dannii. She certainly knows talent and is not afraid to speak her mind about the contestants...or Simon. Perhaps that's why she wasn't invited to the US!?! She doesn't pander to the puppet master.

From a different perspective, I'm a little miffed that BOTH Cheryl and Simon are leaving us Brits for the US. I doubt Cheryl will want to carry on over here once she has a taste of America's good stuff. If we weren't being left with Louis Walsh I wouldn't mind so much...

Still, Michael McIntyre is proving to be a great judge on Britain's Got Talent so perhaps a fresh panel of judges on X Factor will also prove to be a success.

P.s. The jury's still out on The Hoff...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Escape to Euphoria

Picture the scene...

Water is cascading from the taps, steam is emanating from the hot waterfall. You add a generous portion of pink sweet liquid that rumbles delicately into a mountain of fluffy white bubbles. They grow bigger, softly floating towards the edges until the water has turned into a hot prototype of a wintery scene.

You light several candles that cast deep shadows into the corners of the room. Just you and the bath are the only two that aglow. You add a slight din to the room, it's a love song.

Your leg carefully slips into the water. The bubbles are undisturbed so you invite your other leg, then the rest of your body. The water's heat tenderly prickles at your skin as your mind drifts to an exotic location. A serene Caribbean beach? A quiet meadow? A peaceful forest?

You feel each muscle relaxing, sending a numbness surging through your body. Your eyes are closed and the bubbles continue to lash across you playfully.

You remain in this pool of hot, precious cotton wool for about half an hour. Tranquility.

When you're out of the bath, it doesn't end there...

A white blanket of angel feathers is wrapped around you. It's warm and magically makes the last of the dependable bubbles disappear.

You are then greeted by a toasted set of pyjamas. They're perfectly ironed so no crease clings to your moistened body. They fall blissfully to each curve.

To complete this paradisiacal journey you timidly climb into your freshly made bed. The duvet feels fluffier than usual and you are quickly captured within this envelope of satin that offers a precious scent of lavender and vanilla.

You elegantly drift into an evening of blissful unconsciousness...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Picture of Death

As pleased as I am that Osama Bin Laden is dead, I don't think I would like to see the photo that displays his assassinated body. I believe it would be quite disturbing.

I appreciate that people would like confirmation that he is well and truly dead but surely a death photo is just that little bit too morbid!?!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sex Ed for the youngsters

I've just read an article regarding Nadine Dorries' (MP) insistence that girls should be taught to say 'no' to sex. I very much agree with this but I also think boys should be taught this too. Not only is it quite the cosmopolitan world out there but anyone being taught Sex Ed is usually underage and should therefore be taught how wrong it is for them at that age, not just how to make it safe.

I also read that the girls are taught how to put a condom onto a banana. We never had that at school. Thank God - why would I want to touch that slimy little critter? I'm 25 and still don't want to. My rule is: if the guy wants sex, he can put it on himself.

There is too much sex advertised to these kids. You can't watch any of the soaps without seeing it displayed in one way or another. Rosie Webster from Coronation Street is a prime example. She was still a schoolgirl when they started pimping her to the nation. It's very disturbing and terribly the wrong message to be sending to its young, impressionable viewers.

Surely there is a better way to tell the kids not to have sex till they're old enough...?

To quote Coach Carr from Mean Girls: "Don't have sex because you will get pregnant...and die!"

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Malevolent Moth

To many, the moth is considered to be just another summer night pest.

To others, myself included, it is a disgustingly hideous creature that appears to be a winged demon.

The way it flicks into a room, knocking clumsily into walls, making its way towards the light is one of the most frightening things I've ever encountered.

I would rather sleep in a room full of scorpions than have to greet a moth. Just the thought of their furry bodies make me want to vomit. They are grotesque and should be extinct. WHERE DO THEY COME FROM??

I blame the deceitful butterfly. I believe they are the cousins of these beasts. If they lived in the human world, the moths would be gangsters and the butterflies would be their molls.

Mafia Moths!

I read recently that, although it is apparently rare, the fear of moths is called 'mottephobia'.

If only it could be winter all year round. At least then we would not have to deal with this little horrors during the summer...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Vintage TV

I have to express my love for this channel (Sky - 369) as it's just fabulous.

There are so many classics ranging from Led Zeppelin to Buddy Holly to The Doors that appear on there. It kicks VH1's 80s butt.

The other day I saw The Smiths on Vintage and it was the first time I'd seen a song other than This Charming Man. They actually played Panic. I've never seen a video for that song before.

Great stuff!

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Sparky and George

Well, I had quite the fright last night...

I was messing around on my phone before going to sleep (iPhones are too addictive) and, as the battery is so rubbish, I routinely plugged mine in to charge.

Now, before I go on, I just want to confirm that the charger in question was not the original Apple one that came with the phone. This was a different one with a little red light that my bro gave me when I couldn't find my original.

So, the scene is set. I turned round to turn my bedside lamp off and was greeted with a bizarre sound coming from the opposite side of the bed (where my phone and the charger were residing). It sounded like when you run your fingernail up and down a zip seam. That kind of clicking noise.

When I looked, there was nothing there and I had no idea what it could be. I tugged on the wire thinking it might have been rubbing against the zip of my bag which was lying beside it.

It was as soon as I realised that my bag does not have a zip that a huge blue spark frazzled out of the plug. Holy smokes, Batman!

I have never seen anything like it. For a split second I thought that perhaps it would send me off into the past. Obviously then I remembered cool stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. Damn Marty McFly gets all the fun. Maybe I should get myself a flux capacitor...?

Anyway, I'm deviating, the point of the matter is that it was very scary and I'd never seen anything like it before. I quickly switched it off and, after building up the courage, I pulled the plug from the socket.

Luckily, (I think) I'm ok! *twitch*twitch*

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Life as a Writer

So, as you have probably guessed from the bombarding of blogs that I keep whacking on here...I like to write. I am a writer.

No, I don't have a novel published, I'm not a journalist and I'm no Perez Hilton but why does that mean that I'm not a writer?

I enjoy writing, in every sense of the word. My favourite pen is a Berol Handwriting pen - I just thought I'd share that. I like texting, emailing, twittering, facebooking, writing notes, writing letters, writing stories, writing essays...well, maybe not essays but you get my drift.

My question is: Why do you need to be considered "professional" before you are labelled a certain way. I like being creative and I like words.

My goal is to have a novel published so why should I wait till it is published before calling myself a writer? It's not something that happens overnight. It's in my veins. It's who I am.

There are millions of writers out there who are creative and haven't been published, just like there are published writers out there with poor spelling. Everyone is good at something different but can be aiming for the same goal. That's what makes life wonderful.

I may post some of my stories on here soon.

Everyone out there is welcome to post comments about who they are, what their skills are, what they've achieved, anything and everything. I'd love to know. I'd love you to share.

Loula Love xxx

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Gleetwood Mac Episode

Ooh another good episode of Glee. I loved that they covered Fleetwood Mac songs.

It's proving that the best episodes are the ones that focus on the main characters and there is so much drama in the club!

Rachel loves Finn who loves Quinn, but might also love Rachel. Satan loves Brittany who loves Artie, but also loves Satan (obviously I mean Santana and not the devil). Sam is homeless. Will wants to be on Broadway. And Lord Tubbington smokes.

There's just so much going on and not enough episodes left...

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

The Inbetweeners Movie

Roll on 19th August when Will, Jay, Simon and Neil hit the silver screen.

It's going to be epic! I'm not entirely sure what the plot is - as far as I know the boys go to Crete for a lads' holiday. Oh dear...

As much as I want to know what happens with Simon and Carli, I think I would prefer not to see that miserable mug of hers...especially on the movie screen where it's 10 x the size. I saw her last year, sat outside a pub - she's just as miserable in real life. Lordy only knows why as 1. Her Dad is Anthony Head, and 2. She gets to kiss Simon in the show. Two points why she should be happy. Ah well, I guess life has no rhyme or reason really.

Anyway, like I said...I'm looking forward to it turning up on the big screen in a few months' time as the show is a classic, and after the success of series 3 I have high expectations!

I heard that Simon Bird (Will) threatened to quit as he thought he deserved more money than the other three. If this is true I am appalled. Not at his audacity but because he thinks he is more important than the other three. Newsflash Birdy ... You're not! Everyone knows that Jay is the glue holding that show together.

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone

Shappi Khorsandi

I saw this comedienne on BBC Three last night for the first time...she is absolutely hilarious.

She's certainly the best comedienne I've seen in a very long time.

Loula's Comedy Rating: ••••
(She lost out on a blob as I wouldn't put her in the same category just yet as John Bishop, Michael McIntyre, Peter Kay or Rhod Gilbert)

- Loulabella posting from her iPhone